<br />88- 103921
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<br />1. .old, tr-anaferrecl or further encumbered vtthout thll expreaa or written consent of BeneficiAry.
<br />Beneficiary ..y, at its lIole option, declare all 8U11S secured by thls Del:d of Truer to be l-.edlataly
<br />due and payabl. and proceed to the rc_d1ulII ..vailable to it under the default provisions contained
<br />her.in.
<br />
<br />11. Ev..,U of Default. Any of the folloviDI event. .hall ba dee.ad an eyent of daf.ult harellDder.
<br />
<br />(a) Truator .hall bave fa:Utld to ..Ite p.,..nt of any installment of iDtereat.
<br />principal or principal and intere.r: Dr any other !lUlLS secured hereby when due;.
<br />
<br />(b) There ha. occurred,. breach of or default under any tem. covenant.
<br />..ree-.nt. condition. provlalon. repreHntatloa or varTanty contained in this Deled
<br />Dr Truat. the note or any other loan lnetrQHl1t secured hereby;
<br />
<br />(c) There h.. been a default by the Truator in the payaent of any prlOI' or
<br />aubllequent llen or mc.uabr,ance in re.pecl: 1:0 .11 "JE' any part of the property~
<br />
<br />(d) Tru>...r ahall fUll a ""l\ll1tary plltltlon tn bankruptcy or .hall bll adJudi-
<br />cated bankrupt or Inaolvent, or .hall ..Ile an a.aign.nt for the benefit of creditor.
<br />In reepect to the property; or an action to enforce any lien or enc.blanc. or juds-
<br />~nl:. _.a1n.t the propert.y is co.-enced.
<br />
<br />12" Acc.lar.t ton Upon Der.ult. In the event of any default, Beneficiary ..y declare all 1Ddebtedne..
<br />aecured hereby to be due and pey.ble, ~d the ._ aball thereupon become due and payable without any
<br />pr..ent..U:, deund, prate.r: or nottce of any kind. There.fter, Beneficiary ...y:
<br />
<br />ea) either ln pUlIOn or by aleat, with or without bringing any action or pro-
<br />c...din.. or by receiver appointed by a court and wtthout regard to the adequacy of
<br />any .ecurlty. enter upoa IIIld take po.....loa of the property, or any part chereof,
<br />In Ita own 0". or in the n... of tho Trust... and do any acts which lt de... n.ce...'I'Y
<br />iIIld de.lrable [0 preserve the value, _rutabillty at' rentab11ity of the propel'ty, or
<br />pan thereof or interest thereln. increa.. the Inca.. therefro. or protect the securtty
<br />hllrltOf and. vithout taldnl poss...lon of the property. tilue for or otherwise collec.t thll
<br />renla, ia.ue. and profit. thereof. lncludlna those paat due and unpaid. and apply the
<br />.._, lea. coata .nd expenaes of operatlon and c.ollectlon. Includlns 4ttorney fe... upon
<br />4IOy lndabl:edn... ucured hereby, all tn auch order a. Beneficiary ..y deteraln.. Th.
<br />eat.rin. upon and t....ioa po.....ion of the truat eatate, the collection of auch renta.
<br />l..ue. and profita and application thareot .. afor..aid .hall not cure or waive any da-
<br />fault oj[' notice of default hereUllder or Invalidate any act and tn re.pon.. to auch d.-
<br />fault or pursuant to .uch notice at default and, notwithstanding the: continuance In
<br />po.....ion of tbe property or the call eet ion. receipt and appl1cat ton of rent., i.au.I
<br />or profita. Tru.t.. or len.flciary ..y be entitled to enrci.. every right provided for
<br />in any of th. loan 10.tn....t. or by law upon occurrence of any event of default, tn-
<br />cludlq: Uti r11ht to ...rcl.. thc powel'" of ..1_.
<br />
<br />(b) c~c. an .ctlon to foreclo.. thi. Dead of Truat a. a mortS8ge. appoint
<br />. receiver. or apeciflcally enforce an,.. ot the covenanta hereof;
<br />
<br />(e) deliver to TrUlltee . wltt.n declar..tlon of default and deaand for ..la.
<br />aad a written Ilotlc. at Hfau1t and .leccion to cau.. Truator'. intereat In the property
<br />to be aold, which notlc. Truat.. ....11 caUM to b. duly fUed for record in the officIal
<br />recorda of the COlmly in which the property 1. located.
<br />
<br />1]. Foreclosure by I'DVtIf ot Sa1.. Should Beneficiary .leet to forccloae by .:leeel.. of the power
<br />of ..le herein contained. IOMltclary .hall notUy Truate. and .hall depoalt with TrUllt.e thie Deed of
<br />TrUlt and the Dote and auch receipt. and evidence of .xp.ndll:ure. ..d. and I.cured hareby a. Truat..
