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<br />103753 <br />88- <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />KNOW AU MEN BY THESE PRESBNTS: That <br /> <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. HI <br />Mildred L. Terjak, an unmarried person <br /> <br />885 <br /> <br />FHA <br /> <br />. Mort.P-ll!?r wbether one or more in aJlIlIidt:!Ition !If the IUDI of <br />Nine Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Flve and no/IOO ---- ~-------------~------ --- DOLLARS <br /> <br />loaned to said mortpeor by The Equitable Buildir:g and Loan Aaodation DC Grand Island, Nebruka, Morlpp, upon 98 shares of IIor:k of <br />Aid ASSOCIATION. Certificate No. BI 885FHA. do hereby granl, con"')' and morlpge unto the aid ASSOCIATION the CoIIowiD& <br />described real estale, situated in nail County, Nebraskn: <br /> <br />Lots Eight (8) and Nine (9), in Block Ten (10). in Clarkson's First Addition to the City of <br />AIda. Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />IDFthcr wilh aU the le""menl.. helfllitamenl. and appurtenance. the,eunlo belonl\ms. includillB anached 000, oo..,rinp. aD window aaeena. <br />window 'Jradn, blinds. Ilorm 10'10110"', Iwnin~. healing. ai, oondilioning.and p1wnbil1l\ and wale. equ'pmenl and aa:amrin <br />",Criaeralon. and olhn (jxlwn Ind equipmen' now or h",eln.. allacl,ed 10 '" ....d 10 con"""llOn wllh Slid reaJ estale. <br /> <br />And whe,e.. lhe ..... mullp#>' flu lJ'erd and does hereb'y lII'er Ihal Ihe mo,lp!\Ol shaD Ind wiD pay aD tua and I_IS Inoird or <br />-.ed upon IUd premiaeo and upon Ih.. mOIlPll" and lhe bond ..cur.d the.eby be(ore Ih. same IIIaII become ddinquent; 10 furDilb approIIIld <br />insunnce upon the huildinp on aid premlle. Ulualed ill lhe .urn oC S 9 . 725 . 00 payable 10 aid ASSOCIATION and to detiwt to Slid <br />ASSOCIATION the policies (or _Id Insuranoe~ Ind 1101 10 oomrnil or permil any wasle on or aboul aid prcmiKs; <br /> <br />tn .- of deCault in the per(ormana o( any of the terms and condilioos of Ur.. lnorlpll" or lhe bond acaued hereby, !be rnor1.... ...... <br />on dmruId, be mlilled 10 immediate J'O"I"UIlIn of Ihe morlPll"1I premiles and Ihe ,nortPlO' he,eby ........ lramlen and leU """" 10 the <br />lIIOI'..... aD lhe 'mil, 'own.... and inoome 10 he de,i..,d flOm the murlPll"d premlles dUlinlt such time as the rnorIJaF indebledMa 1h8II.-iD <br />unpaid; and lhe mort...... sIsoU ha.., lhe po,.er 10 Ippoinl Iny .nl or .nl. il may desi,e fo, lhe f'WllUII' oC repairins aid premiIn an4 reatirlI <br />the __ and oolJectma lhe .etIl1, .nom.... and lllcome. and il nul' pay OUI uf Slid income aU expemr:. of repairi.. IUI prrmilel an4 ~ <br />coaaniIIions and npen... incurlfll in renUnl and manll!lllB Ihe SI,,,e and of collecllns relltab therefrom; the bolance rmainirIa. if any, to be <br />appIjed loward the dlS"hIUll" of lIid mu'lPJl" indebtednes.; Ihe"" riBhll of the morlgozer may be eurcited II any time durinllhe exilleDce of IUdt <br />dd"aull. irrnpecti"" of any lemporary WII"", of lhe same. <br /> <br />Theae Pr"""nts. Jrowe""'. an! upon the CondilJon. nil' i( the uKl Wor'PII"r shall repay ..