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<br />88- <br />NON. UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender rurther covenant Bnd agree as follows: <br />19. A...elerlllon; Remedl... Lender .hlll Ri.e notice to Borrower prior to Icceleration Collowlng Borro".r'. <br />b....b oC uy connu! or Il\I'eement In thll Security Instrumenl (but not prior to I...eleration under paralll'lph. 13 Ind 17 <br />unl... Ippllcable II" pro.ld.. olhenolle). The notice shIll speclCy: (I) the deClult; (b) the Iction required 10 cure the <br />eldaull; (c) I dale, not I... than 30 day. from the datelhe notic. I. Ri.en 10 Borro"er, hy "blch Ihe defAUlt mUll be cured; <br />ud (d' thll faUure to cure th. deClult OD or beCore the dale .pecJlled In the notice mlY r..ull In lceeleratlon oC Ihe .ums <br />_ured hy tb1s Secarlty IllItrwnenl Ind lIIe oC the Property. The notice .hlll Curther Inform Borro"er oC th. rlpt to <br />rel..lIle aft.. acceleration and the rlpl io bring I court Ictlon to ....rt the non..x1st.nce oC a deClult or uy'oth.r <br />deC.nse oC Borro".. to acceleration ud lIIe. Irthe deCultl. nol cured on or before Ibe date specllled in the notice, Lender <br />II III option may require immedllle plyment In Cull oC all .ums .ecured hy thll Securlly Instrumenl "lthout Curth.. <br />demaad ud may (n.oke the po"er oC ..Ie ud uy other remedl.. permlttod by Ippllcable la". Lender .ball be entltied to <br />collect aU 0_ incurred in punuin. the remedl.. pro.ided in this pll'II\P'lph 19, including; hut not limited to, <br />l'HIOI1IIIIe .nomefl' Cea aDd Wit. oC title ..Idenee. <br />If tile power of ..Ie Is in.oked, Tl1IlItee shall record I notice oC deClultln elch county In "hich any part oC tb. <br />Property Is locaIed aad .hall mail copi.. oC .uch notice in the mllllller prescribed hy applicahle II" to Borrow.r and 10 tbe <br />other pennDl prescribed by ..,plicable II", Atler th. time required by applicabl. Ja", Truslee .balllliv. puhlic nOllc. oC <br />..1.10 th. pennDland In the mlnD.r prescribed by Ipplicable II", Truslee, "ithout delllllnd on Borro".r, shall..1I tb. <br />Property It public luctlon to th. hl.....1 bidder II th. time and plac. and under th. t.rms d..lllDlted in tb. notic. oC saI. In <br />ODe or more pareelsand In Iny order Trustee delermln.., Trustee may postpone ..Ie oC all or any parcel oC the Property by <br />public lDOouncem...t II the tlm. and pi.... DC aay previousiy scheduled sale. Lend.r or Its deslllDee may purchas. tbe <br />Property It aay 1IIe. <br />Upoa receipt DC pI)'III.nt or tb. pric. bid, Truslee shall deliver 10 Ibe purchaser Truslee'. deed conveying tbe <br />Property. The recillll in the Trustee'. deed sblll be prima fIde evideDee or the truth of tbe statements made tbereln. <br />Truatee sballlpply lhe proceeds of the ..Ie in tbe follo"ing order. (1110 all expenses of tbellle, Including, but not limiled <br />10, Trustee'. rees II permitted by Ipplicahle II" Ind rasoaabie Inomeys' fees; (b, to III .ums secured by Ihl. Security <br />1...........1; ud rcl uy ex.... to the penon or penonsltlllily entitled to it, <br />20. Lender In Possession. Upon accclenuion undcr paragraph lq or abandonment of the Property, lender (in <br />person, by ag.nt or by judlci1lly appomted recclVer) ,hall be enlllled 10 mtcr upon, lake PO'''''iSlon of and manage Ibe <br />Propcr1y and to colleclthc rents of the Property includlng those past due. Any rents collected by Lender or the receiver <br />shall be applied first 10 J1aiyment of the costs of management of the Property IJnd coUection of rents, including. but not <br />limited 10. rc:cei\'er's feo. prennum!lo on