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<br /> <br />,,',t <br /> <br />, " <br />, " <br /> <br />\ <br />" <br /> <br />'~J .'; <br /> <br />.~ /;;,'\: <br /> <br />.: . <br />'.,:,t;..;!, <br /> <br />,;.';, <br />or '., <br /> <br />,:() <br /> <br />fj ~ <br /> <br />".J' ! <br /> <br />,"I. <br /> <br />88- <br /> <br />104140 <br /> <br />~ .f <br /> <br /> <br />lUarrantg Cerneterg Deed <br />-IN- <br />......L... MBMORIAL P.R. <br />of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />a cemetery association <br />incorporated under the <br />cemetery laws of the <br />State of Nebraska <br /> <br />TIU8 INDIlNTURJ!l: Made UtIa.._Z),LtttdaY of_______J.lll~_________________..A. D., 111-EB-, <br />behrMll 'WZSTLAWN MEMOIUAL PABa O1CID:TERY OF GRAND ISlAND, lII1IlBBAIIIlA, I'lnt. r.ty, <br />and ____\:{!I_Lt~_L_!;:_&__:;LQn.LLIJ'.I!1._J:; ~_l.ia._Ji..__S.Q.n,fL__________________m_ <br /> <br />_~~~_l?~_':!..d_ __E!!1_~_ _~_!_(~_l_ _~_~_ j.s!. j. _ ~,!:__ _~~_~_'!!l_t_s._,I!.!lA _ _!l_Q-':.__~p___t:.!'!J!l!!.tt~L-!n. <br /> <br />_:~_~_~?_~..'__::!_~_~__~_i_~_~~___~L_.s_~_~:'_~_~?_:_~~_~R__ __ _ _ _ ______________________~ 8eeoDd r.ty. <br /> <br />WlTNESBlCTH: That Firlt Party for and In conslderaUon of Ute lurn of <br />_~!t'L~LQ].J._I!!'__.!!!.l_c!__2_t:.!L~.F..__~!I_Ll!!I_J.l J:.~__.!=_ 9_l!p_! _c!.~_Lf!.U.9_!JR._________m_____DOLLAR8 <br />the receipt whereof II hereby acknowledged, hu aold and by thue preeenbl dOftl grant, convey and conftrm <br />. or to heirs and <br />unto the second Party and to Ikcond Party. helrl &lid ..lpI nnn______________________h__________ <br />_<::>_ ~!_~_~:'_ _.?.!_ _ _t_~_:_ _ ~ _~.:_~ _i_ ~ _ ~:_ _ _~!. _ _~ ~ _:~ _ _~ ~_: _: '!_ ': _r:.! _ _ ~~_ ~_ _~_~?_~ ___ ______________ <br />SpacES3-4-S-6, Section "D" <br />___________________nn __ n__n_ _ _ _ n_ _n____ ____nn _ __ _________of WESTLA WN MlCKORIAL PARK <br />of Oralld 1aIand, Nebruka, e1tuated In Hall County. Nebruka. a cemeury tA:> be uaecI for IntermOll1t pur- <br />~ 01117, ........ ... dedicated and declared. the Plat of Aid cemetsy beln&' recorded In the ott1ce of the <br />R.... of Deeda of Hall County, Nebraaka. <br /> <br />'nIIII deed III lIUbject to all JaWI of the State of N ebruka, and to all by-Iawa, ruiN and rqulaUona <br />of WJ:8'n..AWN MJDlORIAL PARK CICMETERY of Orand Ialand, Nebruka, and to any c:hanCN In ald <br />Ja_ I13'-Ja_, rulea and reculaUonl, <br /> <br />Any tnarWer of UUe of any part of the above deacrlbed property ahall not be valid unW Ute ame <br />IIu been recorded upon the boob or the Flrlt Party, <br /> <br />WJ:8'n..AWN MICHORl,A,L PARK CEMETERY OF ORAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA. hereby _ <br />l1&li'- aud qreeII to and wiUt the Second Party and with the helnl and uaJ&'na of Ute Becond Party, U1at <br />at UIa Urne of Ute execllUon and delivery of theee pruenbl It IIIlawtully eelzed of aa1d prmm..; U1at It baa <br />COOd rtcbt and Jawtlll authority to convey the aame; that they are free from encumbrance aud I'lnt. r.ty <br />doea IwreII7 covenant to WlUT&IIt and defend the prem....,. agabult the lawtlll c1aim8 of all per8OII8 who_ <br />ever. <br /> <br />WIIl8TLAWN MB:MORIAL PARK CICMETERY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA. -.reM to fur- <br />nIab perpetU&1 care, adminllltnUon and maintenance of the above ducrlbed premiaa u provlded by lbl by- <br />JaWL <br /> <br />IN W~ WHJCRJ:OF, The aa1d WESTl.AWN MEMORIAL PARK CEMJCTB:RY OF GRAND <br />JBLAND, NI:BRA8KA.. IIu hereunto cau.eed llJl corporate leal to be affIXed and Utue prnenbl to be alened <br />b7 JbI prealclent Ute day and year flrat above written, <br /> <br />~~~:"'~--~-=~-~ <br /> <br />: i" ~f,.4/.:, tt~~Prealdent <br /> <br />, T <br /> <br />.,,_ ,J <br />, ";; , ;'8'I'At'" or ,~, } <br />,-', i -,: ! _U:'..:.~~ : : 'I ... <br />;,;" .,...', 1;lUU~' 011' HALL <br />.. i ;;r '-;" ::<'.i,-~"~11tt.tLday of _________________.J.~J.Y______________________n_______________. 1'_~~___, <br /> <br />,;:,~;~~ "'~'_'~ '~ed, a noLary public, In and for aald county and ltate, pereonally came ______u_____ <br />,~ "\,.,-~ . , " .. <br />,/ f', i '... Art h u r P. S tel k <br />", . :. ------------------- ------------------------------ - -- --- - -------------- ----- ----- -- ---- ----------- <br />/;.:'" ~1 <br /> <br />i\': <br /> <br />1-.. <br /> <br />'.'~ :">' <br />',,., " <br /> <br />~,~::~;;J <br />'>'j <br />"'1 <br /> <br />.......t 01 W..uaWD Memorial Puk Cemetery of Grand uland. Nebruka, to me pel'lOnally known to be <br />tbe ......t aud Ute I4atkal penon whoM name Ia affixed to the above COIIveyance, and acknowledpd <br />tbe ~UaII thereof to be hili Voluntary act and deed u alH:h officer and the voluntary a"t and deed of the <br />8&14 Weel:I&WII M~ Park Cemetery of Gran~ uland. Nebrulta, and that the corporate Ileal of Ute eakI <br />W.u- X--. l"uk Cemetery of Orand laland. Nebruka. wu thereto atflxed by III authority. <br /> <br />" 1!Jn~ mt .band and notarJa1 aeal the day And yelll' Jut above written. <br />, ',.; <br /> <br />'0 (.. ': ~ J . <br /> <br />,~-9_~_m_,'d3~n_ <br />Notary Public <br /> <br /> <br />1', :~ <br /> <br />. <br />'t11. 'of ,I ...... <br />'" ':.,:~.;:4';','~'~~';.~'" <br /> <br />" <br />:~~ . <br />