<br />If Lender required mortgage msurance as a condition of making the loan securJ<<iliTs se!~y~~R~nt,
<br />Borrower shall pay l!le premiums required to mainlain thc insurance in effect until such lime as the rcquirement for the
<br />insurance lerminateS in accordance with Borrower's and Lender's written agreemenl or applicable law.
<br />8, Inspectlon. Lender or its agent may make rcasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, Lender
<br />shall give Borrower notice atlhe time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection,
<br />9. Conc!emnlilion. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direcI or consequential, in connection with
<br />any condemnalion or other taking of any part of the ProperlY, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby
<br />assigned and shall be paid 10 Lender.
<br />In the event of a total laking of the Properly, the procecds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security
<br />Instrumenl, whether or not then due, with any ellCCSS paid 10 Borrower. In lhe event of a partial taking of the Property,
<br />unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing, lhe sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by
<br />the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the followmg fraclion: (a) the total amount of the sums secured immediately
<br />before lhe taking, divided by (b) the fair markel value of the Property immediately before the taking. Any balance shall be
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If lhe PropcrlY i, abandoned by Borrower. or if, arter notice by Lendcr to Borrower that the condcmnGr offers 10
<br />make an award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fall, 10 respond 10 Lender wilhm 30 days arter lhe dale thc notice IS
<br />given, Lendcr is aulhorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at its option, either In restoration or repair of the Properly <Ir
<br />10 the sums secured by this Securtly In"rument, whelher or nOlthen dUe.
<br />Unlcss Lender and Borrower otherWIse agree 111 writmg, any application of procceds 10 pnnclpal shall nol extend or
<br />postponc the due dalc of Ihe mOnlhly payments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 or change the amOUI1l of such payments.
<br />10, Borrower Not Relea~; Forbearance By under Not a Waiver, Exlcnslon of Ihe time for paymenl or
<br />modification of amorlillllion of Ihe sum, secured by Ihts Security Instrumenl granted by I.ender 10 any successor m
<br />interest of Borrower shall nol operale III release Ihe liabilily of the ongll1al Borrnwer or Born,wer's succcssors on IIl1ereS!
<br />Lender shall not be requirL-d 10 commence proceedings against any SuccesM>r HI II1lereSl or refuse 10 e'tend time fnr
<br />paymenl or otherwise modify amorllzalion of the sums sccurcd by this Security Inslrumenl by reason "f any demand made
<br />by the original Borrower or Borrower's s.uc('C's.r;,or-.. 1l1If1tCTC"t.. Any forhearance hy I.c:nda:r In l.xa:n..'I...tn~ an~ nghl pr n...med~
<br />shall not bea waiveroforpreclud~ thee.\erclsc of any righl nr remedy
<br />11. Successors and Amps Bound; Joint and Seyeral liability; Co-sIRJIeNi, 1 h~ Cl!\l'nanls and a~reem~nls or
<br />this Security Inslrumenl shall bind alld henefitlhe succe"ors and assigns of Lend~r and Borrower, subJecl !lllhe prll\ISlOnS
<br />of paragraph 17. Uorrower's covcnant,and agr""ment~ ,hall he JOIIII and '~\eral An~ Borrow~r \I "" L'n-"g'" thIS Secunly
<br />InMnlmcnl hut doe~ not execule the Note: (a) t\ CO-\Ignlng. thl'" Set.:unt~ In~lrumC'nl (lnl~ III Il1llrt~a~c. granl and conve)
<br />lhal Borrower'~ mlerL."l m Ih" Propcrty under Ihe lernlS of Ih" S~cunly InSllumenl Ihl IS n'" per,,'na'h I1bhgaled I" pay
<br />lhe sums !>l:Cured b~' Ihis Securily. II1'trumelll; and (e') agrl~ thai 1.ender and an~ I1thcr lIo"nwer lIIa\ dgrt'C 10 t'\lcnd,
<br />modify, forbear or make any accommodation, with rcgarllln thc term, of 11m Se<.unly In,trulllenl l1f Ihe Nnte WllhOUI
<br />thaI Borrower's cnn,ent.
<br />12. Loan Chal'llcs, If Ihe loan ...."Cured by thIS Security Inslrulllent "suble<'IIII ala\\ \\)udl sels ma..mum loan
<br />charges, and rhat law IS finally mlerpret~d so Ihat Ihe inler",1 or olher Il1an dUlrges ,,,lIecled IIr In be collected III
<br />connerltlln with the loan exctoed the pernnlll-d hmlts, Ihen: (a) any ,uch 11Ian charge ,hall he reduced by Ihe amoum
<br />nl'..-c."sary' to reduce Ihe charge 11I1h" perrnilled hmil: and (b) any 'um', alrelllh collCl..ted from Ilorrnwer which exceeded
<br />permined hmits will be rcfunded In Borrower Lenll~r llIay ch"',,e 10 make It", lI.fuml h~ ret!ucmJ1 the pnnclpal owed
<br />under lhe Noteor by making a direct payment :0 Borrower If n refund rl-due..s pnnL'lpal. Ih<' ".t!ucllon will h.. treated as a
<br />partial prepayment Without any prepaymenl charge under Ihe Nnte.
<br />13, Legislation AlfeclinR l..ender', RiRhts, If enactment nr e'plf:lllnn of appl1L"ablt, laws has the effel.t of
<br />rendenng any prml\lon oflhe Nute or thIS St"Cunty Instrument unenforce.abk OILU III.hn~ 1" 11.' lerms, lend~r. at Its opl,on,
<br />may require Immedlale pa)'mel1l In full of all ,um, secured by thIS Seeurny In'lrument and may I",oke any rcmedlcs
<br />permllled by' paragrdph 1'1. If Lcndcr excrc.~c:s lh.s optu,". Lcnder vhnlllakc Ihe steps spcnfied III the second paragraph of
<br />paragraph 17.