><I qn on 0' bcfo,e the mal1ltity of aid Iban:& by <br />paymenl; pay ntolllhl, 10 Slid A.SS()l"IA nON or the: wm "P"cifoed llllhe Bond ..cured hereby as inl....t and prindpal on aid "-. on or befon: <br />lhe l'oomticth Iby o( each Ind e",,1)' mooth. unlil SlId loon i. fully paid; pay all tax.. and lueumr:nl' levied apinst said prmIiIes and 011 Ibia MorfJIIIe <br /> <br />and the Bond aearred lhereby. hef",e deh",,~n,,>' , fmm.h apprO\led jnlUrona: upon Ih. huJldinp lhereon in the sum of S 9, 725.00 papbIe <br />10 said ASSOCIATION; repay to aid A.'iSOCIAnON up'''' d._nd all monry by 'I paid for such taxe., ~nt& and insunnce with in__ <br />the muimwn IepI nle thereon from dole of paynten, allu( whlclt MOrlJlalllll' hereby agree. to pay; peunil 00 Wille on aid premiIes; keep an4ax11p1y <br /> <br />wilh a1llhe lIfermenl. ond conditlOlt. o( ,h. Bond 1m S 9.725.00 I/UI dol' S'..,n by the said WOrlPC"r to aid ASSOCIATION, and a>mply <br />wiUr alllhe 'equireme:nu of the Constllu'ion and 8y.I...... o( Slid ASSOCIATION. lhen theoe pre..nlS shaIJ become nuD and tIOid. otherwise they <br />IItaII remail: in Cull forerand may be ((,..d 01 lhe: option of lhe Slid ASSOCIA nON ofler Cailwe for three monlhs to make any oC aid <br />paymentl or he Ih,er months in arrear. m mokrnS lIid monlhly paYInc:nl., 01 10 keep and comply wilh !be lIIleemenu and conditions oC aid Bond; <br />and "'.....IPC"r lIIlee. 10 haw a '.ce,..' appomted lo"hwilh 10 .uch fo,.dosure prt><eedinp. <br /> <br />If lhere is Iny dwltie in _nrnltip of the real estate morlpeed herein. by ale III othelWUc, then the entire ranainiD& inddlIedMa heRby <br />_d sl1alI, lithe option of The Equitable Buildinll and Loan Aaociation DC Grand Island. Neb,ub. beamJe immediately due and""" withoftl <br />further notice, and lhe Amounl 'elllalnUII due undo, II. I bond. and any olhe, bond Co, any additiunal adwanoes made thereundet.IhaiI, f..- the <br />dale oC exe,cise of aid option. bra, inte.est at lbr maXJmum IepI nte. and this morlPll" may then br foredoled 10 _tiIly the _t due 011 aid <br />bond,and any other bond Cor addilionalldnrtCCl, I..thet wilh ,lIlllrtll paid by lIid The Equilable Buildinl and Loan Aaxialion of Grand 1I1a1ld. <br />Ncbrasb Cor intIurucc. lilt.. u/J _nu. and ab.lracllns eatenlion cl'IIJl"S. wilh inl..e51 thereon. from date oC paymenl al the muimum <br />IepI rale. <br /> <br />As provided ill the Bond ..cured herehy. while lhis mortJIIIC r.main. on errccl the mortpp may hereafter adftflCC additioMl _ 10 the <br />........ of aid Bond, their UIipu or succruon in inl""'st. which SUrtll shan he Wlthon U'" .."wily of this monPJl" the same..!be runcb~ <br />-" lhereby, the lotol lmounl of principal dehl nullo ...~ It any lime: lhe orwraJ lmuunl of lhis mortPF. <br /> <br />/7.,... ~:~ J1.. 6~t~LA"::. July A.Il.19 88 <br />, ~cr~~ <br /> <br />STATI! OF NEBRASKA, t <br />., <br />COUNTY Of If AU <br /> <br />OnthiJ <br /> <br />6th <br /> <br />dlY 01 <br /> <br />July <br /> <br />19 88 .ber-_. <br /> <br />Mildred L. Terjak, an unmarried person <br /> <br />lhe unde'&itlJIed, a NOlary ""blic in and flK IUd County. p.nnfllll\y~ <br /> <br />who is <br /> <br />per"""aIIy "".,.." 10 <br /> <br />- to be tM idftttk!ll penon who.. name is allixcd ;.. tl", abow Instrument.. nlOrlpeor <br />"'~d lhe ~4 imIlummllo be he r voIunta'y acl ond deed. <br />wrOll-3.'1 my hand and Notarial S...llh" dale of",,,,,,id <br />Wy C.....miMlon npirn //...;?!. - . ,f'd" <br /> <br />ond sht' <br /> <br />-rally <br /> <br />""'.A' <br /> <br />__ 111.-"... II...... <br />DHNI G.1D*t <br />..... .......... <br /> <br />,'-J <br /> <br />" (' <br />,'-:.) <f",...... <br />:.,.G~L ~....:I:.....': 1-. <br /> <br />:_J.' <br /> <br />," 1'1.. ./,~ i""''' <br />. ... NOlary l'uhilc <br /> <br />/ <br />