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<br />Excerpts From Internal Revenue Code
<br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes.
<br />
<br />If any person liable to pay any tax neglects or refuses to
<br />pay lhe same aller demand. the amount (Including any Inter.
<br />est. additional amount, addition to lax, or assessable penalty,
<br />together with any costs that may accrue In addition thereto)
<br />shall be a lien In favor 01 the United States upon all property
<br />and rights 10 property. whether real or personal, belonging
<br />10 such person.
<br />
<br />Sec. 6322. Period Of Lien.
<br />
<br />Unless another date Is specifically IIxed by law, the lien
<br />Imposed by seclion 6321 shall arise althe lime the assessment
<br />Is made and shall continue un1ll the liability for the amount so
<br />assessed (or a judgment against the taxpayer arising out of
<br />such liability) is satisfied or becomes unenforceable by reason
<br />of lapse of time,
<br />
<br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against
<br />Certain Persons.
<br />(a) Purchaser's, Holders Of Security In-
<br />terests, Mechanic's L1enors, And Judgment
<br />Lien Creditors. - The lien Imposed by section 6321 shall
<br />not be valid as against any purchaser, holder of a security
<br />interest. mechanic's lienor, or judgment lien creditor un1ll notice
<br />thereof which meels Ihe requirements of subsection (f) has
<br />been Iiled by the Secretary
<br />
<br />If} Place For Filing Notice; Form.-
<br />
<br />(1) Place For Filing. The notice referred to in sub.
<br />secllon la) shall be filed.
<br />IA) Under State Laws
<br />II) Real Property. In the case of real property, In one
<br />office withm the Slale lor the county, or other goyernmental
<br />subdiviSIon), as deSignated by Ihe laws of such State, in
<br />which Ihe property Sub)ectlo Ihe lien IS sllualed: and
<br />III) Personal P'operly In the case of personal
<br />properly, whether tanglOls or IOlang,ole, m one office
<br />wllhm I/Ie 5tate (0' n,s county or o!he' gove,nmental
<br />subdiVISIon I. 35 oeslgna!p.d Oy Ilw laws of such Stale,
<br />in WhIch the p'operty ~uDlect to the lien IS slluated
<br />or
<br />(8) Wllh Clerk 01 Ol~lflct Court In lhe allice 01 Ihe cle,k of
<br />Ihe Unl1ed Stales dlslllcl courll(Jf Ihe ludltlal district In which
<br />Ihe p,ope'ly sublect!o lie" ,f, sltuateu wh,"evel 'he Slnte has
<br />n01 by law deslgnatea one fJff1t'! Nfu)l ffl(wl!J Il1e 'ceJUlferngnt5 of
<br />suopa,sgroph IAI 0'
<br />IC) With Recorder Of Oeods at . 'IS D,\II'cl 01 ';Olu",II,a In
<br />the office nf Ihe Reco,dc, 01 DUAds "I Ihe OI~I'ltl 01 Columbia. if
<br />lnf' Dfopr:r1y tiuhlM' 'f) '114' Ipn ',lhJiltl'{~'''!' '-I'" (, .,f
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<br />(2) Situs Of Property Subject To Lien. For purposes of
<br />paragraphs (1) and (4), property shall be deemed to be sltuatad-
<br />(A) Real Property - In the case of real property, al It I
<br />physlcallocellon: or
<br />(8) Personal Property . In lhe COlli 01 personal property,
<br />whether tangible or Intangible, at lhe residence 01 lhl
<br />t811payer allhe time the nollce of lien Is iliad.
<br />For purposes 01 paragraph (2) (8), the residence of a corporation
<br />or partnership shall be deemed to be the place at which Ihe
<br />principal executive office 01 the buslneea Is located, and the
<br />residence of a taxpayer whose residence Is without lhe United
<br />Slates shall be deemed to bllln lhe Dlslrlct 01 Columbia.
