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<br />8~'ered as Ooeument NO. <br />Its..... ~l 0 7 2 6 <br />GrantM ~ <br />Gr<H1* <br />Nuil\tflcet r ~c-L <br />STj~TE :-'1- Hl~3n;'SKA) r'C <br />) ,J..> <br />Cct':;T;' :)F HM,:...,. ,j " <br /> <br /> " :!! <br /> 0 <br /> 3 f <br /> ~ ~ :;: <br /> \In '3 ;;. <br />~: "~~! Z <br /> 0 <br /> .... <br />~ C'.,~ -. <br />~ ~:\) n <br /> CD <br />k~ .~ 0 <br /> ... <br />: ( '.l ~"1' ~ ... -t <br />"J I.." ')'. co <br /> I>> <br /> >C <br /> 0 <br /> $' .... <br /> ~ -. <br />~ '0 a CD <br />~ ... :I <br />~ ::a <br />.z <br /> iii' ! <br />~', ~ <br />" ~ ~ S!. <br /> <br /> <br />Excerpts From Internal Revenue Code <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />If any person liable to pay any tax neglecls or refuses 10 <br />pay the same aller demand. the amount (including any Inler- <br />est. additional amount. addition to tax, or assessable penalty, <br />logether with any cosls that may accrue In addition thereto) <br />shall be a lien In favor of ttill Unlled. Stales upon all property <br />and rights to property, whether real or personal, belonging <br />10 suCh person, <br /> <br />Sec. 6322. Period Of Lien. <br /> <br />Unless another ,date' II speCifically tixed by law, the lien" <br />Imposed by section 6321 shall arise al the time the assessment <br />is made and shall continue unUlthe liability for the amount so <br />assessed (or a Judgment against the taxpayer arising out 01 <br />such liability) 15 satisfied or becomes ~nen'orceable by reason <br />of lapse ot time, <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons. <br />(a) Purchaser's, Holders Of Security In- <br />terests, Mechanic's Llenors, And Judgment <br />Lien Creditors. - The lien Imposed by section 6321 shall <br />nol be valid as agamst any purchaser, holder ot a security <br />Interest, mechaniC'S lienor, or )udgmentllen credllor until nollce <br />thereof wh,ch moets Ihe reqUIrements of subsection (I) has <br />been flied by the Secretary <br /> <br />If) Place For Filing Notlcej Form.- <br /> <br />(1) Place For Filing, Tho notlco referred to In sub- <br />section (a) shall be filed. <br />(AI Under Slate Laws <br />(I) Property' In tho case of real properly, In ene <br />olllce wllh,n Ihe State (or the county, or other governmental <br />subdivision!, ae designated by the law~ 01 such Stale, In <br />whch the property subject to tne lien IS situated: and <br />III) Personal Property In the case 01 personal <br />properly, whether langlble or Intenglble, in one office <br />WIthin the State lor the county, or other governmental <br />3ubdlvISIOnl. a~ deslgnafed by fhe laws of ~uch Slate, <br />in wnlcn tne proporly Subject 10 the lien 15 situated, <br />or <br />(BI With Clerk 01 District Courl . In Ihe of lice of the clerk 01 <br />fhe Untted Slales alslr If;f r.ourl fllr Ihc ludlclal dlstrlclln whiCh <br />Ifle property ~ublccllu Ilenl~ ~lluated, whenevcr Ihu Stale haR <br />not by law deslgn,lted ana ulfice which mcatslha rUQul,,!manI3 01 <br />~ubparaaraph IAI '" <br />IC) With Act;lJIIlDr 01 Decd& OITtlc Olslrlcl Of ColulllUla ' In <br />Ihq offIce 01 Ihc nacnrdcl 1)1 np.ud~ nf !tIC Olstrlr.1 of Columhla, It <br />Ht': pffJ tl'~r "/ ilj!lil~ (' 'I) 'I ,11/1 '.I 11);11"11 '1 . I' '-I . " I: I )1 <br />SOlurnbl~ <br /> <br />J <br />\(jO~1 <br /> <br />z <br />~ <br /> <br />'88 JUL II <br /> <br />AI'll~ 24 <br /> <br />c: <br />::I <br />I <br />en <br />I <br /> <br />,."-"") <br />( I <br />'~_/.~>?;. ......' <br />t7 <br />". p1:'r,~ ()F liFFns <br /> <br />(2) Situs Ot Property Subject To Lien . For purposes 01 <br />paragraphs (ll and (4), property shall be deemed to be situated- <br />(A) Real Property - In the case of real property. at III <br />physical location; or <br />(8) Personal Property . In the case 01 personal property, <br />whether tangible or Intangible, at the residence of the <br />taxpayer at the lime the notice of lien Ie flied. <br />For purposes at paragraph (2) (8). the residence ala corporation <br />or partnership shall be deemed to be the place at which the <br />principal executive office of the busliiese Is located, and the <br />reeldence of a taxpayer whose residence Is wllhout the United <br />Statee shall be deemed 10 be In the