recel'ver'~ bnnds Bnd rea.wnLlblc Bllome)"5' fees, and then 10 the sums secured by <br />this Security Instrument <br />21. Reconn)'uu. Upon paymen1 of all sums secured by Ihl'" Sccun1y Instrument, lender shall request Trustee to <br />reconvey the Property Ilnd s.hall surrender thiS Secunt)' lostrumenl and all noles evidenCIng debt secured by this Security <br />[nstrumcnllO TruMce, Trustee ~hall rC'Con'Vey the Propcny wnhout wlIITllnly and wnhout chllrge to the person or persons <br />I.gally .nUlled 10 ,t. Such po""n or pe""n, .hlll pay any recordallon c",IS, <br />21. Sabdltule Trvllee. Lender. allb option. may from lime to lime remove Truslee and appoint 8 successor trustee <br />to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an Instrument recorded 10 Ihe count)' In which Ihis Security lnslrument 15 recorded. <br />Without conveyance of the Property, the SUCCOMJr trustee shall succeed 10 mlllhe utle. power and dUlics conferred upon <br />TfU!tee hcrein Ind by .ppticabl.II'" <br />%3. ROIIIICIt 'or Nolim. Borrower request"" that COplO of the noUces of defaul1 Bnd sale be sent to Borrower's <br />addreu which i! lhc Propc:r1y MdfC>> <br />24. Riden to tIIl1 Securlly l..truJllenl. .f on. or morc "dc.. Ir. .lecuted hy Ilorrow.r and recorded 10g<lhcr with <br />thll Security Instrumenl. the covenant!. and IIgrC'1:ment.s of each ~uch nder ~hall be Incorpol1lled into and shall amend and <br />lupplement the covenants and agreement" of lh.s Secuntl Instrument a) If the nderfs) were: .11 pan of Ihis Secunty <br />Instrument. [Cba:k applicablc bol(<5)! <br />o Adju,,"bl. Rite R.der <br /> <br />103855 <br /> <br /> <br />C Condominium Rider <br /> <br />~ 2-4 Family Rider <br /> <br />o Graduated Plymcnt RIder <br /> <br />~ Planned Unll Development Rider <br /> <br />o Other{.) I.pec,fy) <br /> <br />Bv StoNING BELOW. Borrower accepts and lIgrees to the lenns and co'Venllnt!So contamed In lhls Security <br />Instrume111 and in an)' nder(s) C.llccuted by Borrower nnd recorded Wllh 11 <br /> <br />c {'~-r:2L:~ ' <br /> <br />Richard G. Schwar~;"""""""~ <br /> <br />~~~m".~, <br />Ernn H, Schwartz <br /> <br />,(Seal) <br />--80nowet <br /> <br />",(Seal) <br />-- <br /> <br />51 A TE OJ- NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />Hall ('ounq. ..... <br /> <br />On thi!! lSth day of July ,1988, "c,.'ture me, thl" uOI.lcr..igm'o, a NOlaq Puhh... <br />duly commissionC'd and qualified ftlr ~aid l"OUIUY, (It"r''lmall') ~ame Richard G. Schwartz and Ernn M. <br />Schwartz. each in his and her own right. and as spouse of each othe:To me kntmn III he Ihe <br />identical permn(sl ",h(l~c name(s) are !lub\cribcd to the lorl.'i,luinJ,! m..lrumenl and at:kl1o",lcdgctJ Ihl' c"\C,,:1I1101I <br />thereof lo be the i r \'Olul1laty nt:1 and d.eed, <br />Wir,C"Ss my hand and oOlarial'ieal nl GTa~d [s Nebraska tJ1 ~al(J \,;ounl\, Ihl' <br />dale aforesllid, .// <br /> <br />My Commi"ion ..pires: q-I-Jf' cz:12 L5'~.d, <br /> <br />[J:....="=~~ /' / "'~","""Uhl'.'U~ <br />. .............. 1. ~lJESl ,(' N\'I' ANlI v <br />TI.TRusn- <br />flit' lInder\lgnl."d I" lht' rHlldt'r III" Ihl" 1ll1lt' llr null'" ~nurf.'ll In tl11'o Iked 1,1 Trll" ""ald !JIlll' I'l Ill'll" !"l:l'llll'l <br />,,'ith allolher IOdt'hlcdlll'''' 't'\'ured h~' Ihl\ 1)c(L1 III 1 rtJ~l, ha\c hc,'..'n ]1i.lld ITllu11 '1'1/ arl' Ilr:rc.'h, ,llll'lln!lll ..;111.:'1 "Ifd <br />nole' Uf n(}lc~'and Ihl\ Deed 01 Inl~l, "hH.h all' ddl\l'rnJ hl'ldn, Mlt.! I.. fl'CIlI\\l'\, ...."hlllll \\,II',tl1I\ ,1111111' \":,11.. <br />nn\\- held h\ )'OU unllr' tlll\ 1)("I,'d III "II~1 fPlhe Pt"'tlfl I'l jll",t1n.. k)!:III\ l"1I11Iklllhcll'f" <br /> <br />Bale <br />