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<br />Excerpts From Internal Revenue Code
<br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes.
<br />
<br />II any person liable to pay any lax neglects ~r reruses to
<br />,pay the same after demand, the amount (including any Inter-
<br />est. additional amount, addition 10 tax. or assessable penalty.
<br />together with any costs that may accrue In addition thereto)
<br />shall be a lien In favor of the Un lied States upon all property
<br />and rights to property. whelher real or personal, belonging
<br />10 such person,
<br />
<br />Sec. 6322, Period Of Lien.
<br />
<br />Umess anolher date is speCifically fixed by law. the lien
<br />Imposed by secllon 6321 shall arise at the time the assessment
<br />Is made and shall continue until the liability for Ihe amounl 50
<br />assessed (or a judgment against the taxpayer arising out of
<br />such liability) is satisfied or becomes unenforceable by reason
<br />of lapse or time,
<br />
<br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against
<br />Certain Persons.
<br />(a) Purchaser's, Holders Of Security In-
<br />terests, Mechanic's Llenors, And Judgment
<br />Lien Creditors. - The lien Imposed by section 6321 shall
<br />nol be valid as against any purchaser, holder of a security
<br />Interest mechanic's lienor. or ludgment lien creditor until nollce
<br />thereof which meets the reQulremenls of subsection (f) has
<br />been lIIed by fhe Secretary,
<br />
<br />II' Place For Filing Notice; Form.-
<br />
<br />II) Place For Filing' The notice ,ele;red to In sub-
<br />sectIon lal shall be IlIed .
<br />IAI Under Stale Laws
<br />1.1 Real Property - In lhe case of real property, In one
<br />ufflce wlth'n the Stale (or 1M co~nly. Of other governmenlal
<br />sub~lvislonl, as de~ignated by Ihe laws of such State. In
<br />whl~h Ihe property subject to Ihe lien IS situated: and
<br />III/ P~rsonal Property - In the case of personal
<br />properly whether langlble Of Inlangible, in one olllce
<br />wllh,n Ihe Stalp. lor Ihe I;ounty, Jr olher governmental
<br />lubd,v,s,onl as deslgnaled by tho laws of such Slato.
<br />In which Ihe proparly s~bJect 10 the Jlan 15 situated,
<br />or
<br />/81 W'lh Cldrk 01 OIM"_1 Cour' - In the office of the Clerk 01
<br />ifle Unlt~d Stale~, dI5",cr courllm tne ludlclal dlslrlct In which
<br />IhO p~oper'y "'JOlcet 10 lien I~ sl!IJated. whwevel Ihe Slale has
<br />nol by law deslgnalod one olllce which moots Itle ~OQUlromenls nt
<br />sUDparag,~ph IAI 0'
<br />IGI Wilh Accordol Of Dced!, Of The O'SllIl:1 01 COil/InDia In
<br />Ihe ,11lce of tM necordor 01 Oea,'s at lho Ol~trlcl of ColulIlbla. II
<br />'hl~ prn'-'f'rty r,Ub'''l' ff] 11-,(> IIrr " '1IIu,ltr.ti In ., I' 1)lt\trll:l 'If
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<br />(2) Situs Of Property SubJect To Lien . Far purposes 01
<br />paragraphs (1) and (4), property shall be deemsd to be situated .
<br />(A) Real Property - In the case 01 real property. at its
<br />physical location; or
<br />(8) Personal Property . In the case of pereonal property,
<br />whelher tangible or Intangible. at lhe residence 01 Ihe
<br />taxpayer at the time the notice of lien Is flied.
<br />For purposes of paragraph (2) (8). the residence or a corporation
<br />or partnership shall be deemed to be Ihe place al which the
<br />principal execullve office of the business Is located, and IhI
<br />residence 01 a taxpayer whose residence Is wlthoullhe United
<br />Stales shall be deemed to be In the Dlslrict of Columbia.
<br />(3) Form . The fornt and conlenl 01 the notice
<br />referred 10 in subsecllon (a) shall be prascrlbed by lhe
<br />Secretary, Such nollce shall be valid notwlthsllndlng Iny
<br />other provision or law regarding the form or conlent or I
<br />nollcs 01 lien.
<br />
<br />Nole: See section 6323(b) for protection lor
<br />certain interests even though notice 01 lien
<br />imposed by section 6321 is liled with respect
<br />to:
<br />
<br />1, Securities
<br />2, Molor vehicles
<br />3, Personal property purchased al retail
<br />4, Personal property purchased In casual sale
<br />5, Persona! property subjected 10 possessol)' lien
<br />6, Real property tax and special assess men I liens
<br />7, Resldantlal propeny subJecllo a mechanic's
<br />lien for cenaln repairs and Improvements
<br />6, Al!orney's lIans .