District of Columbia. <br />. (3) Form . ,The torm 104 content of. the inotlGl <br />referred to In sub~ectlon (a) s~all be pres~rlbed, by, lht <br />Secnita;y, Such notice shan lie-'valld notwllhstaritllng iny , <br />olher provision of law regarding lhe torm or conlent of a <br />nolice 01 lien, <br /> <br />Note: See section 6323(b) for protection for <br />certain Interests even though notice of 1i8n <br />imposed by section 6321 is flied with respect <br />to: <br /> <br />t. Securities <br />2, Motor vehicles <br />3, Personal propeny purchased at relall <br />4, Personal property purchased In casual sale <br />5, Personal propeny subjecled to possessory lien <br />6, Real properly tax and special assessment liens <br />7, Residential propeny sublecllo a mechanic's <br />lien for cenaln repairs and Improvements <br />8, Allorney's liens <br />9, Certain insurance conlracts <br />10, Passbook loans <br /> <br />Ig) Reflllng Of Notice, - For purposes 01 lhts <br />section. <br /> <br />rl I General Rule. - Unless notice 01 lien Is reflled In <br />the manner prescribed In paragraph (2) during the required <br />rellllng period, such nollce of lien shell be lreated as tiled on lhe <br />dale on'whlch II Ie tiled (In accordance wllh subsection (Ill aner <br />the e~plrallon 01 such rellllng period, <br /> <br />(2) Place For Filing. - A notice of lien reflled <br />dUflng the reQulrod rellllng period shall be efleellve only. <br />(AlII. <br />(II such nollce 01 lien Is reflled In the olllce In which 'he <br />prIOr nollce 01 lien was flied, and <br />1111 In lhe case 0' real property, tho facf 01 .cllllng Is <br />ontered and recorded In en Indc~ 10 lhe extonlreQulred by <br />subsection II) (~), and <br />IBI In any case In whiCh, 90 days or mora prlol to Ihe date <br />01 a rellllng of nollce at lien under subperaglAph (A), the <br /> <br /></ '-:J J <br />._ .-:~#~.__j!.~--<J <br /> <br />Secretary received written information (in 1IIe lIIIIII* <br />prescribed In regulations Issued by the SecrIlIry) <br />concerning a cIlangeln tile tIX1Iayer'1 raidence. i1allllliCl <br />of sucllllen Is .1.0 filld iIlCCGrcllllCl with IUbAction (f) In <br />the State In which luch rald_ illocatId. <br /> <br />(3) RequIred Rifting Period. - In 1111 CIII <br />of any nOllce 01 lien, the term "rIquil8ll reflllllll periocl" ~- <br />(A) the one-year period ending 30 days after lIIe expiration <br />of 6 yeall alter the data of IhIlSllSlment of 1IIe au. IIlll <br />(8) the one-year period endillllwlth1lle IXPlrlllon ofllYll'S <br />aner tile elm of tile preceding nqulred I'IfIIIng I*lod tor <br />such nolice Gf tlen.. - - I <br /> <br />Sec. 6325~' Release Of Lien Or <br /> <br />Discharge Of Property. <br /> <br />(a) ReItae Ot Utn. - Subject lD such <br />regulations as the Secratlry may prascribI. tIlB SecrIlary nil <br />Issue a certificate 01 reI_of any liIn impolld with I1IlIId lD <br />eny Internal ravenue tax notlatar lhan 30 days aftar lIIe day l1li <br />which - <br />(1) lIabllily Satisfild or UnenfGrtIIlIII - TIll Semtary <br />finds lhalthe liability tor tile alllOlJltlSSlSlld. togIllIer wit!l an <br />Interesl In respect thereof. has been fully satisfied elr has <br />become legally unenlorceable; or <br />(2) Bond Accepted - Then! is tumiShlCl to the SecretAry alIll <br />accepted by him a bOnd thaI is concIilionecl upon tile 'PIymeM of <br />the amount assessed. tooelher with all intanlSt in respect <br />thereof. within the time pmcrillld by law (inclllCling any <br />e~tension of such time). and Ihal Is In accordance willl SllCll <br />requirements relating to terms. conclltions.andtorm olthellollC <br />and sureties thereon. as may be speclfltcl by IUd1 regulations. <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation. <br />(~) DlldalUrt 01 CertIln Rllums Iftd <br />Rltum Intormltlon For Tu Admlnlatrltion <br />Purpo.... - <br /> <br />(2) Disclosure 01 amount 01 oulstandlOg hen. "a notice 01 <br />lien has been "'ed oursu~nl10 seeMn 6323!ll. !nt amount aUnt <br />outslandlng obligation secured by such lltn may be dlSClollCl to <br />any person who furnishes SlllslaclOT)' wrill~n evilltnctllhlt he <br />has a right In the pi openy subleel 10 such hen a. IOten~s to <br />oblaln e right 10 such propertv <br />