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<br />~ ESTATE MORTGAGE-W!th Tax Clause' Hullman and Felton & Wolf, Walton, Ne. 68461
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<br />(Mortgagor )
<br />of Hall County, and State of Nebraska ,in consideration of the suinoOf
<br />Sixty Thousand ($60,000.00) ______________________________________DQLLARS
<br />in hlUld paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto ROGERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC, INC.,
<br />a Corporation,
<br />(Mortgagee )
<br />of Plat:.te County, and Slate of Nebraska the followingdeecribedpremillell
<br />situated in Hall County, and State of Nebraska to-wit:
<br />
<br />The Northerly Sixty (60) feet of Lot Seven (7) and the Southerly
<br />Forty (40) feet of Lot Eight (8) in Block Three (3) in Dickey Second
<br />Subdivision to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />and
<br />A tract of land situated in the West Half of the Southwest Quarter
<br />(W~SW~) of Section Four (4), Township Eleven (11) North, Ra~ge Nine
<br />(9), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska described as
<br />beginning at a point Forty Feet East (40'E) and 150.8 Feet South of
<br />the Northwest Corner of said Southwest Quarter (SW~)~ Thence,
<br />running southerly along a line 40 feet East of and parallel to the
<br />West line of said SW~; a distance of 76 feet~ thence running
<br />Easterly and parallel to the North line of Rains Subdivision a
<br />distance of 289 feet~ thence, running northerly and parallel to the
<br />West line of said SW~ a distance of 76 feet~ thence, running
<br />westerly and parallel to the North line of Rains Subdivision a
<br />distance of 289 feet to the point of beginning.
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<br />The intention being to convey hereby an abeolute title in fee simple including all the righlll of homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premilles above dt!llCribed, with all the appurtenD11ce8 thereunto belonging unto the
<br />lIAid mortgagee and to its heirs and 8118igns, forever. provid...d always, and these preeenla are upon the esp~
<br />condition lhat if the aforesaid mortgllllor his heirs, ",,!!Cutors. administrators or 8IIIIil1l8 shall payor cauae to be
<br />paid to the !IBid mortgagee its heirs, executors, administrators or 8118ill18. the sum of Sixty Thousand
<br />Dollars ($60,000.00) Dollanl,JJ8yable.. follows. to-wit:
<br />In accordance with Dollars on the day of . 19
<br />that certain Promissory DollarN on the day of .19
<br />Note 0 f even da te Dollars on the day of ' 19
<br />herewi th. DoII"r. on .he day of ' 19
<br />Dollars on the day of . 19
<br />with inter...t thereon at 10% per cent pt'r annum, payable man t 1 Y >UIlIIaIb all according to the tenor and effect of
<br />a certain promi-..ry not.. of 8lIid Al H. Ensley
<br />
<br />i
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<br />bearing ev(>n date with th..... preJICntA. llnd .h,,1I pay all IllX"S and _m..nlll It'Vird upon lIIlid real ...late. and all other tax"",
<br />levi... and ~enll levird upon thi. mortglllle or the note which thia mortJ{"" i. given to aecure, before the same becomes
<br />delinquent. and keep the buildings on 8lIid premi""" insured for the .um of I loas, if any. payable to
<br />the 8lIid martgaJ{ee. then th...... prPSenll to be void. otherwiae to be and remain in full force,
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) That if the said mortJ{allor .hall fail to pay such taz... or procure such insurlllKll!, the
<br />IIIlid marttlallee may IIaY such Iaus and procure ouch inaurance; and the .um 00 advancecl. with interellt at per cent
<br />shall be paid by Mid mortgagor. and thi. mortgage .hall stand as oecurity for the aame. (2) That a failure to pay any of said
<br />money. either principal or interest when the same becom... due. or a failure to comply with any of the foregoinll agreementa,
<br />shall caUIe the whole sum of money herein iJ;red to become due and collectible at once at the option of the mortgagee.
<br />
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<br />. County of Hall" .."ud
<br />Ie quall8ed for ..Id county. personally came Al H. Ensley
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<br />the elleculion
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<br />Enlered on numerical lndl'll and lllrd for ~rd
<br />in the Hepter of Deed. omce of ..k! County the
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<br />STATE
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