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<br />StMe of Nebr'lllul <br /> <br />) 88- 104050 <br />Mortgage <br /> <br />) <br /> <br />FHA CUe .... <br /> <br />321 1255527 203(b) <br /> <br />...... Mortpp, made and executed this 22nd day of July <br />1988 . by and between Phillip Lee Proehl and Julie Ann Proehl. each in his and her own right. <br />and as spouse of each other. <br />of tile County of Hall , and Slate of Nebruka, party of the rant part, hereinafter called <br />tile Monpp. IUId The Equitable Building and Loan Association. 113-115 North Locust Street. <br />Grand island. Nebraska. <br />· corpontloa orpabIed IUId ClliItIDi UDder the IaWl of the S tat e 0 f Neb r as ka <br />party of the IllCOIId part. bereInafter caIJaI the Mortppe. <br /> <br />w-.-a: 1bat the said Mortppr. for and In COIIIideration of the IUID of Twenty Nine Thousand Five Hundred <br />Eighty, and nollOO ------------------------------------DoIIan (S 29.580.00 ), paid by the Mort- <br />..... the receipt of wbicb II hereby aetnow1ed&ed. bu Granted and Sold and by these praenlJ dOCl Grant, BarpIn. Sell. Convey <br />IIIIlI Coafirm UJItO the Mortaqee, ill IUCICIeIIOn IUId auipI, forever. the foUowlna-dClCribed real _. situated In the County of <br />Hall . IIIIlI State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> <br />Lot One (I). in Block Seventeen (17). College Addition to West Lawn. City of Grand Island. <br />Hall County. Nebraska. <br /> <br />of me Slxd. PrIndpaI MericIlaD. CXIIItaIniIq in all <br /> <br />aaes IIl:'l:IDrdiDa to Gow:ntmem 1lIIYe)': <br /> <br />T. ...... .. T. BallI me pnmiIa above dacribed. with all me IIpp\UtcIWICCI therewllo bekIIlIiDa: and InducIiDa all beaIIna. <br />pIumbiaa UId JIabtiIla fiItara aDd equipDem _ 01' hereafter aIladIed to 01' lIIed In ....._Inn with uilfreal awe UJItO the Mon- <br />..... UId to ill __ ....... fOl'Cftr. Tbc Monpaor repreICIIII to. IIIIlI c:cMIIIIIlI' with. me Mortppe. that the Mort- <br />..... IIIIIDIId riPI to ... ... -. said premlIa; that they are free from _bnla; aI!!I mat me Mortpaor wiD WarranI IUId <br />defCDd me __ apiDlIl me lawful daiIIIa of all pcrIOIII wbomIoewer; IIIIlI me said Mortpp bercby rdiDq1IiIba all riIhU of <br />.....tad. ... aD -.itaJ riIhU, cldIer ill ...... or in eqait)', IIIIlI all otber lllIIItiqem iDIInIu of me Mortppr ill IIIIlI to Ihe above- <br />deIcrIbed .".... tile inlcDIioa beiaa to ClIIIVC)' hereby an abIoIute title. In fee simple, iDl:IudIq all riIblI of "-acad. IIIIlI otber <br />riIbb ad .... u afmaaid. <br /> <br />........ Ahnlp, UId tIae pracau are aec:uted UId delivered upaa the followioa CXIIIdlIioaI. to wit: <br /> <br />Tbc Monaqor...... to PlY tile Monppe. or order, me prIncipaIlum of Twenty Nine Thousand Five Hundred <br /> <br />~~an~n~~0~~~-------~~:-------------------~~~l5~g:go <br /> <br />....... baJuge until paid. Tbc uId priDCipallUId interest IIbaII be payele uthe offICe of The Equitable <br /> <br />Loan Association <br />la Grand Island. Nebraska .0rUlllCbotberplaccutheboldcroftlleDOle <br />may dIIlpeIe In writlDa. in IIIllIIIhIy i.....I'-" of Two Hundred Fifty Nine and 59/100 ___________________ <br />--------------DoDarI (S 259.59 ), <YII'I~ 011 the fUll day of September , <br />19 88 ,1IIIlI 011 the fint day of eadllDOlltb tbenaftcr until me prlncipallIIIlIlntcrell are fully paid, ae>ept that the ranal p&ymeDI of <br />prlacipal8Dd laIerat, if DOC IOODer paid, IIbaII be due and payable OIl the fUll day of Augus t <br />>> 18 ; aI__ '" the _ of a cataio I"..........~ _c of CYaI date berewith _at by the said MClrtIQOr. <br /> <br />), <br />...) per lIIIIIum 011 the <br /> <br />Building and <br /> <br />T1Ila form ItI UMCIln conllKtlon with IIIClItgaoaa IflaUrad under lha one- to four.f8lTllly progrwna of tile NallOl\lll Houaln; Acl which pro. <br />... for PIdOdIc IiIoItlllllllltnau_ I'Nmlum paymatlla, <br /> <br />.....,1ouI Edltlona A.. Obeoleta - HIlD4214IM (HI E4IIIiDn) <br />PatP 1 of 4 2. CFR 203-17(b) <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />..J <br />