<br />: -(3) Form . Ths form anel conlent of the nolica
<br />referred 10 in subsecllon (a) shall bll prescribed by lhe
<br />Secrelary, Such nollce shall bll valid notwllhstandlng any
<br />olher provision 01 law regarding the lorm or content of a
<br />nollce of lien,
<br />
<br />Note: See section 6323(b) for protection for
<br />certain interests even though notice of lien
<br />imposed by section 6321 is filed with respect
<br />to:
<br />
<br />1. Securities
<br />2, Motor vehicles
<br />3, Personal property purchased at relall
<br />4, Personal property purchased In casual sale
<br />5, Personal property subjected to possessory lien
<br />6, Real property tax and special assessment liens
<br />], Resldenllal property subject to a mechanic's
<br />lien for certain repairs and Improvements
<br />8, Attorney's liens
<br />9, Certain insurance contra,cts
<br />10, Passbook loans
<br />
<br />(g) Reflllng Of Notice. - For purposes of this
<br />section.
<br />
<br />(1) Generll Rule. - Unless notice of lien 15 rsllled In
<br />the manner prescribed In paragraph (2) during the required
<br />relillng period. such notlcs of lien shall be treated as flied on Ih,
<br />date onwhleh illS flied (in accordance with subsection (Ill aller
<br />the expiration 01 such rellllng period,
<br />
<br />12) PI Ice For Filing. - A notice vI lien rellled
<br />dUllng lhe reQutred roflllng period shall be elllctive only.
<br />(A) It,
<br />Ii) such notice 01 lien Is reflled In the otllce in which the
<br />prlo' notice ot lien was tiled, and
<br />(ill In the case of real property, the lac1 of retillng IS
<br />onlered and recorded in an mdex to the exlenl ,equlred.by
<br />subseclion lfl 141. and
<br />i81 In an~ case In which, 90 days or more prlDI 10 ths date
<br />01 e rellling 01 notice 01 lien under subPArsgraph (AI. the
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<br />Secretary rectlvad written information (in lite Il1IIII1Il'
<br />prescribed In regulations luued by 1111 Secretary)
<br />concerning a change In the taxpayar'llIIid8IICI.If. ftDIicI
<br />olluch lien II allo IlIed in acconlanClwllllaubllc:ll1m (I) In
<br />the State In which tIJC/I rllIdlllCllllaca1ld.
<br />
<br />(3) Requlrtcl R.f1Dng PtrIod. - In lIII all
<br />01 any notice 0111811. the term -llIqUlrad I8fillng period" IIIIIIII-
<br />(A) the one-year period ending 30 daYI.ller lite expiration
<br />01 6 years after !he date of lite -.nt of lite tIJl. and
<br />(e) lhe one-year period ending wilh lheupirltlonof67IIB
<br />after lhe close of lhe precedlng l'Illulrad miring period for
<br />suCh notice o,"e", i
<br />
<br />Sec. 6325. Release Of lien Or
<br />Discharge Of Property.
<br />(a) R..... 01 Uen. - SlIIljec1 10 SlICh
<br />regulations as the Secnnary may prescribe. the SecrIIary shall
<br />Issue a certificate 01 release 01 any lien illlpOlld wilIIlISlIIlCt: Itl
<br />any Internal revenue tall not latlrthln 311 dIyI anar the day on
<br />which -
<br />(1) Liability Satisfied or lInenforcuble - The SecretJry
<br />finds that the liability lor lhe irnoL:l1t assessed.1tlge\lIIr with aU
<br />Interest In respect lhereol. his bien fully lllisfllll or has
<br />become legally unenlorceable; or
<br />(21 eond Accepted. There is furnished to till Secrelary and
<br />accepled by him 1I bond that Is conditioned up;lnthe Plymenlof
<br />lhe amount assessed. togel1ler with all Interest in respact
<br />thereol. within lhe lime prescribed by law (including any
<br />extension of such IImel. and lhit is in accordance with SUCll
<br />requirements relating 10 terms. condilions. and form of the bond
<br />and sure lies thereon, as may be specified by sUCll regulatiOns
<br />
<br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis-
<br />closure of Returns and Return In-
<br />formation.
<br />\'
<br />(kl Dllclosure 01 CertIIn Returns end
<br />Aetum Inlorm.lIon For Tu Admlnlstrltlon
<br />Purpose..- '
<br />
<br />(2) Disclosure 01 amount 01 outstaMmg hen. -II a notice 01
<br />lien has been filed pursuant to section 6323(11, lhe amounl 0' Ihe
<br />outstanding obligation secured b~ SuCh hen may be dlet/osed 10
<br />any person who furnishes Sltlslactory wnUen eVidence thll he
<br />has a right In the property subject 10 sueh lien 01 Intends 10
<br />obtain a right In such property
<br />