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<br /> <br />Excerpts From Internal Revenue Code <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />If any person liable to pay any tax neglects or refuses to <br />pay the same after demand. the amount (including any Inter- <br />eSl, additional amount. addition to tax, or assessable penalty. <br />together wllh any costs thaI may accrue in addition thereto) <br />shall be a lien In favor of the UnIted Stales upon all property <br />and rights to property, whether real or personal, belonging <br />to such person, <br /> <br />Sec. 6322. Period Of Lien. <br /> <br />Unless anOlher date IS specifically fixed by law, the Jlen <br />imposed by section 632f shall arise althe time the assossment <br />is made anll shall conlinue unlillhe liability for the amount so <br />assessed (or a ,udgmenl against the taxpayer arising oul of <br />such Habllily) is salisfled or becomes unenforceable by reason <br />of lapse of lime. <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons. <br />(a) Purchaser's, Holders Of Security In- <br />, Mechanic'. Llenors, And Judgment <br />Lien Creditors. - The lien Imposed by section 6321 shall <br />nol be valid as againsr any purchaser. holder of a securlly <br />Inleres!. mechanic's lienor, or Judgmenlllen credllor until notlcs <br />thereof which meets the reqUlremenls of subsection (t) has <br />been filed by rhe Secretary <br /> <br />If) Place For Filing Notice; Form.- <br /> <br />(1) Place For Filing, The nollce 'eferred to rn sub- <br />secllon (a) shall be hied. <br />(A) Under Stale Laws <br />") Real Properly, In Ihe case of real property, 10 one <br />office w,lh,n Ihe Stale la' Ihe (ounly 0' other governmental <br />su!HlIVISlon,. .S dCSlgnijlo,' bv Iho laws 01 Such Slale, In <br />INh'ch lt1e Dlopsrly sublCcllo Ihe lien 's ~llualed, and <br />I," Pe'sonal Prr'IWl, III "10 casr of personal <br />prope/ty ...heIM' lanOllila or IIl1anOlble In one office <br />INIII,'" Ihe Stale '0' II'. l,(Jllnty 01 olrcI governmenlal <br />lubo"".",n' ., 1''''onolod fly ltle la""6 of suCtl Stale, <br />In "'tl,Lr, 110" ~'o~"rlt subJocl 10 Iho lien,s sllualed, <br />or <br />/81 W,lh Cler;. 01 0';1""' Courl III the olllce ollho clerk at <br />Ine Un,led 5lale~ OI';I"tl OJ"'1 '0' Ih" ludlClal dlstflclln which <br />trle properly lulilocllo 110/' '~',"u.ll'"1 whenovor Iho Slale has <br />not by law dl!~lonitllllJ one ',ffl.:e 'lit. t" rTlMI!i tho rf,lQurromfm1s 0' <br />subpa/agrapt,,~ ~, <br />lei Jllth H"CCHdlJr ')1 :J'JlJ~:~ ,~ ftlU D"j.trl(.f (II /:Oll1rfltllil . In <br />the nlllce of fhe Rocorder nl OCI'd'o 01 'ho ~Is!rltl 01 CollJmlJl~. If <br />Irle [J,operlv ";utJl,.r' '1/ ",. If!'" " '1'IU:lt/:l1 ,n "'fl "1''','I'rl ()1 <br />~;t1llJmfJliJ <br /> <br />." <br />[ <br /> <br />s: <br />.. <br /> <br />... <br />CD <br /> <br />z <br />o <br />.. <br />-. <br />n <br />CD <br />o <br />.... <br />-I <br />AI <br />>C <br />r- <br />-. <br />CD <br />~ <br /> <br />. Ent~red as Document .~. <br /> <br />~!-;: fj) 3 7 2 4 <br /> <br />Grantee "7 " <br />Numerica' -?~( <br /> <br />ST,.';l'!_7 " ',:;::'c' \!:v') <br />I j - r...", ,.,.... I\J\ C ,.... <br />eel' : ; i I') F : 1,1, LL' . )';1'.) <br /> <br />all <br />60/ <br />, 1 <br />z <br />9 <br /> <br />'88 JUI. II <br /> <br />AI1 I' 24 <br /> <br />C <br />:I <br />[ <br />fit <br />iii' <br />i <br /> <br />(2) Sllus Of Property SubJsct To Lien - For purposes of <br />paragraphs (1) and (4). property shall be deemed to be eltuated . <br />(A) Real Property - In the cue of real property, at III <br />phy.lcallocatlon: Dr <br />(8) Personal Propsrty - In ths case of personal property. <br />whsther tanglbls Dr Intangible. at the residence of thl <br />laxpayer at ths IIms the notice of lien Isllled. ~ <br />For purposes of paragraph (2) (8). the residence of a corporallon <br />or partnership shall be deemed to be the place al which the <br />principal execuilve offlcs of the business is located. and the <br />residence of a taxpaysr whoss residence Is without the United <br />Statss shall be deemed to be In the District of Columbia. <br />,(:1) Form - The form i an~. contenl of thanotlce <br />referred 10 In subsecllon (a) shall be prsscrlbed by the <br />Secretary, Such notice shall be valid notwithstanding any <br />othsr