<br />88- 103920
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<br />If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security Instrument,
<br />Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the insurance in elfect until such time as the requirement for the
<br />insurance terminates in accordance with Borrower's and Lender's written agreemenl or applicable law.
<br />8. Inspection. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender
<br />shall give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection.
<br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential, in connection with
<br />any condemnation or other taking of any part of t he Property. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby
<br />assigned and shall be paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security
<br />instrument, whether or not then due, wilh any excess paid to Borrowcr. [n the evenl of a partial taking of the ProperlY,
<br />unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing, the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by
<br />Ihe amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fraclion: (a) the total amount of Ihe sums secured immediately
<br />before Ihe laking, divided by (b) the fair market value of the Property immediately before Ihe taking, Any balance shall be
<br />paid 10 Borrower.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if, after nou';e by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor olfers to
<br />make an award or sellle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond 10 Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is
<br />given, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at its option. eilher to restoration or repair of the Property or
<br />to the sums secured by this Secunty [nstrumenl. whelher or notlhen due.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any application of proceeds to principal shall not ex lend or
<br />poslpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 or change the amount of such payments,
<br />10. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the lime for paymenl or
<br />modification of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender 10 any successor in
<br />interest of Borrower shall not operale to rclease the liabililY of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings against any successor in inlerest or refusc to extend time for
<br />payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by thIS Securily [nslrument by reason of any demand made
<br />by the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in intcrest. Any forbearnnce by Lcnder in exercising any right or remedy
<br />shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy,
<br />II, Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several liability; Co-signcrs. The covcnanls and agreements of
<br />this Security Instrument shall bind and bencfilthe successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. subject to the provisions
<br />of paragraph 17. Borrower's covcnants and agreements shall bc joml and several. Any Borrower who co,signs this Security
<br />Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co'slgning this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey
<br />thaI Borrower's interest in Ihe Property undcr Ibe terms of Ih" Security Instrument; (b) IS nol personally obligated to pay
<br />the sums secured by Ihis Securily Instrument; and (c) agree'S tbal Lender and any ntber Borrower may agree to cxtend,
<br />modify, forbear or make any accommodations with regard to Ihe lerms of this Security Instrument or the Note withoul
<br />that Borrower's consent.
<br />12. Loan Charges. If the loan secured by Ihis Secunty Inslrumenl IS subjeclto a law which sels maximum loan
<br />charges, and that law is finally Interpreted so that the IIlterest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in
<br />connection with the loan exceed thc permilled limits, Ihcn: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount
<br />necessary to reduce the charge to Ihe permined Iimll; and (b) any sums already eollected from Borrower whieh exceeded
<br />permilled limils will be refunded 10 Borro"~~ Lendcr may choose to make thIS refund by reducmg the principal owed
<br />under the Noleor by maklllg a direct payment to h'rrower. If a refund reduces prinCIpal. the reduction will he treated as a
<br />partial prepayment without any prepayment charge L nder I he NOle,
<br />13. legislation Affecting Lender's Rights. II enaclment or explralion of apphcable laws has the elfect of
<br />rendering any provision of the Note or Ihis Security Illstrumenl unenforceable according 10 Its terms. Lender, al its opllon,
<br />may require immediate payment in full of all S"~., secured by this Security Inslrument and may invoke any remedIes
<br />permitted by paragraph 19, If Lender exercises this ,'pilon, Lender shall take Ihe steps speCIfied in the second paragraph of
<br />paragraph 17.
