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<br />88-- 103773 <br /> <br />NEBRASKA DEED OF TRUST <br />(With Power of Sale) <br /> <br />Amount of First Instalment $. 332. 78 <br />Total of Payments $. 19966.80 <br />Number of Monthly hstalmenta 60 <br /> <br />Amoun.t of Other Instalments $ 332 78--- <br />First IllBtalment Due Date August 18. 19.8B. <br />Final Instalment Due Date ,J u I y 18 , 1993- <br /> <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made this -12...... day of <br />~oon Ben C. Wilson and Elaine K. Wilson. <br />whosemailingaddreuis_--R.t1Box71Cairn.Np <br />a8 Tn.tst.oMl, John Cunningham. tlttnroey <br />wholle mailing add..-. ill 222 N Ct=!dar Grand J ~ 1 ilod, Ne 6RRO 1 <br />as Trustee, IUld Norwest Financial Nebraska, Inc_, whOl!e mailing addreu is ---23.37 No rt h Webb ReL <br />PO Box 1373 Ne.... 68802 , as Beneficiary. <br />WITNESSETH, TrusWl'1l hen.'by irrevocably. grant. bargnin. "".11, nnd convey to Trustee in trust, with power of sale, the following d~. <br />IICnbed proplfrty in --.--_.._1la.lL________.__..____________.. ._______ County, Nebraska: <br /> <br />,]11 J Y <br />husband <br />68824 <br /> <br />and wife <br /> <br />, 19-58-, <br /> <br />A tract of lard carprisi~ a part of the ~st ()Jarter of the f'i:>~t QJarter (NEYM.) of ~ioo T\S1ty-eight (28), <br />TCWlship T\Eive (12), tt>rtl1. ~ 12. \Est of the 6th P.M.. in l-ell Coonty, tEbraska. I1Dre partiaJlarly OOscribed as <br />foll~: lS'Jimi~ at the tt>r1:t'r8est comer of said ~st Q.Jarter of the rt>rt.I1test QJarter (rea&); thence easterly <br />alOO'J the oorth line of said ~iCf1 T~y-eigrt (28), a distance of 425.0 feet; thEn:e deflecti~ rigrt: 94 281 am <br />n.mi~ sa.rt.lw!sterly, a diSUl1ce of 594.0 feet; thEJ1ce deflecti~ rig,t 85 18' 35" and nmi~ \ESterly a distaoce of <br />383.32 feet to the w& line of the ftlrtheast Q,Jarter of the N:lrt:tr.Est ().Jarter (~t.). thence northerly ilioil(j <br />.said VEst 1 in!=? nf ~ itJrtr~ast. () of ule ti;nJ'ri€5t QJarter (NEYI"!.). a distance of 593.9 feet to the place of <br />begimi~ iI1d CCIltainirg 5.5:f> acres l1Dre or less. <br /> <br />Together with tenrmenl.8. henoclJlIHfltmts, and appurtenanCf:!ll thereunto b.lonKlng or In anywillt! appertaining and the rents, issues and <br />profits tllt'JbOf <br /> <br />Th.. conveyance .1 intended for the IlurpotIIt' of !lec:'Urinj{ the payment to nenllf)(!iJlry of Tnuto,.' promill8Ory note of eveD date in the <br />amount lltated above II.tI "Tot.1 o( Pa'ylTlenl.ll" Said "1't>ta1 of Paym41ntll~ i. repayable in the r.umber of monthly instalments stated abo""e. <br />The amount of the In..talment paymenl.8 due 'lIl HId loan 18 lltaled "bove The 11n1t and 11nal instalment dUtl datN on lIllid loan are stated <br />above Payment may b. made In advanct' In Dny amount at any hme [lefault in lTlakinll any payment shall, at the BenefICiary's option <br />and without notice or d4tmllnd. I'1'ndl.'r the entire unpaId balance of Mid 101m at onCt! due ami payable, lelIlIllny requirN .....bete of char&'". <br /> <br />To protc!ct the lI<<urity of this lle.!d of TrulIt. Trulltor oovenanl.8 and 81CfM'!1 <br /> <br />I To k_p the property in l!')Od conditIon and repair; to pt'nTlll no waate ther\!'Of. to romplt:u, on)' buildinll, .tructure or improvement <br />bean<< bUilt or Jlbout to be built lherttOn; to rt!llton' promptly any bUlldlnll, IItructun or imprnvl'mtlnt thut'lOn which may be damaaed or <br />detltrnyf:'d; and to comply with allla...... orolnUnCH, "'Ilulati"ns, ClJ\'cmanl.8. condition. and "".trlctlons afTectinll the property. <br /> <br />2 To pay bero", dehnqlH"nt all 1I1,,'ful t....n'" and IUlS.,lIIImentll upon th.. pl'tlJlIIIrty, to keep tht> propt!rty f~ and c1f'ar of all other charptt. <br />hen8 or encumbrancee impalrlnj( the llt!Curlt.y of th.. I~'<l of TruJlt <br /> <br />a. To kcoep .11 hutldlnce now or he",ofttlr l'rl."