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<br />EXHmIT ~A n <br /> <br />88- 104030 <br /> <br />A tract of land in the Southwest Quuter (sw k) of Sect1a1 23, 'l'aWn8h1p <br />12 North, Range 16 West of tile 6th PriDc1pa1 Meri.dian, Buffalo Ccunty, <br />Nebraska, JlDJ:e pert1cularly cJe8cribe4 .. fol~;. Cl:IIIlIenC1ng at the Northwest <br />Comer of said SW ~ J thence South Cbear1Dg ualm8d and all other bearings <br />are relateive thereto) .. diatanca of 273.67 feet ala1g the West Line of <br />said SW \. thence East: .. diatMce of 33.0 feet to tbII Pcain"t of BeginningJ <br />thence ~t a distance of 100.00 feet, tbInce &Nth.... diac.nce of 100.00 <br />feet; thence West a distance of lOGiN feK= thence Ibrth a dista.PJCe of <br />100.00 feet to the Point of llegiDIUDg, ccntain1ng 0.23 .Acres IIIDr8 or less. <br /> <br />DEED Dated 2/19/88 Recorded in Buffalo. Co., NE~ 2/19/88 Book 88, page 1067 <br />DEED Dated 2/22/88 Recorded in Buffalo Co., NE, 3/8/88 Book 88, Page 1584 <br />DEED Dated 3/1/88 Recorded in Buffalo Co., NE, 3/8/88 Book 88, Page 1585 <br /> <br />A tract of land in the Southweat Qlaareer of Seceioll 21. Towahip 12 Noreh. Baoge 19 <br />West of the 6th P.M.. o._OD CoWlCY. lI.bra.ka. Mr. particularly described as follows: <br />CommeDcing at the Norch_ae Corner of ..14 Saue~..e Quarteri thence South (bearing <br />asaumed and all other beariqB ar. relaU". thereeo) a eliatuce of 522.03 feee along <br />Che West Line of said Souehwest Ql&arCU'i ebeDce Baae a el1aeance of 33.00 feee eo ehe <br />Point of Beginningi theDCe II 86.11'57" E a cl18eauc. of 100.00 feeti thence South a <br />discaDCe of 100.00 feeti eheoce S 86.11'S7~ V a el1acauce of 100.00 feeti thence North <br />a dietaDce of 100.00 feet to the poine of aesiDll1Dl. cODce1aiua 0.23 Acrea aure or <br />lee.. <br /> <br />DEED Dated 1/3/88 Recorded in Dawson Co.,'-NE, 1/13/88, Book 141, Page' 446 <br /> <br />A tract of land in the Soutbwut Quanu (SV 1/4) of SKti_ 19. Towub1p 16 <br />Horth. Ranse 22 Vut of tile 6tb 1' DaV80A Couotr. ".bruka; <br />_1'. pIlI't1cularlr ducri... .. followal <br /> <br />eo..eDcina at the Northweat ConeI' of ..u III 1/4; dIace Soutb (bur"" ....... <br />ad all other bearinsa an releti" tbento) . ....t..ce of 55.56 fMt alona the <br /> Line of said Soutlnleat Quarter; tbBc.e laat . .u...-- of 33.0 fMt to the <br />Point of Beginning: tbeace . 8~.52'Z3. B. lIUtuce of 100.00 fMt: theace South <br />· dbtance of 100.00 f..-: tbuce S .7.~'Z3. V . dilltuce of 100.00 fMt: <br />thence Ilorth a dbtaDCe of 100.00 ~ I.- IiIIIe hiat of "a,-hl COII".tO\t.., 0.23 <br />, Acn. _re OJ' lea. ' _ _ _- <br />DEED Dated 1/6/88, Recorded in Dawson Co., NE, 1/6/88, Book 141, Page 436 <br /> <br />, tract of lanel 1a the SouthauL Quarter (51 1/4) of SectiOD 2. TOWDShlp 12 <br />Horth. Ranae 26 Vut of the 6th Pr1l1dpalllertd1u. LiDcolD. CowatJ. Nebr.... <br />.re particularlJ deec:d'" .. follawal <br /> <br />eo-eDCiDg at the IIortheut Conal' of ..u 51 1/4: tbeac. South (Burina A..u.. <br />ud all other bearinp an re1atin tlaareto) 291.41 feet eloq the East Line of <br />_id SE 1/4: theace IIeat 33.00 feet to tba PoiDt of Bef1aniDa; theJu:e South <br />100.00 feet parallel to ..u But: LIM; tIleace S 870SO 47"' V . distance of <br />100.00 feet; theDC. Iorth a dilItuce of 100.00 feet; tbuce . 87050"47- E . <br />dlataDCe of 100.00 feet to tU Poiat of lev."t.a. coa",a 0.23 kru .ore or <br />--. <br />DEED Dated 1/7/88, Recorded in Lincoln Co., NE, 1/21/88, Book 396, Page 393 <br /> <br />A Uact of land located in t:be Accnt.icln to t:be ~t Quarter CIIiI \) of <br />the Salt:bIoest ()Iarter (SII \J 111 Sect:1cn 1,5. ~tp 13 1iQrth. aange 29 west <br />of the 6th Principal ~, LiDCIo1n CZlunty, llillbruJcA, IIIDr8 pu1:.icularly <br />.-cr1bed .. fol~: <br /> <br />C-.....J.nq at the Southeut: Cbmer 02 Mid &IIct:1cln IS, ~ UItUIIing the Scuth <br />Line of the Southeut QuaZ'ter (SE \J of Mid s.ct1aD 15 llea:cjng Nut: th&noe N <br />7d'SS'12- If a d1stance of 5354.21 feet to tm Point of 8egiDn1ng; thenaI s SO. <br />52'55- If . diat:ance of 100.00 feet, u... 8 3'-07'05- E . cUa~ of 100.00 <br />feet, thence N 50-52'55" E . ~ of 114.00 ~J ttenca iii ."-05'23- If a <br />4iat.MQe of 100.98 feet to tM Iil:WI&. of ~,_t, "'O""hU."""5I O.2~ Ac&u Kant <br />or 1.... . : <br />OEm Dated 3/1~/88 Recorded in i.~ln Co'., Ni, 3/16/88 Book 398, Page :72 71 74 <br />DEI:'D Dated 3/9/88 Recorded in Lincoln Co.,~.L 3/l6/B8 Book 398 Page 7S,~<77 <br />OEm Dated 3/22/88 Recorded in Lincoln Co., NI:;, 4/12/88 Book 399, Pag" (,4 <br />DEED J::ated 3/22/88 Recorded ill Lincoln Co., NE, 4/12/88 Book. 399, Fagp (,r,. "I. <br />