<br />14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower prc.vlded for IIIth" Securlly Inslrument shall he gIven by delivering it or by
<br />mailing it by first clas,; mail unless apphcable law reqUIres use of anolh.r melhod The nollce shall be directed 10 the
<br />Property Address or any other address Borrower deSlgnales by nlllice III Lender. Any nollce 10 Lender shall be given by
<br />first cla>s mail to Lender's address staled herein or any other address Lender designatL" hy nnllce 10 Borro\\'er. Any notice
<br />provided for in this Security Instrument shall he deemed 10 have been gl\.cn In Borrower or Lender when given as provided
<br />in this paragraph,
<br />15. Governing Law; Severability. This Secunty Instrumenl shall he gll\erned hy federalla\\' and Ihe law of Ihe
<br />jurisdiction in which the Property is located, In Ihe eyent thaI any prov"ion or clause of Ih" Security Inslrumenl or Ihe
<br />Notc eonfticts with applicable law. such conflict shall nol affect olher provisIl1ns of this Security Inslrument or the Note
<br />which can be given elfect without the conflicting provisIl1n, To Ih" end the pnwlsions nf Ih" Securily Instrument and Ihe
<br />Note arc declared to be severable,
<br />16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be gIVen one conformed copy of the Note and of Ihis Security [nstrumen!.
<br />17. Transfer of the Property or a Benefleial1nterest in Borrower. If all or any pan of the Property or any
<br />mlerest in it is sold or Iransferred (or if a beneficlUlmlerest in Borrower IS sold or transferred and Borrower is nola nalural
<br />person) without Lender's prior wnllen consent, Lender may, at its opllon. reqUIre Immedlale paymenl in full of all sums
<br />secured by Ihis Security Instrument. However, Ihis oplion shall not he exerCISed hy Lender if e'ercISe IS prohibited hy
<br />federalla'v as of the date of this Secunty Instrument.
<br />If Lender exercises Ih" option, Lendcr shall give Borrower nollcc of accelernllon The nollce shall proVIde II penod
<br />of no I less Ihan 30 days from Ihe date Ihe nOlice is deli.'ered or mailed withlll whIch Borrower mu,t pay all 'urns secured by
<br />Ihis Security Instrument. If Borrower fails 10 pay these sums pnor 10 the e>plTallon oflh" period. Lender mHY IIIvoke Hny
<br />remedies permitted by this Security Instrument witbout further nollce or demHnd on HorlOwer.
<br />18. Borrower's RighI to Reinstate. [f Borrower meets certain condilions, Horrower shall have Ihe nghtto have
<br />enforcement of this SecurilY Instrument discontinued at any lime prior 10 the clIrher of: (H) 5 days (or such olber penod liS
<br />applicable law may specify for rein!"otntcment) hefore "ale of the Prllpcrl~ rursuanl 10 any rower of !\a)c (.'ontmned 111 Ihls
<br />Security In~lrument; Of (b) entry of u judgment enforcmg thl'" SCl.:uTny Instrument Tho"tc L..t)nditlOn~ arc 'hnt Bnrrll\\.~r
<br />(a) pay' Lender all sums which then would he due under tlll\ Securlly Instrument and the Note had no acccleralloll
<br />occurred; (b) curC5 any default of any other co\cnunl' or agrecmenh, (l.:) pays :lill"pcn,C'., Incurred In cnfnfcmg 1hl'
<br />Securil}' Ins-ITument, including. but nnr hmited t(l, Tl"a"'{Inahlc atlornl"Y" fec, , and tJllakt.." 'Udl ,l\'IItIJ1 01'\ I.cndcr ma~
<br />rea!ionahly r&:qUlre tn a5;sure that th(' hen of thl!-. SCL'unty In...lrUnlent. Lemler.... f1E-!ht... Il1 tht' Prt1perly and Borrnwl'f"
<br />obhgnllon tn pay the sums ,ecured hy Ih" Sc:....unl) 'n'trunu:nl ..hall continue lInchilngt.'d l 'pOll n'II1...llllcfTlent t1\
<br />Borrower. 1111\ ~cunlY In\1rumcnt and Ihe ohllgntJllfl'" "Cl'Ufl.d hl'reh~ ..hilll ft"H1l1lll fllll~ {.trt.'l..ll\t" a'lfnn uCI.'l'krallt1l' had
<br />lJ\.:curred HO'Ae'loC'r. Ihi'lt nghl tn rcm...tatc ...hall nlll appl~ 111 the I.'-"\t; of ;h.TderatIIHl undc'r pur a~raph... 1 \ IH I"'!
<br />