<br />9, Cerlaln insurance conlracts
<br />10, Passbook loans
<br />
<br />(g) Reflllng Of Notice. - For purposes 01 'hiS
<br />seClion .
<br />
<br />{II General Rule. - Unless notice ot lien IS rellled In
<br />the manner prescrlbad In paragraph (2) during the required
<br />rellllng period, such notice at lien shall be trelled as lIIed on Ihe
<br />dale on-which It Is lIIed (In accordance with subsoctlon (I)) after
<br />the explrallon of such fellllng period,
<br />
<br />121 Place For Filing. - A notice of lien rellled
<br />during Ihe leQulloo lollllng IlOrlod shill be efletllve only.
<br />(A) II,
<br />tlI ~uch notice ot lien IS rallied In tile office 10 which the
<br />prior nOllce of lien was lIIed, and
<br />IIII III the case 01 reel properly, the lact of reUllng Is
<br />enlered and recorded In an Index to tha axlanl reQulled by
<br />~ubsectlon (II 141. and
<br />101 '" any case In which, 00 days or moro prlOl to Il1e date
<br />01 a reflllng ot notice 01 lien under subparaoraph (AI. the
<br />
<br />/ 1;,1 l
<br />:- ',c-_,':""':;;V
<br />
<br />peG: nF rF~f\~
<br />
<br />SeCrallry received wrltlen information (In the 1IlIIII*
<br />prescribed In regulatlOlll iaUlll by 1he SecrIIaIy)
<br />concerning a change In the 1UPlYlr"IIIIdenc1, If alllltlcl
<br />of luch lien 1.1110 filed in accardlllCl wItIIllIIIIIctIon {fllll
<br />the SlIle In wI1ldt such realdenCllllOcalld_
<br />
<br />(3) RequIred Rifling PertocL - In the CIII
<br />of any nollce 01 lien, IIIe term MreQUll1Id refiling period" _.
<br />(A) Ina one-year perfod ending 30 dlys afW the expiration
<br />of 6 years aller tile dale of IIIe iSSlIISIIIIlIt olthelD. Ind
<br />(B) Ihe one.year period ending wltlltI:e expiration of 6 yurs
<br />aller t1!e close of the preced!ng ""ulrlcl reflling period for
<br />such notlCll 01 lien.
<br />
<br />Sec. 6325. Release Of lien Or
<br />
<br />Discharge Of Property.
<br />
<br />(a) R.... Of lien. - SUIIjK1 10 SlICl'l
<br />reg~lallons as Ihe Socrellry nllY Pl1SCribe, the s..:mary stili!
<br />Inue I certificale of relBISI 01 any!ien IllIpIIIIIIwilIllIIIIIClto
<br />any Internal revenue lax not later thin 30 dIyI aIlarthe clay on
<br />whlch-
<br />(I) Ulbllity Salisfled or Unenlorceable . Tha SectI'.ary
<br />finds lhal the liability for IIIe amount asseaed.1ogtlllerwithatl
<br />Interesl in respect thereol. has lIIen lully sa1lSfilll or !lis
<br />btcoma legally unenforceable; or
<br />(2) Bond Accepted. There is turnishad to IhI Slcmary and
<br />accepled by him a bond that Is condl1loned upon!llt payment 01
<br />Iha Imounl assessed. tllllether .11h III inttml in TftpICl
<br />1l1ereof. within me time prsSCTiIllCl II)' la. (including r.lj1
<br />exlensl~n 01 such time). and lhat is in accordance Wit" s~c"
<br />requirements relating 10 lerms. cl!I'Idilions.and lerm 01 the bone
<br />and sureties lhereon, as may be specilied b)' suell rIllulatlons
<br />
<br />Sec, 6103. Confidentiality and Dis-
<br />closure of Returns and Return In-
<br />formation.
<br />(k) D!lclOIUrt of Certlln Rllurns and
<br />Relum Information For TI. AdmlnIltrltion
<br />PUrpoltl. -
<br />
<br />(21 DISClosure 01 amount 01 Dulstanoong lien -Il a notIce 0'
<br />lien has been hied pursuant to seCl,on 63231" lne amoun, ollne
<br />outstandong obligation secureo by such lien mav be dlsCIOseO.O
<br />any person who !urmsnes Sltlslactory wrmen evioence thlt ht
<br />has a right on the property subject to SUCh lien or Inlends '0
<br />obtain a right on such propeny
<br />