<br />6. Time is the "Slit,'nce hereof, and upon lVlortgagor's default in
<br />any con venarttl b,\.,agreemenf of this Mortgage, including covenants to pay
<br />when due the slims secured by t.his ~Iortgage. t.he ~Iortgagee shall be
<br />entitled, at its sole option and without notice, to declare all sums
<br />secured by this Mortgage to be immediately due and payable and may
<br />commence foreclosure of this Mortgage by judicial proceedings; and,
<br />provided further, that II pon such default the Mortgagee, or a receiver
<br />appoint.ed by a COUI't, may at its option and without regard to the
<br />adequacy of the securit:f, enter upon and take possession of the
<br />Propert~' and collect the rents, issues and profits therefrom and app!j-
<br />them first to the cost of collection and operation of the Property and
<br />then upen the indebtedness secured by thiR Mortgage; said rents, issues
<br />and profits being assigned to the Mortgagee as flll'the!' security fOI' the
<br />payment of the indebtedness secured hereby.
<br />
<br />7. If all or anJ' part of the property is sold or transferred
<br />without the express ,,,ritten consent. of t.he Mortgagee, MortgagE'e may at
<br />its sole option, declare all sums sr:-cured by this Mortgage to be
<br />imlllediatf.ly due and pa~'able.
<br />
<br />8, Any forbearflncf' in '.":I.t"'lsjn~ any right or remedy shall not be
<br />a wai""I' thel'eoL
<br />
<br />9. All remedies provided hel'ein H/'f~ distinct. and cumulative to
<br />any othf'r right affol'th'd by Ill'. or equity. and ma,,' be exe/Tised
<br />concurrently, independently 0" "lIcet'ssively.
<br />
<br />10, The convenunts and f1gl"l'l"ments contained herein shall bind. and
<br />all right.s inure to, the ll'spr:-ctive successol's and assll~ns of the
<br />~lOl.tgagol' and the 1'lortgagee.
<br />
<br />II. All conVf>nant.s IInd Ill{reenwnts of t hp \'Io/'Ll:;agot' and the
<br />Mortgagee are Joint antl se\'el'al.
<br />
<br />12, Upon pa~'rn"nt of all sllrns secured by this 1-lort~age. ~ortgagee
<br />shall dischal'ge this ~10t'tgage and shall eXeclIte and deliver Ii
<br />satisfactory release therefor.
<br />
<br />~~yW~~N~~8~:)f.tgUgOt' oxecuted this "-lortgage on the
<br />
<br />
<br />(fl~t..e ~Yiuif.>,,- "'CIIARLESA.LAWSON'
<br />. .,~~.&gn/
<br />
<br />.Lt2 U-
<br />
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, COUNTY (11" &-.,..
<br />
<br />The foregoing instrument 'vus acl(nO\,'Jcdg('d before me this ~~,
<br />by Chf~rles A. Lawson and Vera M. Lawson, husband and wife.
<br />
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