<br />)
<br />
<br />rerecord mortgage to
<br />) showucorrect. dates
<br />
<br />~) )
<br />
<br />88-104016
<br />
<br />. .. ~
<br />.__.". .___._c....:. .
<br />
<br />. State of Nebraska
<br />
<br />Mortgage
<br />8B- 1il304J.
<br />
<br />FHA Cole ....
<br />
<br />1321 ]244395 203{b)
<br />
<br />;'.'
<br />
<br />...... MorIpp, mede and elICC\Ited this
<br />19 88 , by and,between Darien L.
<br />spouse of each other,
<br />of tbe CouDty of Hall
<br />the~. and Ttee Equitable
<br />
<br />10th day of June
<br />Cox and Karen M. Cox, each in his and her own right, and as
<br />
<br />\.~"
<br />
<br />, and State of Nebruka, party of tbe first part, herelnifter, called
<br />Building and Loan Association. Grand Island,
<br />
<br />"
<br />V
<br />!,(
<br />~ ::
<br />i;
<br />[
<br />l~
<br />r..,
<br />r:
<br />r
<br />i;
<br />!
<br />
<br />a eorporadoD orpnlIed and exlItlDi under the laws of the State of Nebraska
<br />puty fif die IeCOIId part, herelDafter called the Mortpaee,
<br />
<br />~: That die aald Mortpaor, for and in 1XI111ideration of the sum of Forty Six Thousand One Hundred and
<br />no / ] 00 ----------------------------------------------- Dollars ($ 46, 100.00 ), paid by the Mort-
<br />..... the receipt of which is hereby Idmowledpd, has Oranted and Sold and by these presenlldoel Orant, Barpln, Seu, Couvcy
<br />and Coafirm unto die MllI1ppe, ill I1ICCeIIOn and wips, forever, the foUowbJg-desc:rlbed real estate, situated In the County of
<br />Hall , and State of Nebrukll, to wit:
<br />
<br />F~
<br />L
<br />
<br />Lot Eight (8) and the East Ten (10) Feet of Lot Seven (7), of Block Twenty Three (23).
<br />Baker's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />of the Sbtb PrincIpal Meridian. lXIntaiDlq In all
<br />
<br />ac:reII accordIna to 00_1 lUJ'Vey:
<br />
<br />T. ~ .. To ..... the premlsa aboYe described, with all Ihe IJlputlellall(a thereunlO beloDJinl and Includlna all heatllll,
<br />...........and IIabtIDI ftatunI and equlpmcat now or bereaIter attached to or UIlId In lXIIUleCtion witb Hid real estate unto the Mort-
<br />...... 810 ill _ and usIps, forever. The Mortpaor repraeoll to, and COYeIWIII' wItb, the Morlppe, that the Mort-
<br />IQOr .... aood riabl to l1li 8 lXlDvey aald pnmIses; that tbey Ull free from encumbrance; and that the Mortpaor will warrant and
<br />defend the __ aplnst the lawful claims of all penons whollllOeVCl'; and the aid Mortpaor hereby relinquishes all rlahll of
<br />\oaNIteNI, and all marital ri&hII, either in law or in equllY, and all other lXIntiDpnt InteraU of the MOrlPlOr In and to the above-
<br />cIacribed pnmIses. the InteDtlcm beinI to convey hereby an absolute title, In fee 1Imple, Inclu4lni all rlahll of homestead. and other
<br />riabII and tnIerats u afCll'llUid.
<br />........ AIwIQI, and these ~ Ull aecuted and delivered upon Ihe followina conditions, to wit:
<br />The Mortpaor ...- 10 pay the Monppe. or order. the princ:lpallum or Forty Six Thousand One Hundred and
<br />no/IOO ----------------------------------------------DoUan(S46, ]00.00
<br />with iatenIt from dIIe at the rate of Nine and One-Hal f per m1tum ( 9.5
<br />IIDP&id --- IIIItIl paid. The aald priDdpaI and Interest IhaII be payable at Ihe office of The Equ i t ab 1 e
<br />Loan Association. Grand Island,
<br />In Grand Is land, Nebraska. . or at ntcb other place u the holder of the Dote
<br />may daIpate In writlna, In moatbIy lnstallmenll or Three Hundred Eighty Seven and 63/100 -----__________
<br />---------------Dollan ($ 387.63 ), lXImmenc:in& on lhe f1m day of July .
<br />19 88. and 011 the f1m day of elICh mouth thereafler until the principal and Interesl are fully paid. exceplthal the rmal payment of
<br />IIriDclDaIIlIld iatenIt, If not IOOIlCl' paid, Ihall be due and payable on the f1m day of June
<br />20 1 II : all -.llna to the terms of a certain promluory note of even date herewith executed by the said MortPlOr.
<br />
<br />),
<br />.,.) per annum on the
<br />Building and
<br />
<br />TIlla form I, UMd In oonnecllon with rnortpgea lnaullld undtlr Ihe one- to Iour.famlly pRl\lrama of the Notional Howlng Act which pro-
<br />wide fof paftodlo Mortll&llllnau_ Plwmlum payment.. ' ,
<br />
<br />~ Edlt~ ",. ~l. - tlUHZ1QM CHI EcIItIcMl
<br />Page 1 01 4 24 CFR 203.11Cb)
<br />
<br />~
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