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<br />98- <br /> <br />103898 <br /> <br />811312-1-20 <br /> <br />THIS ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDeR Is made this 18th day 01 July 1988. and <br />Is Incorporated Into and shall be deemed to Bmend and supplement the Mortgage. Deed 01 TruBt or Security Deed C'Martgage'1. 01 even <br />date hsrewith. glven by the undenlgnBd {"Mortgagor'1 to secure Mortgagor's Adjustable Rate Note ("Note'1, 01 even date herewith. to <br />FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN ("Mortgagee". <br />covering the premlaes deBcribed In the Mortgage and lCl1.:8tBd el 909 West 10 Street <br />Grand Island, Nebraska 68801 <br /> <br />ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER <br /> <br />NolWfthstancllng anything to the contrery set larth In the Mortgage, Mortgagor and Mortgagee hereby agree to the lallowlng: <br /> <br />1. Under the Note. the InIllBl Slated Interest rate 01 Eight and one half per centum ( 8.500 %) <br />per annum ("InlllBl Intannt Rate" an the unpaid principal b.Jance I. .ubject to change. a. herelnalter d..cribBd. When the Intere.t <br />!lite changes. the equBI nionthly InslBllments 01 principal and Interest also will be BdjustBd. as hereinafter provided, so that each <br />InltaJlment wID be In an amount necnsary to fully amortize the unpald principal balance of the Note. at the new edjustBd Interest <br />rate, over the remalnlng tann 01 the note. <br /> <br />2. The fttBt adjustment to the Inlerest rate (If any Bdjustment IB required) wiD be eIIecllve on the first day of Sep tember <br />1989 . (which date will not be less than lWalve month. nor more thBn eighteen monthB from the due dBI3 01 the first In- <br />stallment payment under the Nole). and thereafter each adjuBtment to the Interesl rate will be made eIIective on that day 01 each <br />succeeding year during the tann 01 the Mortgage C'Change DBle'" <br /> <br />3. each adjustment 10 the In,erest rate wiD be made based upon the 10Dawlng method 01 employing Ihe weekly average yield an Unn- <br />ed SlBles TreaSllry Securities adjusted 10 a constant maturity 01 one year ("Index"; Ihe Index Is publlBhed In the Federal Reserve <br />Bulletin and made BYBllable by the Unfted Stales Treasury Department In Statistical Release H.15 (519)). As 01 eech Change Date. <br />ft will be determined whether or nol an Inlerest rate adjustment must be made. and the amount 01 the new edJusted Interest rate. <br />II any. eB lolowe: <br /> <br />(e) The emount 01 the Ind"" wID be determined. using the most recently Bvallable figure. thirty (30) days before the Change Date <br />C'Cwrent Index". <br />(b) 250 percentage points ( 2.500 '110: the "Margin" wiD be added 10 the Current Index and the <br />llllIl1 otlhla Bddillon wiI be rounded to tho nearest anlHlighth 01 one percenlage paint (0.125'110). The rounded sum. of thot <br />M8rtIIn plue the Current Ind.... wID be CBIIad the "Calculated Inlerest Rete" lor each Change Dale. <br />Ic) The c.Jculated Inlerest Rete will be compared 10 the interest rate being """,ed Immedlalely prior to the current Change Date <br />(such int..t rate being caIed the "ExIsting Interesl Rate". Then, thB new edjusted Interest rale. II any. wiD be determined <br />as Iolows: <br />(I) "the Calculeted In.... RaIe Ie Ihe IBmlI .. the Eldallng Interest Rale. the Interest rate will not change. <br />Ii) "thl dlIlaIwIoa ~ thl CalCuIa1I1d Im...1 Rate ad the Exllllng Interest Rete Is less II1sn or eqIW to one percent- <br />age poIn~ the new ad~ltad int...t rate wi! be equI to the c.Jcula1ed Inlerest Rale (Bubject to the maximum allowable <br />change eN. the term of the Mortgage 01 live percenlage