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<br />I <br /> <br />... <br />o <br />'3 <br />~ <br />~ ~ \'~(" j <br />~.:..\sl ~ <br />'\,;. C"\.- ~~" ;;; <br />~ ;~)~\~ <br />~ ~ I) <br />'~(.\. ~ <br />'0t- .~ <br />()\l~ <br />"' rV ,:' ro, U' ... <br />~\ . \.' .L <br />~ <br />~. <br />'J <br />\ <br /> <br /> <br />......- <br />-,.,:.a <br /><'CD <br />.. <br />'0 <br />... <br />::D <br />cZ <br />ii' <br />i <br />~ <br /> <br />Excerpts From Internal Reyenue Code <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />If any person liable to pay any lax neglects Dr refuses to <br />pay the same after demand, the amount (Including any Inler. <br />est. additional amounl, addition to lax, Dr assessable penalty. <br />together with any costs that may accrue in addition thereto) <br />shall be a lien In favor of lhe United States upon all property <br />and rights to property, whether real Dr personal, belonging <br />to such person, <br /> <br />Sec. 6322. Period:Of Lien. <br /> <br />Unless another dlllt il- SpeGlflcally fixed by law, lhe'lltn <br />imposed by section 6321 5hll'I arise at the time the assessmlllt <br />Is made and stlali continue untn the liability for Ihe amount so <br />assessed (Dr ~, jlldgment agalRst the taxpayer arising out of <br />such liability) is salisfied or becomes unenforceable by reason <br />at lapse of lime ' <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons. <br />(a) Purchuer'., Holders Of Security In- <br />terelt., MechanIc'. L1enOfl, And Judgment <br />LIen Creditors. - The lien Imposed by section 6321 shall <br />not be vallO as against any purchaser, holder of a security <br />.nterest. mechantc's lienor, or Judgment lien credllor until nOlice <br />thereof which me~ts the requirements 0' subsection (fl has <br />been tiled by the Secretary <br /> <br />.1, Place For Filing Notice; Form.- <br /> <br />," Place Fo, FoIHlg T~e nohce 'eterred to In sub. <br />~eC!I~n la, Sflali be filed, <br />IAI UnOe' Slal~ Laws <br />Iii Reai Property, In lhe case of 'eal property, In one <br />off,ce wllI"n the Slate lor the county. or olher governmenlBI <br />sulllllvll;lOn) IS O'SlgflalCO by the laws 01 such Stale, In <br />W~lclltrle ~'~~er'y ~ublcetlo thc lien IS sltualed: and <br />1111 Personal P'o~erly 'n t~e case 01 personal <br />property wrlel~e' tangIble m '"tangible. ,n one office <br />"'I(h,n Iht Sta1El leH ttl~ ::,{JJ'lty or 01htH governmenlal <br />SUbdllllSIOfll as de~lgnaled by lhe laws nl such Stafe, <br />In wh,,,, me Woperty sublCCI 10 me IIcn IS Situ aIM <br />or <br />/8) Wlttl Cler. 01 D,s!, .ct Court In me 011 Ice ollrle clelk 01 <br />We UniteD Stales d.w,el court 10' l'le ",d'!:lal dlSlrIClln which <br />1he' proptrty ~U!Jlf>I.:1 fO Itr', '~',rluilH'r1 wtl~'lr~fH lhe Stale rlOft <br />no1 by IlJw c1fnlgf1t>1e-("I (Jr,!, of lice IN',.(.I) rnN~I!, Iht rfIQu1rf'rTlf\nlfi of <br />Cjubpa'a~rarltl 1/1,1 1,1 <br />rC:J WIth nec.(HOfJr fJ' D(l~C1~ 0' ~t)(! Dlt,lnt:1 UI :'OIUfIIIJ'd In <br />!~C oUlce ol1he Recnrd~r n' OeMs ." lhe OIr,IIIt. ,,; COlum!>'n 'f <br />,t,,, ;H~perlv f,ll[",." If, ...,. ,,,,- "!(Jill',I' f\ ,,' r,..!: I ,,1 <br />:'OlullJl'IB <br /> <br />Entered as Document No. <br />8- 1 f) 3 7 2 2 <br /> <br />Grantor 1" " <br />Gr.... _~ <br />Numertcel A {tL. <br />TIT f.- r :' ~'-::J~: , r.- I' ^ ) <br />i~ _ _ I l\tl.....l\i...v \i\ C' e- <br />n W'l' / (, r: '" I L ) '"'...; <br />- ~ 1 . . (J , ."\ 'h <br /> <br />I 9 <br />;I <br /> <br />S~,.~/,':,~,':~-_.,-, ""'.'::-.:-.'" /.~ . ~ <br />.r .!- -" - -- "-,,::,~,,t:...:..<.; <br /> <br />::!! <br />f <br /> <br />:f <br />.. <br /> <br />-0. <br />G <br /> <br />z <br />o <br />... <br />-. <br />n <br />CD <br />o <br />.... <br />-f <br />II <br />>C <br />r- <br />-. <br />CD <br />::I <br /> <br />? B JUl I f <br /> <br />!!. <br /> <br />i1 <br /> <br />! <br />2. <br /> <br />(2) Situs Of Property Sublect To Lien . For purposes of <br />paragraphs (1) and (4), property shall be deemed to be SItUlted. <br />(A) Rell Property . In tM case of roal property. at III <br />physical IDeation; or <br />(B) Personel Property. In the CUll 01 personal property, <br />whether langlble or Inlanglble, It the ruldl0C8 at the <br />taxpayer at the lime the notice of lI.n Is flied, <br />For purposes of paragraph (2) (B), the residence 01 a corporatJon <br />or partnership shall be deemed 10 be the place at which thl <br />principal executive office of the business Is located. and the <br />residence 01 B lax payer whose residence Is without the Unlled <br />Stales shall be deemed to be In Ihe District of Columbia- <br />(3) Form . The form and contenl 01 lIIe notice <br />relerred 10 In subsectlon.