<br />BY 8-
<br />
<br />10390~1
<br />
<br />Bryce E. Ewoldt
<br />
<br />Personal Representative of the Estate of
<br />
<br />Edmund Ewoldt
<br />
<br />Deceased. GRANTOR. conveys and releases to
<br />
<br />Louise Hunnicutt, A Single Person, Roberta Schipman & Donald Schipman, Wife
<br />& Husband and Bryce E. Ewoldt and Carolyn Ewoldt, Husband and Wife,
<br />the lollowing described real estate (as defined in Neb, Rev, Stat. 76-201):
<br />
<br />GRANTEE.
<br />
<br />Part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (N~S~)
<br />of Section Thirteen (13), in Township Eleven (11), North, Range
<br />Ten (10), West of the 6th P.M., more particularly described as
<br />follows, viz: Commencing at the Northeast corner of the North-
<br />east Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section, running
<br />thence South along the east line of said Section for a distance
<br />of 148.5 feet, running thence West at right angles for a distance
<br />of 290.0 feet, running thence North at right angles, for a distance
<br />of 152.0 feet to the North line of said Southeast Quarter of said
<br />Section. and running thcncc East along the North line of said
<br />Southeast Quarter, for a distancc of 290.0 feet to the place
<br />of beginning, all in lIa11 County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />~,.c.\'t.E.O
<br />S-11\~
<br />
<br />\ ~ OOCUMEHTMV \
<br />~TM
<br />JUL 18 1988
<br />,fY~ r~ hT'
<br />
<br />subjeclto easements. reservations. covenants and restrictions of record,
<br />
<br />GRANTOR has determined that the GRANTEE IS the person entllled to distribution 01 the real estate trom said estate
<br />GRANTOR covenants With GRANTEE that GRANTOR has legal power and lawful authOrity to convey and release the same
<br />
<br />"'~""drop d .. ,,' i
<br />
<br />'" r ~ ./11 ,I..-
<br />~ f:)"y,<-<. f" I.:<-,~-"~ " '
<br />Bryce t. Ewoldt Personal Representabve. Estate of
<br />Edmund Ewoldt . Deceased
<br />
<br />COUNTY OF ....',.... .~~. . . ' , , '
<br />
<br />}
<br />} sa.
<br />. )
<br />
<br />i:;f~J" .Ii.. 19r5 by
<br />
<br />
<br />, , , . Personal Representative 01 the Esta'e ot
<br />
<br />The foregOing Instrument was acknowledged belore me on ,
<br />'..,.."..,......,....",.,' BI}r~~. ,E:. E~~~?~.,.".
<br />
<br />Edmund Ewoldt
<br />. . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . " . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . .
<br />
<br />. Deceased
<br />
<br />....~..--
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<br />IrllllBLbJ-
<br />
<br />) /1 . ti 9;
<br />...,. ,. i. J:}:: ,), .I?>~.~.,...-t.r.
<br />Notary ~ll hc .- J 0
<br />My co I ISSlon expires ' ...).: )).... // rC'
<br />
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, County 01. .,..,..,.,' '..,.',..'
<br />
<br />Filed lor record and entered in Numencal Index on, . '
<br />
<br />19
<br />
<br />at
<br />
<br />o'clOCk
<br />
<br />M and
<br />
<br />recorded in Deed Record
<br />
<br />Page
<br />
<br />,l
<br />
<br />County or Deputy County Clerk
<br />RegIster or Deputy Regls1er of Deeds
<br />
<br />NSlIA kInn r 1 r
<br />,., rll3
<br />
<br />BY
<br />Cop~"gnl . r919~..*a Sid" B" A5>oe,,"O" PAGE 1 01 1 PAGE
<br />