<'h,'d on lhi> property c:le1lCrlt~ heri'm mlu/'1!d allainlt Ion by fire or other <br />hauni!ll m Jln amount not I..u tiulll th" total dt'l,t llt>('l.\red l>y IJ.... ['ked of Trw<t All policies llhall be htold hy the Benefinllry. and lit!' <br />In ..uch companle. .... the Beneficllu'V m.y approv.. "od ~U1\'e I"",s poyubltl fint to th., n.."efiClllry aM lis Intl',...."t may apJM'ar and then <br />to the Tru.tor The amount col1<<1oo under any IOIJUrllnC\l policy may he IIpphcod Upoll Iln)' md.,btednl'M hen-by llt'CuI'f!d In Iiuch oni..r M <br />the BenefiCiary .hall delAJrmtnl' Such apph('l'Itlon b)' th.. l\eneliclllry .hall not caWle dillContinuanc.e of any procMdil\lrll to foreclMe thi. <br />1>-<1 of Trull!. or cllrt' or ""81"" un~' dl,fllult Clr !lOtI..... of rtt!follh or InvahdalAJ any act donI! purtluJlnt to ~uch notice. In the event of fl)N!dMu~. <br />all f1l1hl.8 of the Trustar In InsuranCt' pollcl." lhell In foree 'hall pas. toO lht! purC'ha!Jt'r lit th.. fOl'<<lollun' Mal., <br /> <br />.. To obUlIn thr ",nU..n cunsent of Jk.nt'ticial')' btlfore Mlllng, conVf')'1ll11 or otherwlJlt1 tranftferrmjJ the Ilrnpt'rty or Bny part thl'l"f'Of and <br />nny such IIltle, ronve)'alll'f' or tr1\rulff~r WIthout &JUt Be.,.nciary', 'lrrltbrn eonNnt fthall ('lIltstllul.. A d..follll und..r the t..rm8 he......f <br />~,. ," 'I" ,I <br />!i To defend any Ilr:tlon or proc_:hng pUr)lOrllng to allKt the lleCurlt). helL'Of or tilt" ".:htll or 11O\Io't'1"M of Iltonelill8l')' or TrullWe <br /> <br />6 Shuuld "rulltor fall to pII,y when dUI' Bny taU"II, j'_IlIlt'IIII1, Inllur..,,...' prt'nllumll, 111,""". ..nrumhrnncell or other dlal'Jle~ Alllunlit th.. <br />property h..r","8bovt' dflIcflbt'<l, Bt!neficlary may po)' [hI' Mnll', Ilnd thl' nlllount !IO pllld. wllh Ink'rellt At th.. rate> lIt"t forth In the nol.. <br />lit'Cur('<l herrby, 8hall be added 1~llInd hecum., /I part of Ih.. d€'bt Sf't'ured In thl8 Ilt>ed of Trustllll pt'rmJll.,,1 hy 10\10' <br /> <br />IT IS MU1'UALLY M,Rf:F:(} TUAT <br /> <br />I h. ,It.. I'\'t'nt nny portIOn of [h., pruJH'11y .. tnkl'n or dlllnllf(l'd IfI 1\11 l'IJlInt'nl domllHl prOCI'fflllll!. th.. ('ntln> amount of th.. A\Io'nnl <br />or 8uch por.....n th..lIl1lf 08 mo~' Ix- n(O('('lIIIar)' [0 fulI~' KiI!lftfy tht, Ilhh~nt 1lI1l _'U!'Nt hl.r..h\' IIhllll lit. II/lid II, Bt'nl.lic'RI')' In Il., llpphPd In <br />IIlud ohh/olatum <br /> <br />2 fly acceptlllll paym., -,r of uny "urll l\t'curlJd hltn'h~' aflt.r II-ll due dnlt.. Jlf'I\l'firrlll\ d".... nlll WIII\'" It.. "Kh. 10 r"'luln' prom III pll)'nwnt <br />wh,," dul' of 011 ot/.I'I .U1I\8 ~J "....un..t ur t" d.....lllr..' .\t.fIIUIt for frlllur!' t" "Ill 1111) <br /> <br />J Thl' Trullu", "hall r.....ol1v'.} "II 'r 1111) purl nf Ill<' Ilmr".!rI) ':')"I~n..,j b.v Ih." ",,,'d IIr TrUMI III It", p,'r"ol1 thl'f'Pto, on \Iofllli'n <br />requm of thl' TruNtor and th,. lit'IIl'f!c,"." "r upon MlIlIMflll"t1Ul1 Ill' thl" ubllllllllllll "'1'111'1.,1 11.111 ......It'n ......"u....t fut r.'rno",,)'nnrl' mlldl' h) <br />the Ilton~firll1r:v "r t hI' Jlf!!'JWlO ,'nl IIII'd If",...t" <br /> <br />IllJI OM t"E I <br />