<br />'! .
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<br />Deed of Trust
<br />88-103913
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<br />_BANKS
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<br />WHEREAS. Trustor is Indebted to Beneficiary in the principal sum of Sp"pnl" y Tho...", nn Rnn no /1 nnl" hR----------------
<br />Dollars ($ 70.000.00 ), which indebtedness is evidenced by Trustor's promissory note dated July 14 . 19 ~,(hereinafter
<br />called the "Note"). payable to the order of Beneficiary and having a maturity of January 10,. 1989
<br />NOW. THEREFORE, for the purpose of securing:
<br />(a) payment of the Note, together with interest thereon, late charges. prepayment penalties, any future advances. and all extensions,
<br />modifications, substitutions end renewals thereof.
<br />(b) payment of all other sums, fees or charges, together with interest thereon, advanced to protect the security of this Deed of Trust and
<br />the performance of the covenants and agreements 01 Trustor. whether or not set forth herein,
<br />(c) performance, discharge of and compliance with every term, covenant. obligation and agreement of Trustor contained herein or
<br />incorporated by reference or any other security instrument at anytime given to secure the Note, and
<br />(d) the repayment of all other sums or future advances, with interest thereon, which may heretofore have been or hereafter be advanced
<br />by Beneficiary to Trustor or Trustor's successor in interest or title.
<br />all of which is hereinafter collectively called the "Indebtedness". Trustor irrevocably grants and transters to Trustee. m trust, WITH POWER
<br />OF SALE, the following described property:
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<br />Lot Thirty-five (35), Block One (1), Brentwood Subdivision, to the City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
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<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST Is made this 1 41:h day of .1u1y , 1981L-, by and between Ronald E. Purdy Rnn ,
<br />Louise Ann Purdy. husband and wi fe whether one or more, (hereinafter called the "Trustor"),
<br />whosemallingaddressis 217 West 21st. Grand Island. HE 68801 .
<br />NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA iNRI: ion..l ARRod "1'1 on (hereinafter called the "Trustee")tWhOse mailing address Is
<br />P.D.Box 1768. Grand Is and. HE 688,CllhdNORWESTBANKNEBRASKA. NATIONAL ASSOCIAT ON ,(hareinafter
<br />called the "Beneficiary"), whossmailingaddressis l' n 'ROY 17/;A, r.,..,mn T"1,,nn 1ITF. /;ARn?
<br />
<br />together with (i) all buildings. structures. additions. enlargements, modifications. repaITs. replacements. and Improvements now or hereafter
<br />located thereon, (iI) all equipment. machinery and fixtures (Including, without limitavon. all lighting. heetmg. ventilating, cooling, air
<br />conditioning. sprinkling and plumbing fixtures, water and power systems. engines, boilers, ranges, ovens. dishwashers, mirrors and mantels.
<br />carpevng. furnaces. oil burners. elevators and motors, refrigeration plants or Units, commumcavon systems, dynamos, transformers, electrical
<br />equipment. storm and screen windows,doors. awnings and shadfts) now or hereafter attached to, or built In, any building or improvement
<br />now or hereefter located thereon. (iil) all easements and rights of way appurtenant thereto. (iv). all leasehold estate, right, title and interest 01
<br />Trustor In and to all leases. whether now or hereafter exishng or entered into (including. without limilalion, all cash and security deposits.
<br />advance rentals and deposits or paymonts 01 a similar nature). pertaining thereto. (v) all ronts, issues. profits end income therefrom (subject
<br />to the right of Trustor to collect and apply such rents. Issues. profits and income as they become due and payable so long as no event of
<br />default exists hereunder). (vi) all royalties. minerai, oil and gas rights end profits, water. water nghts. and waler stock. (vii) all tenements.
<br />hereditaments. privileges and appurtenances belonging. used or enloyed In connection therewilh. and (Vlll) all proceeds of co,:,'ersion.
<br />voluntary or Involuntary, of any 01 the loregomg Into cash or liqUidated claims (including. without limitation, proceeds of msurence ..,~d
<br />condemnalion awards). ell of which IS hereinafter collectively called the .. Trust Property"
<br />1, Ti~e. Trustor covenants. warrants and agrees WIth fleneficiary. lis successors and l'.5slgns, thel Trustor owns the Trusl Property fff.'
<br />from any prior lien or encumbrance. Ihat this Deed of Trust IS and WIll remam a valid and enforceable first lien on the Trust Proper.y,
<br />that Trustor. at its expense, will preserve such Me and WIll mamlam /his Deed 01 Trust as a lirst and paramount lien upon Ihe Trust
<br />Property and will forever warrant and defend Ihe validity and pnonty 01 the flen hereol against the claims 01 all persons and parties
<br />whomsoever. Trustor, at its expense, will cause Ihls Deed of Trust. and each amendment or supplement hereto. to be filed and
<br />recD/oed as a mortgage 01 /he Trust Property In such manner end m such place and will rake such action as In the opinion of Trustee
<br />may be required by any present or future law in order to perfect. mamtam and protectlhe lien of this Deed of Trust, as the same may
<br />be amended or supplemented from time 10 time, Trustor will make such further essurance or assurances /0 perfect its tille to the Trust
<br />Property as may be required by Beneficiary, Trustor hereby relinquishes all nghr of dower end homestead in and to the Trusl Property,
<br />2, Payment of Indebtedness. Trustor shall punctually pay the princIpal of and mterest on the Indebtedness secured hereby.
