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<br />" , <br />Entered 8S Document No. <br />'88~ 103'6 B 1 <br />. (jril"tof~' ,,. , ' ': <br />G:antee, , " ''- ' , <br />Numerlcat w " f dE, '..\ l" <br />51 ATE 9fN~BR,~S~t-),',S:S':'ii,q <br />to Un T"r 0 FHA ~~'~j:I" <br /> <br />,.( <br /> <br />... <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />~~~ ~ " <br />'~?k~-H~ <br /> <br />'- ~ <br /> <br />~ <br />~ <br />~ <br />c::s <br />f"" <br /> <br />"" <br />I <br />5f <br />Ii' <br /> <br />z <br />o <br />.... <br />-- <br />n <br />CD <br />0" <br />""'" ' , <br />-4" <br />I>> <br />M <br />r- <br />iD- <br />:J <br /> <br />?88JUl <br /> <br /> <br />\._ [~ . I "t ~ " I~ <br /> <br />... <br />CD <br /> <br />(') <br />.. <br />;1- <br /> <br />~;/ <br />\0., I <br /> <br />z <br />p <br /> <br />8 <br /> <br />.. <br />~~' 10',..09 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />- <br />o <br />.. <br /> <br />III <br />- <br />:\ " , ~i \ . <br />! <br />~ ~ <br /> <br />/"--/ ___:~':..i.:; J . <br />,"-,? '..,' ,....' _.._..e_,<1'-:>~ <br />~tl~~;~;.~"" ..~;. ,.:':\ l~~ o;;~}'! ~':;:~ <br />per,: Of P.E.f.O,$t, I: """,," <br />. L. .... , t . I ~ . . . J_ ... _ c.. <br /> <br />::D <br /> <br />, . '.I , <br /> <br />I <br />":-' <br /> <br />,- ~.; j ,~ <br /> <br />l ~l " <br /> <br />.; : j t' :::.~ {; <br /> <br />(2) Situs Of Property Subject To Uen - For purposu 01 <br />paragraphs (1) and (4), property shall be deemed to be eltuated. <br />(A) Real Property . In the cilsa of raal property. at III <br />physical location; or <br />(B) Personal Property. In the caae of perlOnal property. <br />whether tangible or Intangible, at the raeldenCll 01 the <br />taxpayer ~t the time the "oUCt ol,lIen IllIIed. <br />For purposel 01 paragraph (2) (B), the reeldenCll 01 a corporation <br />or partnership shall be deemed to be the plaCll at which the <br />principal executlve'OffICll of the. bUllnesl Is located, and the <br />ralldenCll 01 a taxpayer whose residence II without the Unltld <br />Stal" ehall be deemed to be In the Dlltrlct 01 Columbia. <br />Sec, 632:;t Period lOt lien. ' .. .. , ,~} Form - Jhe, -forme and,' content o! l~ lnQtlllI i <br />, , " relerred to In lubs.apllon ~) lhall be pr8lcrl~, by IhI <br />Unless anotller datli II', specllically fixed by law, tha'lIen' i. lleCretary. Such 'rldllci iiuin Tie(valld notwlthl~lilG ~ <br />Imposed by se~tlon ~1"'~U Jrlse at the time the assess~~t. I gthIqrovlslon otla!!,-rega~ng~the lorm or 'con!Jllt, 01. I. <br />15 made and shaltconUhde ~nW the Uablllty lor the amount,so .. notlce"of Uen, '" ,". -: "', " <br />assessed (or a:jdilgmsnt-'<lll1lhst ths taxpayer arising oot,ol- , i.' _. '- , ,') - ~ 1,1 ( " " ,! ' <br />such liability) !s l!itl~f1ed,or. ~omes unenforceable by rea5!ln Not.: See section ,6323(b) for protection ,for " <br />of lapse oltlme. ( k' , !:l~in inter811ts .eyen .though notiClti 9B Ilell <br />Sec, 6323. Validity and Priority Against imposed by section 6321 is tiled with respect <br />Certain Persons. to: <br />(a) Purchaser's, Holders Of Security In- f. <br />I.mts, Mechanic'. L1enoN, And Judgment 2- <br />Lltn Creditors. - The lien Imposed by section 632t shall ~: <br />not be valid as against any purchaser. holder 01 a security 5. <br />Interest, mechanic's lienor, or judgment 116ft creditor until notice 6, <br />Ihereol which meets the requirements of subsection (I) has 7, <br />been lIIed by the Secretary. <br /> <br />Exc.rpts From Int.mll Revenue Code <br /> <br />Sec, 6321. Lien For Taxes, <br /> <br />If any person liable to pay sny tax neglects Dr reluses to <br />pay Ihe same aflel demend, the amount' (Including any Inter- <br />ast, additional emount, Iddltlon to leX, or assessable penalty, <br />together with any COtll that may accrue In addition thereto) <br />thall be a lien in flvor 01 the United Slstes upon all property <br />and rlghtt to property, whither real or personal, belonging <br />to tuch perlon, <br /> <br />(I) PiKe For Filing Notice; Form.