<br />MY r......:!r.. and upon r.que.t of the .eneflclary. t.he Tru.te. shall ru. for record. ln the "alateI'
<br />of Deed_ oh:l::G 10 the County where the property .1 10CBl.ed. a notice of default, lIet.tin. forth the
<br />naM of tbe TrJ..tol', the Book and Pa.. or Doc......nt No.. of thl1 Deed of Tnult a.. recorded in .aid
<br />aeli.teE' of De~.~. office. tt.. l.a1 de.cription of the aboYiI!-deacrlbed teaJ .atate and that a breach
<br />of aa obl:1..atJ.:m, for which ..id r..l IIatatll va. conveyed aa ..curJt.y. haa occurred. and allttloa forth
<br />tbl natur.. of ..uch breach aBd the Truallll.l. election to eell the real estate to satl.ty the obltsation;
<br />and .fter t~l. lap.. of not lea. than one: (1) month, the Truatea .hall give written nottce of the t1ae
<br />and place of .al. which ..y be between 1):00 Ill._. and !J p... Mt the prUll.... or at the Courtholde in
<br />the Coup." wherein .uch property h locatad, deacrlblnl the property to be Bold by ita leaal deacrlp-
<br />tion. ..ld notice to be pubU.htul in 01 n~w.pap.r of luner..l circulation In the County wherein such
<br />propeny Ie located, onc. . week. for flvtll (~) con.ecutiv. welllb. the la.t publlcaclon to be at le..t
<br />ten (10) claya. but Dot -.ora thnn thirty (10) daye. prior to tile sale; and the Truatee .hall then ael1
<br />Hid property at the U... and place d..lan.tad In the notice, 1n the aannar provided by law ln effect
<br />at the ti_ of tiling .aid notice. at public auction to the htghellt bldder for callh And sh.ll deliver
<br />to auch purch...r a deed to the property .old. con.latent wlth the law 1n effect at the t1lle"
<br />
<br />Upon receipt of the price bid, Trusteft .hall deliver to the purchase. Trustee'. deed conveylna the
<br />property laid. a.citals in the TrUlltee'li deed .hall b. prl.. facle evidence of the truth of the Bt.ta-
<br />l"lna ..de therein. Tru.tee ah.ll applY tbe proceeda of the a.le in the follow!ns order I (a) to all
<br />ra.louhle co.t. and ..p.... of the ..a1.. IncIudinl but not limited to, Truscee'. feee of nut IM)rc
<br />tban~l of the If 0.. a.la price. re..onable attorney fe.. .nd CO.tlS of title evldence; (b) to all
<br />.... a.cured. by thie Deed of Truat; and (e) the au..., If an~. to the perllon or per.one l&:lgal1y en-
<br />titled thereto. An)' per.oa, lnclLMJina Benefic.iary. ..y purchase aaid property at said sale.
<br />
<br />Th. per.on conductina the ..le "Y. tor any c.aua. h. or IIh. dec.a e1lpedient. postpone the .al. II'''
<br />t1M 1:0 1:'" upl:ll 11: ahall ba c~l.t.d and, in every lIuch c.... I\otlc. of po.tl'on._nt .bal1 b. liven
<br />by public declaration thereof by .uch pereon at the t 1_ and place 1..t appointed for the ..1.i pro-
<br />vided. if the ..1. 1. poltpoaad for longer than one (1) d., beyond the date delllsnated In the notice of
<br />..le. notlce thereof aball be liven In the ._ ..mer al the orilln.l notice of aale.
<br />
<br />14. leeecUea Not E.1lcluatye. Trult.. and I.n.flclar)'. ~d uach of the_, shall be entltled to en-
<br />force p.,..nt and perforaance of any lndabt.dn... or obll.at Ion .ecured hereby and to exereile all rlghta
<br />and pow.ra under tbJ. De.d of Truat or uluiL-r .ny loau In.t r~nt. or other aKtueaent or an)' laV1l now or
<br />here.rt.r enforced, notwlthatand1nl 110_ or all of the lnd.btudne.s and obl1R;8t toos secured hereby
<br />whlcb .., now or hereafter be otht!rwhle .ucuret! I vhtllhor by IKJrtgIlC"', dued pf trust, plt.~dRe. ilen. a..Jln-
<br />MDt or oturvi.e. Neither thll acceptance of th h Deed of Trult nor Ita enforcellent. wh.ther by court
<br />a.ctioD or pur.vanE to the power of .ale or other paver. h.tl!Iln contained, ahal1 prejudlce or In any
<br />..naer .ffect Truat..ID or Beneficiary'. rlaht to r..llle upon or enrarce any other aecurlty now or hare-
<br />att.r balel by tru.te. or leneflclary. it belna alr.ad that trustee and Beneficiary. ond each or th_.
<br />.twlll b. .Olll:l.d to epforce thle h.d lJf Trwll .nd any otbar aecuTity no,", or hureBflur held by the lene-
<br />flelAr, o,r Trdt.e in auch order and .armer .. th.y. or either of the_, ...y in their abaolute di.cr.tion
<br />deleraln.. tso reM'd:r h.r.la conferred upon or r.,.erved to Trulltcc or Deneflciary 1M intenued to be ..-
<br />elu.h. of .b)' utileII' re_d, heroin or by bw provided or pe....llted. but each sh,dl be CUlluhllivtll Ind
<br />.h.U b. In addition to every oth.r rl!aedy ,1hon hereunder or no,", or hereahet l!dlllt ing .t 18\1 or tn
<br />.qult, or b, at.tute. Ev.ry paver or reaedy IIllv.n by any at the 10ftn In"truments to Trustee or 8ene-
<br />flc~ar-7 or to Which ullhrl 0' the...y be ulhl~rvi.. onllllud IIIUY be.' ...x[!rl:t.....tl. l'ol1currunlly or indepen-
<br />d.nth. Ir~ (I.., to ti_ .nd a. ollen aa ....y bll de...d expedtllnt b'~ TrmlllJ. or 8rnefh-lllry. and l'lthel
<br />of th....y puraue lncon.hlllnt r.-.edi... Nothlna tl.rll1n .h.11 b~ ('onl!llrurd IUI llrohlbit inK 8t:meflcist"y
<br />tr~ ...klna .. dlfflcirncy luds_nt .._ln8t Trulltor to lhe ex.tent IiIm:h tt('t Ion t't pIll-mltl"" h" laW'.
<br />-1-
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