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<br />ADJUST ABLE RATE RIDER <br />(I Year Treasury Index-Rate Cllps-Fi:Iled Rate Conversion Option) <br /> <br />88-104163 <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />THIS ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER is made this 29th day of August <br />19 88 , and is incorporated into and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed of Trust <br />or Security Deed (the "Security Instrument ") of the same date given by the undersigned (the "Borrower") to secure <br />Borrower's Adjustable R~te Note (t~e "Note") to <br />Central Mortgage Corporation (the "Lender") of the <br />same date and covering the property described in the Security Instrument and located at: <br /> <br />4355 Cambridge, Grand Island, Nebraska 68803 <br /> <br />[Property Addr.,,' <br /> <br />THE NOTE CONTAINS PROVISIONS ALLOWING FOR CHANGES IN THE INTEREST RATE <br />AND THE MONTHLY PAYMENT. THE NOTE LIMITS THE AMOUNT THE BORROWER'S <br />ADJUSTABLE INTEREST RATE CAN CHANGE AT ANY ONE TIME AND THE MAXIMUM <br />RATE THE BORROWER MUST PAY. THE NOTE ALSO CONTAINS THE OPTION TO CONVERT <br />THE ADJUSTABLE RATE TO A FIXED RATE. <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL COVENANTS. In addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Security Instrument, <br />Borrower and lender further covenant and agree a~ follows: <br /> <br />A. ADJUSTABLE RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br />The Note provides for an initial interest rale of 7.75 <br />in the adjustable interest rate and the monthly payments, as follows: <br /> <br />4. ADJUSTABI.E INTER..:ST RATE AND MONTHt\' PAYMENT CHAN(jES <br /> <br />Wo. The Note provides for changes <br /> <br />(A) Cb.nlle Oatn <br />The adjustable interesl rate I will pay may change on the first day of August <br />19 89, and on that day every 12th month thereafter. Each date on which my adjustable interesl rale could change <br />is caUed a "Change Date." <br /> <br />(B) The Index <br />Beginning with the first Change Datt:, my adjustablt: intep:st ratt: will be bast:d on an Index. The "Indt:x" is tht: <br />weekly average yield on United State~ Treasury set:urities adjustt:d 10 a constant Illaturity of I year, as made available <br />by the Federal Reserve Board. The mmt recent Index rigurt: available a, of Ihe dalt: 45 days before each Change Date <br />is called the "Currenl Index." <br />If the Index is no longer available, the Note Holder will chome a ne" index whidl is based upon comparable <br />informalion, The Note Holder will give me notice of this choice. <br /> <br />(C) Calculation of CbaDln <br />Before each Change Date, the Note Holder will calculate my new inleresl rale by adding two and seventy- <br />five hundredths percentage points ( 2. 75 qr.lto the Current Index. <br />The Note Holder will then round the result of this addition 10 the nearest one-eighth of one percentage point (0.125%). <br />Subject to the limits stated in Section 4(0) below, this rounded amount will be my new interes[ rate until the next <br />Change Date. <br />The Note Holder will then determine lhe amount of Ihe monthly payment that would be sufficient to repay the <br />unpaid principal thai I am expected 10 owe at the Change Date in full 011 the maturily date al my new interest rate <br />in subslantially equal payments. The result of this calculation will be lhe new amount of my monthly payment. <br />(0) Limits OD Interest Rate Cbanlles <br />The interesl rate I am required 10 pa~' al the 11m Change Date willllot be grealer than 9.75 Oh <br />or less lhan 5.75 %. Thereafter, my adjustable inter<.'sl rme will nc\'cr be increased or decreased <br />on any single: Change Date by more lhan lwO percentage poims (2.0%) from the rale of interest I have been pa~'in/,! <br />for rhc preceding 12 months. My imere,( fllle will never be grealer than 13.75 %. which is called <br />the "Maximum Rate". <br />(EI Effc:ctivc: Dille: of ChanlCC:s <br />My new inlerest rale will become effecti\-e on each Change Dale. I will pay thc amoullIof my nc\\ mOlllhly paymclII <br />beginning on the first monthly paymem dale after Ihl' Change Date untillhe arnounlof my mOlllhly paymcnt dlanl!l" <br />again. <br />((0') Notlre of Cbanltes <br />The Note Holder will deliver or mail 10 me a nlllice of any change, in lilY adju-rahll' 'J1ICrl'" rail' and Ihl' ;1I110llJII <br />of my monthl)' payment before Ihe dfeclivc datc of any change Thc nOlin' 11111 HlduJl'lllfllllllall'1I1Il'<jUHl'J b\ la\\ <br />10 be given me and also lhe tille and telephone number of a per""l \\ 11\1 \\ ill an-\\l" any <jUl"tlllll I ma\ ha\ l' 'l'garJlI1g <br />lhe notice. <br />B. nXEU INn:REST RATE OPTION <br /> <br />The NOle provides for the Borrower', opliolllO convcrt from an adjuslable tlllerl',t ..lie with illll'Il"t ratl'hlll'!' <br />III a fixed imeresl rate, as follows: <br /> <br />~. nXt:[) INn:REST RAn: CONVI-:RSION OPTION <br />IAI Option to COllvert III "'Iud Ratr <br />I have a Cmwl'rsion Option Ihat I can exercise IInles, I alll in dl'fauh or 1111, Sl't'lIon 'ic" I \\111 1\0' P<"11\1I Ill\' <br />to do SQ, The "Con.t:rsion Option" is my "ptlon to n)f1\,ert lhl' inll'reSI lale I al1\ rrljulrrJto pay b\ Ih" """1'- III.m <br />an aJlu'lahlc ralc wilh illlere" rate limit~ to the fj\eJ rule eakuhueJ IInder S""'I<1I1 ~lnl !>dlm <br />The l'(ln"~"'lHl ran nlll~ lake pluel' nil a datels) ,pedficJ hy lhl' Nnle HnIJ,,, dllllng flI<' pl'lIn.! ht'~II1llll1~ _'1\ <br />,hl' 11f" Chang~ DUll' Illlt! endlllg 011 I he fifth Chull!ll' Dale. Fadl dull' nIl \\ 111.11 1111 ad 1"'1 ahk III1"'l"1 I all' "Ill ,,'11'1"[ <br />In Ihl' Ill'\\ Il\rJ rate" ,-alkJ thl' "Coll\el,ioll Dale" <br /> <br />MUl tlSTATf Af)JUSTA8LE RATE RIDER ARM PLAN 51 SIl\UI,. ~ "tll,l~ Fnnnto M.e Uniform In,nunnu\! <br />~..84!Jt. et,AI't,,'l!1"'.t.I.I',IIf,.",6 "I _"",". _1_,' <br /> <br />I 111m 1 1 111 '.' f1 ~ <br />