paints. In either dIrectlon, from the InlllBl Interest Rale. herein <br />caIad the -s.. Cap,. <br />(iI) "the CalCula1ed 1,,_ Rate lIllC8ad$ tho ExIsting Interest Rate by more than one percenlage point. the new adjusted <br />kltarnI rate wiI be equal to one percenlage point higher than the ExIsting Interest Rate (subject to tho 5~ Cap). <br />(Iv) II the Calculated Interest Flale II leal than the Exlatlng Interest Rale by more than one percenlage point. the new Bdjust, <br />ad Interest rate wiI be equal to ane percenlage point leal than lhe ExIsting Interest Rale (subject to the S'IIo Cap). <br />(lI) NatwtlhelBndlng enyIhln; containad in this Adjulllble Rate Rider, In no ..... wID any new adjusted Inlerest rate be mare than <br />IIva pgcenlaga (S'IIo) points higher or lower than the Inlllal In_ Rate. "any Increase or dac:r-.Be In the ExIsting Interest <br />RBle would caule the new ad~sted _t rate to exceed the S'IIo Cap. the new edjusted Interest rate wiI be Dmiled to tlv2 <br />parcenl.aga (5~) points high. or lower. which...... Is IPPIicBbIa. than the In'!lal Interest Rale. <br />(e) MOItgagae wi! perform the functions rwqulred un... Su~hl 3(e). (bl and (c) to determine the amoum 01 the new edjusl. <br />ad rate. ! any. Atrt such new edjusted Interest rate will become eIIectlve an the Change Dete and th.....ner will be deemed to <br />be the Existln9 Interest Rete. The new Exlallng Int..t Rale wiI remain In eIIecl unlil lhe next Change Dale on which 'he Inter- <br />..t rate III edjuatBd. <br />(f) The mathad sat IoI1h in 1hI1 Peregraph 3 or this Adjulled Rale Rider, lar determining whether or not an adjustment must be <br />made to the EldatJng Interest Rate incorpOtates the eIIects 01 the provisions 0124 CFR 203.49 (e) (1) and 234.79 (e) (t) which <br />raqulra that changes in the Index in excesl 01 ane percenlage paint must be earned aver for inclusion In adjustments to the <br />Exlstlng ~ Rete In lublaquent years. <br />(g) If the Indax Is no longer availabla. Mortgagea wiI be required to ule any Index prescribed by the Department 01 Housing and <br />UIUn Davt!lopnwl~ Mortgagea wiI nolify Mortgagor In writing 01 any such subBlIlute Ind"" (giving.. necessary InlQlTtlBtion <br />..... Mortgagor 10 obllIln BUCh Indllll) and aner the dale 01 such natice the substlbJte Index wi be deemed to be the Index <br />'*-'der. <br /> <br />4. (e) If the EJdatlng Int_ l'lBIe cI1anges on any Change DBle. Mortgagee wiI recalculate the monlhly Installment payments or prlncl. <br />pal and Int_ to delertnIne the I/l1OUnl which would be """""SBtj/ to repcy in fuD. on the maturity dale. the unpaid principal balance <br />(whlch unpaid prIncipBI ballllCI wi! be deamed to be the BtnOUtlt elle an such Change DBle ..sumlng there hes been no defaun In <br />111'/ paymanl on ilia Nola but d IIf1IP&YlI*'II on the Nota heYe beero liken Into account). Bt the new Exlltlng Interest Rale, In equsl <br />monthly paynwlts. On or before lha Change Oata. Mortgagee wi! gIva Mortgagor wrin.. nollce ("Adjuslmer1t NaUce") of any <br />change In ilia ElliIIIng _ Rate end or lha revised emounl or the monll1ly Inslalment payments 01 principal end Interesl caIcu, <br />IBIecI .. prowIded Bbova. Each Adlu- Notice wiI HI Iorlh (I) the date the Adjuslmer1t NoUce I. given. (II) the Change Dale. <br />~ the llGW Exls~ InlBnlBl Rate as adju.tad on lha Clwtge DBle. (Iv) lhe IImOUnt of the adjusted monthly inSlaUmant payments. <br />CIicuIIlted .. prorided ebcNe. (v) lha Cunenl Index. (vi) lha melhad of calculating 'he edjuslmer11 10 th monthly In.lailment pay, <br />........ and (wi) q otlw InIonnBlIon which may be reqund trj IBw from _ to _. <br /> <br />.~ ARM ...,.. 7-... <br /> <br />Paoe ' 01 2 <br />