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<br />ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER <br />(I Yen Treaury I_x-Rale Cape) <br /> <br />THIS ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER is made Ihis .J.~.. day of ...............~X............,.......... 19 ..~~..., and is <br />incorporated into and shall be deemed to amenl1and supplementlhe Morlgage, Occd of Trust or Security Deed (the <br /> <br />~~u~~~~~:~~:~:~~~~~.~..~~..~~~;~~~~~~~~.~~..~.~~.~.~~~:.~.~~~~~~~~~ <br /> <br />....................................,...............................,....,.., (the MLenderft) of the same date and coveringlhe property described in <br />the Security Instrument and located at: <br /> <br />88- <br /> <br />103862 <br /> <br />.....~,..~~...~~~..~.~,..~~,!,..~..~.~~~~..............,................,.............................,...................................... <br />I ProperlY Addr.., I <br /> <br />THE NOT! CONTAINS PROVISIONS ALLOWING FOR CHANGES IN THE INTEREST RATE <br />AND THE MONTHLY PAYMENT. THE NOTE UMITS THE AMOUNT THE BORROWER'S <br />INTEREST RATE CAN CHANGE AT ANY ONE TIME AND THE MAXIMUM RATE THE BOR- <br />ROWER MUST PAY. <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL COVENANTS. In addilion 10 Ihe covenanlS and agreements made in the Security Inslrument. Borrower <br />and Lender further cove!!ant and agree as follows: <br />A. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGFS <br />The Note provides for an initial interest rate of ~Q~.99.Q,...%. The Nete provides for changes in the interest rate and the <br />monthly payments, a. follows: <br /><t. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGFS <br />( A I C1Iaqe Dal" <br />The interest rate I will ray may change on the first day of .,.. ..........,~..Q,-l:.... ..... 19,9.~..,. and on Ihal day <br />every 12th month thereafter Each dale on which my inleresl rate could change is called a -Change Date," <br />I B I TIle IIIIIn <br />Belinninl with the first Change Dale. my mlerest rale will be based on an Index. The Mlndex" is Ihe weekly <br />averale yield on Uniled Slales Treasury securilics adjusted to a conSlanl malurily of I year. as made available by the <br />Federal Reserve Board. The most recenllndex figure available as of the dale 45 days before each Change Dale is called <br />the "Current Index, ".. <br />If Ihe Index is no longer avaIlable, Ihe Note Holder will choose a new index wh,ch is based upon comparable <br />information. The NOle Holder Will give me nOllce of Ihis choice, <br />(C J Cllculalioll of CIIuc" <br />~ach Change Dale. Ihe NOle ~olfsbcrdll calculale my new Interest rale by adding ..OO..N()..~.... <br />........,....,...................... percemage points I...~......,......,%I (0 the Current Index. The Notr. Holdcr will then round the <br />result of Ihls addition to lhe neare51 one-eIghth of one percenlage poInt (0.125%) SubJecltO the hml($ staled In Section <br />4(01 below, Ihis rounded amount w,lI be my new interest rate unlil the nell Change Dale. <br />The Note Holder will then determine the amount of Ihe monthly paymen! that would be $ufficienl 10 repay Ihe <br />unpaid principal that I am expecled 10 owe al Ihe Change Date In full on the malUrny dale al my new interest rale m <br />subslantially equal payments The result of (his calculallon w,lI be the neW amounl of my monthly payment. <br />l D I U..lll 011 InleRSI Ralr CUIII" <br />The interest rale I am required 10 pay at the nrst Change Date w,lI nol be greater than U~()()~O.~...'Jf or less Ihan <br />......,..!~,~.9.9~..%, Thereafler. my InlerCSI rate will never be Increased or decreased on any "ngle Change Date by more <br />than IWO percentalle points (2.0%) from i~e ~S of InlcreS! I have been paYIng for the precedIng Iwelve months. ~y <br />inlerest rate will never be greater than ......~.......,....'J1-. <br />( E) E1JKtlwe Dalr of C1IaIll" <br />My new interesl rate will become elfecllve on each Change Dale 1..,11 pay the amoun! of my new monthly payment <br />beginning on the nrsl monthty payment dale afler the Change Dale unl,1 the amounl of my monthly paymenl changes <br />again, <br />4 F) Nocke ur C'IauI:n <br />The NOle Holder will deliver or mail to me a nollce of any changes in my Inlerest rate and the amounl of my monthly <br />paymenl before the effective date of any change. The nOllce w,lI Include information required by law to be given me and <br />also the title and Ielephone number of a person who will ans"'er any queslion I m3Y have regarding the nOlice, <br />B. TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY OR A BENEFICIAL INTERFST IN BORROWER <br />Uniform Covenanl 17 of Ibe SecurilY I nstrument is amended to read as follows: <br />T_fl!t' of 1M Proprrty or a Brnrficiallnlursl in Borrowrr. If all or any part of the Property or any inlerest in it is <br />sold or transferred (or if a benefiCIal inlerest In Borrower IS sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural person) <br />without Lender's prior wriuen consenl. Lender may. at lIs option. require immediate payment in full of all sums secured <br />by this Security Instrllmen\. However. this option shall nOI be exercised by Lender if el<ercise is prohibiled by federal law <br />as of lhe dlle of this Security Inslrument. lender also shall nOI elercise this option if: (a) Borrower causes to be <br />submitted to Lender information required by Lender to evaluate the intended Iransferee as if a new loan were beIng made <br />to the transferee; and Ibl Lender reasonably delermines that Lender's securily will not be Impaired by lhe loan <br />assumplion and Ihat the risk of a breach of any covenant or agreement in this Security Inslrument is acceplable 10 <br />Lender, <br /> <br />.'The Inde" figure available AS of the date the Inlllal imere,t late wa, delermllled fur It", 1"al1 \la' <br /> <br />7 ~ 5.90()() n". <br /> <br />IIUl.n5TATt ADJUSTABLf RATE ~1Ot:R-SRM So2-s.-'..! ,...-..,-Fon.... _ F,"""",!IIIac Uniform 'nltru_n! <br /> <br />Fonn J" I J 85 <br /> <br />"- .!~~il4I)i1...'....4O!!,' <br />