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<br />JOlW1' snVIVOISHIP DaD - 1III1AS1CA <br />DOW A;.L ... IY TllESI pusars: <br /> <br />88- 103730 <br /> <br />TRAT Samuel R. Pierce. Jr. . Secretary of and Urban Development. <br />fili .uhiDEtua, u. t., r.nini.u~. iA O::-viii1':...tUin cf th: ~= ef O!!! roU.J..P. ($1.1)0) :m:! <br />oth.r valuabl. conddentlou ill hand pald. doea hereby graDt, b.....dn. uil and convey <br />unto Bonita J. Farr and Thomas M. Farr (Wife and Husband) <br /> <br />of Grand Island. NE . Grantees. <br />.. Joint tenant.. aad not .. tenantl in c~n. the following described rea1 pruperlY <br />lituate In the County of Hall . Sute of Nebuaka, to wi. t: <br /> <br />Lot Two (2), in Block Nine (9). in Meves First Addition <br />to the City of Grand Island. Hall Cowlty. Nebraska. <br /> <br />..~~et\E.Q <br />sVorruc:aa.. ,.... <br /> <br />~m~ENTARY <br /> <br />JUL 11 1988 <br />~ <br /> <br />~ -- . <br /> <br />BEING the ... property acquired by the Grantor runuant to lhe provisions of the <br />"tional Hou.ina Act. a. ...nded (12 use 1701 et .eq.l and the Depmrtment of H~u.lng and <br />Urb.n DevelopNeDt Act (79 Stat. 667). <br /> <br />TOGETHER WITH all ten...nt., hered1t...nt. and appurt.nanc~. therpunto belongin~, <br />aDd .11 the .state, rlght. tltle, intere.t. cl.l. or demand vhlt.oev.r nf the .Ild <br />Grontor, of, In, or to the ..... or Iny part thereof. <br /> <br />IT BEING the lntention of .11 pertie. hereto thlt in the .vent of the deftth of <br />eith.r of .aid Gr.nt.... the .ntire fee .18ple title to the r..l ..t.te d..crlbed herein <br />.hell ve.t in the lurviviDl Crant.e. <br />'. ' <br /> <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the .bove d.~cdbed pread.e., vith the .ppurtenlnces. unto the <br />..ld Grantees I. Joint tenant.. end not .. tenants 1n co.aon. .nd to their ...iRna, or <br />to the heir. and ...1IDS of the lurvlvoT of them, forever, Ind th~ Secret.ry of <br />Hou.loa Ind Urb_n Dev.Lor-ent, and for hi. auece..ora .nd ...ign.. does covenant with <br />the Grante.. herein ae.ed, and vith their ...ll~ .nd with the heir., Ind ...1In. of thr <br />.urvlvor of thea. th.t the .eid Gr.ntor 11 levfully .ei.ed of pr..i.... thlt they <br />ar. fr.. f~; that the (:r.ntor h.. lood ri8ht end 1.v(ul .uthorlty <br />to ..11 the ..... and thet the Secret.ry of Houlina Ind Urb.n Development. viii. <br />end hla .uee...ore end ...i..... shell. WARIANT and DEFEIID the .A. unto th. nlmed r.UI'\t ee5 <br />aDd unto ...1an' .nd the heir. .nd ..Ilsal of the .urvlvor of them~ forever, 1~.ln~t <br />the twful el.... and d_nd. of an peraon. by. throlltlh or under th,'m. .nd <br />'I.lut DO ether elai.. or d_Ddl. <br /> <br />SUlJICl' to .U coven.on, re.trlctlonl!l. re.ervat ion.. .......nlll. ("und I t IanI' and <br />I'llht. .,p.arll'l of record, IDt! SUlJICl' to any I t.te of fleu IIn .l'Cllralr .111 rv~v .~.IIII" <br />.how. <br />