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<br />88- <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />104055 <br /> <br />more Ihan fifleen (15) day, in arrears 10 cover Ihe exl ra expense <br />involved in handling delinquenl paymems, <br /> <br />Borrowtf and Ltndtr rovrnaal and .._ u folio...: <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />J. That Borrower will pay Ihe indebtedness, as hereinbefore <br />provided, Privilese Is reserved 10 pay the debt in whole or in pan <br />on any installmenl due dale. <br /> <br />2. That, logelher with, and in addition 10, the momhly <br />paymenls of principal and interest payable under Ihe lerm' of the <br />note secured hereby, the Borrower will pay 10 Ihe lender. on Ihe <br />firsl day of each month until [he said note is fully paid, lhe <br />following sums: <br /> <br />~JIdiciclIkJCKlImib.~~1tiwJit <br />~...~ --~.. I -lIlal'i-" ~lIIIUik~-' ~& -o4Ii <br />1III:.............~-..Jo... ...~.._-....._~~ <br />4fJdc <br />M <br /> <br />'~ ;~; ~ ~~. ~ : ; ~.~ ..~..~'~ ~ ~":. : ,: :.~ ~ ~ ./. ~':+, .' <br /> <br />~~3lIdIIaI-~~innaec <br />~b.__-:I....~__Ih.~~ <br />"'lII~ .........'PWIV'tIIOIDaIB.- fA:. A. ~ l1li"'" -~,.kllxilDdl:DC <br />~."-"""'~-...-~~...........~..........eIo. <br />__.;.----...--.:..... ;.",...~IJl,dCll.jlo~JIidl <br />~....III....,;....At.... &lacJID.lUddll'Juiacmllkiatx <br />lIadlIulll# "'1IlIIlIUI1IIlcW~ <br />...~kJ&l~\ll~ <br /> <br />,*~...~JlIIIIlxbIiI[lDlKJG( <br />III8IlQDt~XIfXtv..-;-..-..o~ <br />1IDIIb.~"h._6i4~ICl'JIX <br />.lIiIIIIL~Nwuo::Io-_I,j,">(:l6d:lUtwK_ <br />....~----_~v..ilf--..,..~~ <br />IIbI1l1111Rl"" ~1I"'''''...ubo..u..~_"1III~ <br />~ <br /> <br />(a) JlltxA sum equal 10 Ihe ground rem,. II an). ne\! due, pili, Ill< <br />premiums thai will next become due and payable 011 polk.e, \.'1 <br />fire and other hazard II1suranee.' cowring the properly, plu, la\<' <br />and assessments next due on the property la/I as ",wlla/ed PI rll\.' <br />Lender) less all sums already paid lhercfor dj,.ided b) the nllmber <br />of momhs to elapse before one II) momh prior to the dale" hen <br />such ground rents, premiums, lille, and a"essmem, \\111 become <br />delinquent. such sums 10 be held by lender 111 trust to pal ';lid <br />ground rems, premium., taxes and special a5se"men": and <br /> <br />(~) H All paymems menlloned in lhe IWO pre.:edll1~ ,"b,e,'II,"" 0' <br />Ihis paragraph and all pa)'mems to be made under the nole <br />'ec"Ured hereby ,hall be added lO~ether, and Ihe ag~regate amounl <br />Ihereof shall be paId b) the Borrower each monlh 111 a "ngk pa'" <br />menl to be applied b) rhe lender to the rolkl" II1g lIem' In rho' <br />order set forth: <br /> <br />lC):~.06-"--'-" tIlIIllx <br />_~IlI_-~.fA...Al.,_._-.~ <br />ot__~~I~"'." ____ <br />II::itx <br /> <br />(1) _ground rems, tll.\es, as'essmen", fire and other halard <br />in~urance premium!.: <br /> <br />(11) IJIX imerest on the nOle ,e':Uled herd", <br /> <br />(III) mamonization 01 lhe prrn"'pal 01 ,aid nOle: and <br /> <br />(IV) lCXJ(late charge." <br /> <br />An) deficienc)' in the amoulll or ,uch aggregale mom hi) pal" <br />mem shall, unless made good by Ihe Borros\fr prior 10 lhe due <br />date of the next such pa)'mem, consutule an ..em 01 delaull <br />under thIS mortgage, The lender lOa) collecl a "Iale char~e" not <br />to nceed four cents (41) for each dollar (S I) of ea.:h pa)"men! <br /> <br />3, That if lhe 10lal of Ihe paymems made by the Borrower <br />under Ia) of paragraph 2 preceding shall exceed the amounl of <br />payments actually made by the lender for ground renlS. laxes and <br />assessments or insurance premiums, as the case may be. such C'x- <br />cess, if the loan is currem, a1 lhe oplion of the Borrower, shall be <br />crediled by the lender on subsequent