<br />3, Construction of Improvements. Trustor shall complele in goot1 and worl<manlike manner any buildings. improvements or repairs relavng
<br />thereto which may be begun on ths Trust Property or contemplated by the loan evidenced by the Note secured hereby. to pay when
<br />due all costs and fiabllities incurred therefore. and not ro permit any construction lien against such Trust Property, In the event
<br />construction of buildings. improvements or repairs are contemplated. Trustor also agrees. anything in this Deed of Trust to the contrary
<br />notwithstanding; (a) to promptly commence any such work and to complere the proposed improvements promptly, (b) 10 complete the
<br />same in i!CCOfdance with the plans and speciffcalions as approved by Beneficiary, (c) to comply with all the terms 01 a building loan
<br />agreement, if any. between Trustor and Beneficiary. /he terms of which are incorporated herem by relerence and mede a part hereof.
<br />(d) to allow Beneficiary to inspect the Trust Property at all limes during construction. and (e) to replace any work or matenals
<br />unsabsfactory to Beneficiary within fifteen (15) days after written novce from Beneficiary of such fact,
<br />4. Funds for Payment 01 Charges. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by BenefiCiary, Trustor shall pay to Benefir.iary on the
<br />first day of each month. or such other date each month as may be specified by Beneficiary. until the Indebledness is paid in full. a sum
<br />(hereinafter called the "Funds") equal to 1I12m 01 the yearly tares and assessments which may attain priority over this Deed of Trust
<br />and ground renls on the Trust Property. if eny. plus 1!12th of the yearly premium installments for hazard Insurance. plus 1!12th of the
<br />yearly ptemium InstaJ/mants for mortgage insurance. if any. all as reasonably estimated initially and from time 10 time by BenefiCIary on
<br />Ih8 basis of IISS8SSI7I8nts and billS and reasonable estimates thereof, The Funds shall be held in an 'nsMution. the deposits or
<br />accoums of which 81& insured Of guaranteBd by a federal or stete agency including BenefiClery, Benehciary shall epply the Funds to
<br />pay said t8l<8S. assessments. inwrance premiums and ground rents, Beneficiary shall not be reqUired 10 pay Trusto, any interest or
<br />IJIJII'IIngs on the Funds. BeneficiBty shall give to Trustor, wrthoul charge. an annuel accounting of me Funds shOWing credlrs and
<br />debita to the Funds end the purpose tor whiCh each debit to the Funds was made, The Funds aro pledged as addinonal SBCuriry 10'
<br />ilia IndebtBdnEtSS 51JCured by thi, Deed of Trust If the amount of the Funds held by BenefiCiary, together wllh /he tuture monthly
<br />installments 01 Funds payable prior to /he due dates 01 taxes. assessmenrs, insurance promiums and ground renrs. shall exceed lhe
<br />amount required to pay said tares, assessmenlS. Insurance premiums end ground rants as mey fall due. such ercess shall be. al
<br />Trustor's option. eithfN promptly rPpaid to TruslOt' or credited to Truslor agamsl lurure monthly inSlallments 01 Fund~ II the amounr at
<br />:he Funds IHJId by BenelicJBty shaH nol be sufricianl to pay tares. assessments. Insurance premIUms and ground renls as they fall due,
<br />Trustof Shell pay to BenaficiBty any amounr necessary to make up Ihe defiCIency Wllhln Ihl/'fy days lrom Ihe date nohce IS mBiled by
<br />&nefichJty to Trustor requesting paymanllhereot Upon paymenr m full of all 'ndebredness. BenellClar}' shall promprfy refund '0
<br />TruslOt any Funds IHJId by Beneficiary, If /he Trust Prope/'fy IS s!>ld under fM power of salo 0' rho Trusr PropeT!t IS otl1efWlso acqUllOc1
<br />by Beneficiary. Beneficiary shan apply. ImmedlBtely pnor to the sale of tho Trusr PropoT!t or Irs RcqUlSlr/on tll' BpnpIIC"'r}' Rn~ Fund.
<br />held by 8enefieJaryal the time of applicatlOt18S a c/fJdn agamst rhe Indoblednoss "Benpfzc,af'y eUJc"lt~s iJ Wfl"efl 1\'<]1\'0' or Trustor_'"
<br />obIrgiftJOn$ ~ tl'ws paftlqlllph.a, TrustOf COlflJflanfs and ByrB8S ro DB}t bufort1 the .lj:sme baCOfTlff do/movfln( at! rn U1S j..s.sl~s.:;nlltflrS
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