provision or law regarding the form or content of a <br />nollce of lien, <br /> <br />Note: See section 6323(b) for protection for <br />certain Interests even though notice of lien <br />imposed by section 6321 is flied with respect <br />to: <br /> <br />1, Securitlss <br />2. Molar vehicles <br />3. Personal propsrty purchased at retail <br />4, Psrsonal property purChased In casual sals <br />5, Personal property subjected to possessory lien <br />6, Real property tax and special assessms~t liens <br />7. Rssldenllal proparty subjact to a mechanlc's <br />lien lor certain repairs and Improvemenls <br />8. Attorney's liens <br />9, Certain Insurance contracts <br />10. Passbook loans . <br /> <br />Igl Reflllng Of Notice. - For purposes of this <br />secllon - <br /> <br />(I) General Rule. - Unless nollce 01 lien Is rellled In <br />Ihe mannsr prescribed In paragraph (2) during the required <br />refl/lng psrlod, such nollce at lien shall be treated alllled on lh, <br />dOle oowl1lch 1/ Is fIIsd (10 accordancs with subsection (I)) altsl <br />Ihe explrallon 01 suth rellling period <br /> <br />121 Place For Filing. - A notice 01 lien rsllled <br />dUllng Ihe reQulfed 'ellllng pOflod shall be ,trecllve onlv ' <br />IAlII. <br />11' such nollce of lien Is rslllsd In the oltlcs In WhiCh the <br />prllJr 1I01lce 01 lien was flied, and <br />(III In Ihs case 01 real property, Ihe lacl 01 rOllllno IS <br />entored and recordsd In an Index 10 Ihe cxtent 'cQulred bV <br />subsecllon /fl (41, and <br />(8) In any caso III WhiCh, 00 davs o'r 1110re prlol' 10 lhe dais <br />of e rcllllng of 00llC8 or lIell unde, subpo,ograph (AI. the <br /> <br />.r ...... -' '.~ <br /> <br />\~../< ; <br />/.~:........!,":... 'l-.tI'- <br />/..' <br /> <br />" <br />"....!'~ I <br />~-..,( "J._~-L.-::"J <br /> <br />0' !!. <br />.. <br />:D <br />~ <br />![ 0.. <br />.. -= <br />Ii) <br />~ ~ 0 <br />- <br /> <br />:;r.~: (lr:- f\LC'f'\~ <br /> <br />Secretary reCdlved written Informatton (in the IIIInner <br />prescribed In regulation. iaUId by l1li SIcrIII1y) <br />concemll1ll a chang,'n the tlXPlYlr'1 mlcIlIlCI.1f IlIlItiOI <br />of .uch lien 'sll.o flied In ICCOrdlllCt irItIIluIlItClIlIntf} In <br />the SlIte In whld! such resIdIncIls 1ocIIId. <br /> <br />(3) RequlJ'ld RiflIng PtrIod. - In lIII c=- <br />of any notice o1,lIen, the term -raqulrad refllfng period" _- <br />(A) lhe one-year period ending 30 d.)'I after lIII apimJon <br />of 6 years after the date of the assesamam of IIIe 1U. IIlll <br />(8) the one-yearperlOll enlllng .,th IIIe upiratian ofS)'U1J <br />after the close of the preceding requll1ld rellflng period for <br />such notice Of lled. ': <br /> <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or <br />Discharge Of Property. <br />(a) RtIeue 0. LItn. - Subject lD sudI <br />regulations as the Secretary may prescribe. the s.a.tary SIIID <br />Issue a certificate of release of any lien imposed wittll'8llllC! lD <br />any Inlemal revenue tax not 'allr1llan 30 dl)'llllllr the Illy on <br />which - <br />(1) Liability Sallsfieel or Unentorceable - The Secl1lary <br />finds Ihat the liability for the Imourn usessad. toatI!lIr .i"'llI <br />Internt In respect thereof. hIS I18en fully SltilfllCl or no <br />becoms leg Illy unenforceable; or <br />(2) Bond Accepteel . There is tumislleCl to the Secmary lno <br />accspled by him a bond "'at is concIitionad uJIOn IIIe llIyment af <br />the amount assessed. together .ltIl III inllraSt in reIllICl <br />thsreof, within the time PTISCril>acl by II. (IncllMlil1ll Iny <br />extension 01 suCh time). and thaI is in accordance wit~ sutll <br />requlremsnls relaling 10 terms, conditions.lno form 01 the llol\ll <br />and sureties Ihereon, as may be spacffieel by such "Ilulllions <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation. <br />(kl DltclDlurl . of CertaIn Returns Ind <br />Retum Information For Tu Administration <br />Purpo.... - ' <br /> <br />(21 Disclosure of amounl 01 OulSlandlng lien ." a nOllel! 01 <br />lien has been lIled QU/lulntlc seC1.on 632JilI lhe amounl 01 Ihe <br />outsl.ndlng obllgallon ncureO lIV suCh Iten milY be "'ScloseD to <br />any person who lurnlshes sltisfactory written evidence "'It he <br />hIS . right In ,he property sublecl 10 suc~ lien or ,nlends 10 <br />ObtBIn 0 right In such OrOperlV <br />