paymems 10 be made by the <br />Borrower, or refunded 10 Ihe Borrower. If, however. Ihe momhly <br />paymems made by lhe Borrower under la) of paragraph 2 <br />preceding shall nOI be sufficiem 10 pay ground rems, laxes and <br />assessmems or insurance premiums, as Ihe case may be. when lhe <br />same shall become due and payable, Ihen lhe Borrower shall pay <br />10 lhe lender any amount necessary to make up lhe deficiency. on <br />or before Ihe dale when paymem of such ground rents, taxes. <br />assessments. or insurance premiums shall be due. If al any lime <br />Ihe Borrower shall lender 10 the lender,"in accordance with the <br />provisions of the nole secured hereby, full paymenl of Ihe entire <br />indebtedness represented lhereby, Ihe lender shall, in computing <br />lhe amounl of such indebledness. credil 10 the accoum of Ihe Bor, <br />rower .~ <br />x3ckmabr!llbiatK~IIIlXlIIualIt]llllilltDalx~,aDtHx <br />IlIKJlDIli any balance reo <br />maining in the funds accumulated under the pro\'isiol1!o. of (a~ of <br />paragraph :! hcrc.~of. If there shall ht' C1 default all~ or thl' <br />pn1\'I!\IOn~ of Ihl' lJI'ITumcnt rC'Iulling in a publk !\alr: of lhe <br />prenti~e!t l.'overeJ herC'tl~. or If Ihl' I..~nder a~quires the.' prl1rCrl~ <br />other\\i'l' aftel defaull, the Lender shall apply, al thc tlrl1e or Ihc <br />~.lunmenL:t'mL'nf Ill" \u\."h l'rn~et:ding.s. or al [he lime Ihl' J'lropl'rr~ I' <br />olhern i...e i.Jl.'qunC'd. Iht: oalarll..'l' IhL'1l rl'maining in Ihl' fumh ac- <br />l,.'umul.ut*d under (a) ('I paragraph ~ preceding. 3\ a I.'redil a~ain...1 <br />thl' amounl 4..)1 pnth:ipal then n.'I1l.:uning unraid under ....lId nl'lIL'. <br />rl9na <br /> <br />~~K <br /> <br />4, Thill the Hl,rrO\\I.'T \\111 pa\ ground Il'nt'. In\I..... .1",,'''l1Ielll'. <br />\\lItCI 1.11("\. anJ ,HltL" ~ll\l"nl1ll'llIal 01 I11UIlh:lpal ..:h.IIl.!I..... hnl"_ <br />or imf")o,llIOno.. tor \\ tlldl prl'\I...H\1l h;"... nut h"'c,"n maJl' <br />hert."lllheftlfL:'. ano III dt'lilUIl lhl'rct''" Ihe 1 cndl'l l1la~ 1',1\ 11ll' ".II1Il". <br />and that rhe (JllTHl\\L" \\.111 plnmpt!\ JCIt\l'T thl' (I"II.:'~II In:l"lp"- <br />,h"'fl~l or I (\ I ht.' L lOlllkl <br /> <br />~ Th(' lJorru\\t.'r '\111 pa~ alllil\c' \\Iudl 111i1~ hI: h,'\lel.1 U(ll'" <br />lht' l.'..mler.... Hllc,'rc..' III ,aid real 1',lalt" and IInprl"l'l11l'l1h. anJ <br />\\hll.'h ma~ bl" Il'\lcd UpllO Ih" m...trunWIH or Ihl' de"1 ,cl.'uled <br />h('rC'b~ IOU( llnl\ III th,,' ~\Icm Ihat ,u,:h " not prlllllhll".J h~ la\\ <br />anl.! "lll) 10 tht.' L'\ll"nl fhat \lKh \\111 not ma~c Ihi"" Illan U..UllllU\I, <br />hUI c\dudlll~ iJn~ tn\.'omc la\. Stall" 01 l'cJcral. irnp"hl'J on <br />I ".t1d~T. ~md \\ III flit.' the otTil,,'lal rc...~Clpf" in~ \ul.'h llayrnt~J1I <br />\\lIh Ihe: l C'rukf troll \I0lalllHl tlf ,hi" undertaking, or il thl' <br />Uorro\"C'r \.. pruhihll\.',j b~ an~ la\\ n(t~ llr hl."H.'afh:f ....\i~lIn}! Irom <br />paYlIlg the \\ holt' or an} porllon of the aron:~ald ta\c!l, or upon <br />Ihe n:nd~rmg 01 an~ t".'ourt dc:cr!:t' prohlblllng thL' paymeJlI b~ the <br />BOrrO\Hr of an~ ""Udl fa,,!:!., or if such Iii" or deer<< pro\ide!o that <br />alll amount '0 paid by Ih< Borro"er ,hall be ,'redited on the debt, <br />Iht' l.t." ,hall ha\C..' I he.' lIght lu gl\l: nrllt'l~ day,' \HlliCn nmkl' <br />III fhe o"ncr nllhC' prenu,e\. requITIng Ih... pit~mt"1l1 01 the debl. <br />II ,uch n,lllce be gl\cn. the ,aid dehl shall become due, ra)ahle <br />and ....ol!ecl1hlc 31 Iht' e\pUiltllln of ..auj nmt:'r~ Ja~". <br /> <br />6" ThaI ,hould Ihe Bommer larlto pal any 'um or ~eep an) <br />co\enant pro\ided for in Ihi~ instrument. then the LenJc:r. at it... <br />opllon. may payor perform rhe same, and all e\pendnuTe" "0 <br /> <br />Page 2. of 5 <br />~n:n <br /> <br />HUIHl2143DT <br /> <br />u <br />