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<br />THISDEEDOFTRUST ("Secumylnstrumen'''llSmadeon July 13,
<br />1988 ,ThelruslorJs Robert S. Proffitt and T. A. Proffitt, each in his and her own right,
<br />
<br />and as spouse of each other, ("Borrow..") The rrust"" " Earl D. Ahlschwede
<br />("Trust""")' The beneficiary is
<br />
<br />The Equitable Building and Loan Associul ion, ,whichisorganizrdande"isling
<br />under Ihe laws of the State of Nebraska .and,.'hoseaddrcssis 113-115 North Locust
<br />
<br />Street, Grand Island, Nebraska bBBO I ("Lendcr"),
<br />Borrower Ollie!> Lendenhe prmclpBl sum of Eight een Thousand and no/IOO ------------------------
<br />-----------------------------Oollan;(U S SIB, 000.00 ) This dcbt "evidenced by Borrower's nole
<br />daled Ihe same dale /lS thIs Secunly Inslrument ("Note"), which pnwld", for monthly payments, with thc full debt. ifnol
<br />
<br />paid carlier. due and payablcon August 1, 199]
<br />This SecurilY Inslrumenl =Uf'" 10 Lend.. (a) the repaymenl of rhe dcbt e"ldenced by Ihe Note. with intcf"'l. and all
<br />rcr.~wals. elltcnslons and mod.flcallons: (blthe payment of all olher sums. with mteresl. advanccd under paragraph 710
<br />prou,cllhe securil)' oflhlS Secumy Instrument; and (c) Ihe perfomlancc of Borrowers covenants and agreements, For Ihis
<br />purpose. Borro..er Irrev0C3bly granh and convey. 10 T ru.tec. 10 trust; With f'i,wer ohale. the followmg described property
<br />
<br />located in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot Twelve (12', Regency By The Green Subdivision, an Addilion to the City of Grand
<br />island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />
<br />which h.. the address of
<br />
<br />2313 Stagecoach Road,
<br />15'"'"'1
<br />
<br />Grand Island
<br />IC,,>)
<br />
<br />Nebruka
<br />
<br />68801
<br />II",~l
<br />
<br />TOOETlIER WITH all th~ improvc:m.:nIS now Of hrreaft~r erecled on lhe properly. and all ea""m~nts, rights.
<br />appurtcnanca, rems. royallies. min~raJ. oil and gas riglm and profils. wat~r nghts and srock and all fixlures now or
<br />hereafter a pan ofth~ propcny. "'II replacemenls and additions shall also be cos'ered by Ihis s.,curity Instrument. All of Ihe
<br />(oresoin, ~ referred 10 in Ihis Securily Inslrumenl as Ih~ "Property,"
<br />
<br />BoRROWER CovENANl'5 thaI Borrower ista..;ully seised of the eslale her~by com'eyed and h", the nght to grant
<br />and convey Ihr Propcny and lhat lhe Property i. unencurr.bc:rcd. exc""t for encumbranc,,-' of record Borrower "'an'3nls
<br />end -ill dd'end ~n~llIl1y the Iotle' th~ Property Ill"iml .U claim. and demand.. ,ubJecl 10 any ellcun,brllnc"," of rc..,ord,
<br />
<br />TillS SkCURIT" IN'II'RI" iT combllle umform cov~nanls for nallonal u~ and non,ulliform "wen.nls w,lh
<br />hm.laI'.nauolls h)'/un"lIc\1on Ollstllulea umform ,"""unly '",trumen' coscnng n:al propcn!'
<br />
<br />("Prop.:rty Addr<:ss");
<br />
<br />HE8RASltA-~1/t r .""f,-FIIMA I '"llll(; UNIFOIIM IIfSTIIUMlllfT
<br />
<br />form 3028 12/e3
<br />
<br />l.lal,..,....:::.t 0Jl:ll.' ,I.-I; I~..!';..~~~'c' ro,~ "'-Ii..
<br />..........~..... ""-..,. -.. . ',"" '''\~ 1.xJ..2U-fta3I
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