~) shall be prescribed by Iha <br />Secrelary, Such nottce ,hili be-valld notwllhstarldlna any <br />Othlr provision olllw, regarding lhe form or llOI1J,nt 01 ,_ <br />notice or lien <br /> <br />Nete: See section 6323(b)' 10r protection for <br />certain Interests even though noliceaf IiBn <br />Imposed by section 6321 is flied w/!h respect <br />to: <br /> <br />1 Securities <br />2, Motor vehicles <br />3 Pereonll property purchased al retail <br />4. Personal property purch..ed In ealual sale <br />5, Personll property subjected to pOII.llory lien <br />6. Real property tu and speclllalleumentliens <br />7, Resldentlel property subject to s mechanic's <br />lien for certain rspaln and Improvements <br />8. Attorney's liens <br />9. Certain Insurance contracts <br />10. Passbook loans <br /> <br />Ig) RefUJng Of Notice. - For purposes 01 lhls <br />section. <br /> <br />(1) General Rule. - Unless nOllce DIllen Is reWed In <br />the manner prescribed in paragraph 121 during the required <br />retillng period, such notice of Iie~ sllall be treal8(1.. flied on the <br />date on'which IllS tiled (In accordance wllh subsection (Ill after <br />the explrstlon of such reflllng period <br /> <br />(2) Place For Filing. - A notIce 01 lien rellled <br />durlllD the required ,etillng period shsll be .1feclive only, <br />IA) II <br />/II suCh notice of lien IS reliled on the olllee In which the <br />orlol nohce Dillen was ll1ed, and <br />(II) In the case of real property, the lact 01 reflllng II <br />"nlcred and recorded In an IMer to the ektenl 'SOUl red by <br />',ub~eCllon II) leI. 1M <br />IBI In nny eass In WhiCh, 90 Oa\'~ or "'o'e 01101 10 the oale <br />of a reft''''g Of notice at lien undsr 9ubP"'DISPh ,-". the <br /> <br />I~Y <br /> <br />, ",, <br /> <br />z <br />p <br /> <br />td1 to <br /> <br />C <br />::I <br />( <br />I <br /> <br />pr.,;: (IF [lFFf"\S <br /> <br />-.~ - <br /> <br />Secretary received wrlllen InfoRIIIIIll!l (in !he IIlIINr <br />presc:lbed in regulallons IIMd by 1IIa SecrIlIry) <br />concerning a chllllll in lhe lDpIyIr"-'dInce, If IIIlIIlcI <br />of IUch 1111111 alia ft.. it lCCOl1Iara wIlIIlIIIIsactIoIl (T) III <br />the StIlI In which IlICh IIIidIncI illocItIlI. <br /> <br />(3) Required Rilling PIriod. - In 1IIa CUI <br />01 any noUce of UIIII,IhII1rm "rIQuirIcI tlfillng tJIriod" lIIIIIlI- <br />(A) the alii-year period IIlding 3D days after 1111 aplrIIion <br />01 6 years alllr lhe dati of 1IIa IUIISlIIIIlI Df 1hI1U. and <br />(B) the one-yearllll'kKl endingwiththlupiJltion aftipars <br />alllr the close ofllle preceding flQuillllll'lfllqj I*iOd for <br />such notice of llIn. <br /> <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or <br /> <br />. "Discharge OfPtoperty. <br /> <br />(a) R..... 'Of' UIIL - __ III SllC!l <br />regulations UlfIe ScnIIuy {Illy prescrilIe, .. Secratarystllll <br />IJIUe a certificate 01 rBleae at I,IlJ lien illlplllld wilIIlIIPICt III <br />any Internal rwmWe tunOi tdrtllan 3D""'. thlllIy II!l <br />which - <br />(11 Liability ~Iisfiecl or ~lortUlllt - TlIe SlcTllary <br />IInds thai thellablllty forlfle ItnOlIlt......1lIgIllltr1litha~ <br />Interesl In rupee: thIreof. lias bien fully SItiSfiICI or Ills <br />become IlIIally lIlIIIlfortabll; or <br />l21 Bond Aa:tpttd . There is fumillllcllll !!II StaNry Il!Ill <br />accepted by him a bond that tsconaillOllIII ulIOn!!ll DI\flIIIII'I cl <br />the amounl ISsei1eCl. togt\ller with all interat In fIIDICl <br />thllreof. within lfIe time 1111!lCTillllll tIy I... (iIlClUlling al1)' <br />extension at suclt limel, In~ Ihal is In aCCO!1:lnte wit!> sa:ll <br />reQuirements relaling to lerms, ClIlllIltions.allCl fOr::! oltlle lIonll <br />and sureties thereon. as may be SllItifrtlllll' suelt ~ulllions <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation. <br />(k) DIIdoIure of CertIIn 'Rttums II1II <br />Altum Intormltfon For TII AdmhM~"', <br />PurpoIII. - <br /> <br />121 Disclosure cllmounl 01 Iten ,1,. n~lltt c' <br />"en hIS belIn t,led O..rsulnllo ~~C1'on 6323111 Tne ilTnOUT:l ollnp <br />oulstanOlng obllgll,on secu'eo t~ such Iten "'n be ~'scIDseD TO <br />any person whO tumlshes UlIstlCtory w"nen t..oenct thaI ?It <br />hUa "ghl In lhe propeny subJecIIO SUCh lien or .nltnds to <br />obtain I fight ,n such prOllerty <br />