<br />14. Nollces. Anynollce 10 Uorrn"n pnwlded for III tillS Securn~ Inslrumenl sh,,11 be gl\en by dehverlllf! Il or by
<br />.nailing it by firsl cia" mall un I""" apphcabk law requ,rc:s u.se of anolher melhod. The n<lllce ,hall be dlfeclcd 10 Ihe
<br />Propcrty Address or any Illher lIddre" Borrower d"'lgnate, by nollcc to Lender. Any nl'tlCl' 10 Lcnder ,hall be f!".en by
<br />!irst cla.,s mail III Lender's addrcs, ,tated herelll or any other addr",s Lender d""'gnalcs by nolt"e to Borro"'cT. Any nOllce
<br />provided for m till, Serumy Instrumclll ,hall be decmed III have hL'Cn g,ven III Borrower or Lcnder when given a, PflWldcd
<br />III thiS ~laragraph.
<br />15, Governinll La..; Severability'. 1111, Securny Instrument shall be gm~rncd hy federal law and the Ia\\ of rh~
<br />jurisdi.tlOn III which thc Property IS localed. In Ihe e\'cnllhal an) pru\lslOn or clause of 1111' Secunty InstrulJlcnl or the
<br />Note conflict, with applicable law, such conflict shall notaffccl other pnwision, of 1111, Secunly Instrument or Ihe :S:ot~
<br />which can be: given effect \\nllout Ihc conflicting prm'S1on, To lhlS end the prm"ions oflhis SCCUnly (n..rumenl and Ihe
<br />NOle arc declared to be se,erable.
<br />16. Borrower's COP)', Uorro\\'t.."r ",hall he gtvt:n one ..:..mfnrmt:d ('or) of the Nn1e and of rill', SeL"ur1f~ Im.trumclH
<br />17. Transfer of the Propert) or a Deneficial Interesl in Ilorro..er. If all or any part lIf the Property or any
<br />1IIlerC!ol tn it is sold or transferrL-d (or If a beneficlallllterc"i' tn Borrower" ,old or IransfcrrL-d and Horn1\\er "nol a nalural
<br />pcrson) without Lender's prior wrillcn consent, Lender may, al It, oplllln. require IIl1medial~ paymcnl ,n full of all ,"m,
<br />secured by thiS Security InSlrumcnL 1I0wcver, th" oplllm shall not he e'clclScd by Lellder ii' <'xe"',,e IS prllluhllcd by
<br />fLXlerallaw as oflhcdale oftll.s Security. In,lrumen!.
<br />If Lendcr cxcrcises this ophon. Lendcr shall give Borrowcr nollcc of acceleration. The 110llcc shall prn\1dc " I'c,,<>d
<br />ofnotlcs., than 30da)'s from the dale the notice is dcl" ered or mUllet! WIIIIIIl \\ hich n.)rro\\er mu" pll~ nil sum, sccur<'d by
<br />Ih" Security Instrumenl. If Uorrower fails to pay' the.se slim' pnor rOlhe expiration of IhlS pe"od. I<'ndc, IJlll~ 111\ oke ""Y
<br />remedies permiUed by lhis SecurilY Inslrument wilhout further nollce or demand on Borrower.
<br />18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Borru\\er mee!s certain condit","s, Horrower shall have the nght 10 ha,e
<br />cnforcemenl Oflhi, Security InSlrument dlscollllnued alal1Y lime prior lothe eurhcr of: (a) 5 days (or .'uch ,>/he, p,'r;"d '"
<br />applicable law mal ,pccif) fm rdn'IOltcmenl) before ",Ie of the Properly rursuant Il1 any po"e. of ",lie c,"'ldllled 111 Ih"
<br />Security Inslrumenl; or (b) en1r} of a Judgntcnl cnforcmj!:llu.s Secunly IlIslrunwnl Tlu"c comhtlon, arc I hal 1l'"T,,\\er
<br />(al (lays tender all sums which then would he due under rhls Sct'unty In,lrUntcnl nnd the ~Ole had ,I<' ;ILL\.klallllll
<br />occurr'cd; (b}l.:ure.fio an)' default of an)" other (o\cnant\ ur agrl~crncfll\. (c) pay' all c.~~pcn'c'" 1I1l:uffc."d III l..'nrl1rl.:IIl~ 1111'
<br />Sccuri:l> In\lfUmenl. II1duLllllg. bUI nul hUlIll.J to. rca...onahlc atlorne).,,' fl'c,. .and (d) la"-t.." 'lh..h ,1l.'t1l.11 a"l 1 1.." I h.k , 1I1~1)
<br />reawnabl} rC4ulfc to a"me Ihat the Ilell nf Ih" SecUrlly IlI\lrUl1Ienl, I endn'- "g~l\ 111 the I'r"pnt~ ,111.1 !I""",,,,,,
<br />ohhgatlOlI hi Jl.3~ the 'unu. ~"urccJ by Ihi\ SCL'llfll) III\trurnent ..hall lonflOU\.' ulh:hangt'd t'PIIIl fl'lIl'.I;.II,'nll"1l1 h,
<br />ll<'rrn1o.\("r. till.. Sct:unl) In..trument ,juld the ohllgullol1\ '-occured hereh) ,hall relll,llll full). dTl'l' t'C ..' 11 lit' .1\ ll'kl,111l III h..d
<br />{lI((urred Itn\A.t'\.tr, ItU\ nghllo rc::'In"t:JlC ..huH 1101 appl) III ,Ill' \..a"-C,' ,If :h.\.."clnall;lfl unJn P;H .'~r ;Iph, 1 i I'f 1 ~
<br />