- <br /> <br />(1) Place For Filing.. The no1lce referred 10 in sub. <br />section (a) shall be filed. <br />(Al Under Stste Laws <br />(I) Real proptrty . In the case 01 real property, in one <br />olflce within the State (or the county, or other governmental <br />subdl4llslon), as- .dtllgnated by the laws 01 such State, in <br />which lhe property subject to the lien 15 situated; and <br />1111 Personal Property , In the case of persons I <br />property, whether tangible or Intangible, In one olllce <br />Within Ihs State (01 lh~ county or other governmental <br />subdivision), as deslgnaled by the la",s nl such State, <br />in which Ine property subJect to the lien IS situ lied: <br />or <br />(BI With Clerk 01 DIStllct Court. In the olflce 01 the clerk 01 <br />the United States dlslrict court 10' lhe JudICial dIStrict in which <br />illS property sublect to lien IS sllualed. ",h.never the Stele has <br />not by law deslgnaled one otllce ",h,ch meets thO 'eQUlrcmenls 01 <br />subparsgraph 1Ai. or <br />ICI With Racorder or DeedS 01 TtIe Dlslllcl 01 ColumlJla ' In <br />tha olllee Of Ihe Recorder nf DeAds of the District 01 Columbla,lf <br />me proDetty qublf!rl 1(J 't1{' lIen ; "tualf'd If'l ",1' r"J1r;fl C1 '11 <br />C~.Iumbla <br /> <br />Securities <br />Motor vahlcles <br />PeF10nal property purchaled at retail <br />Perlonal property purchased In Cllualllle <br />Penona' property subjected to pollessOry lien <br />Rill property tax and lpeclalll.eument liens <br />Residential property subjlCllO a mechanic's <br />lien lor certain repairs and Improvements <br />8, Allorney's liens <br />9, Cer1eln Insurance COI;lracts <br />to Passbook loans <br /> <br />Igl Reflllng Of Notice. - For purposes 01 Ihls <br />secllon . <br />, , <br />(1) General Rul.. - Unless notice 01 lion Is reliled In <br />the manner prescribed In paragmph (2) during the required <br />reflUng period, such notice Ollie" Shall be traaled asllled on the <br />date on'whlch Ills iliad (In accordance with subsection (f)} alter <br />Ihe explrlllon 01 such reflllng period, <br /> <br />(2) Place For Filing. - A nollce 01 lien rellled <br />during lhe required rellllng period thall b, I".~tlve GillY' <br />IA) If. <br />(II such notice 01 lien Is rellled In the olllce In which the <br />prior nollce of lien was flied, and <br />(ill In the case of real property, the fact 01 rellllng II <br />entered and recorded In an Index to the extenl required by <br />subsecflon (f! (~), end <br />(BI in any case In which, 90 days or more prior to Ille dale <br />01 a reflllng of notice 01 lien under subparagtaph ("), the <br /> <br />I> <br /> <br />; (~ ::.c i;J if. ; ! <br /> <br />~ ;.1 t - ~:'.. :...., <br />5acrttary racalvad wrltlen Info'rmallon(lir lhI 'marnr <br />prascrlbed In lIllulallons Issued bJ thI liIcrIIIJY) <br />canCllmlng . chlllllllln the taxplyer'1 mldence.If,allllllal <br />GI luch lien II also filed In ICCOnllIICI wtlh iubsIctIGll(f) In <br />tIIa State In whlclt luch raldenal 11 IocIlId. <br /> <br />(3) Required Rifting .......- In thI all <br />of .ny notlet 01 lien. the term "raqU11lId rellJIng ~ l\lIIIII- <br />(A) the one-yIIr period endlng:ll dayl aflIrthl upIratIon <br />of 6 yeara alltr the date of the INIIIIlIIll of 1111 fix. and <br />(B) thl one-year period IndlngwtlhlllluplratlDnoflyATI <br />after tlte close of the pracadInQ tIlIulllld mrnna parlod for <br />..auch notice ill Hen. f - .. i ' <br /> <br />Sec. 632!i~ I, a!I~,aSe Of i i.fen Or <br /> <br />, ., ''DIsCharge Of Property. <br /> <br />~(a) A....... <oi ..... ~.' 1D IUCh <br /> <br />lIQulaUons as'~SecrI8IIY IlIIfJHlSCriba."1ieCl'ItaFY sIIaII <br />!U,ue a ClIrtIIlCt,!, ~ ~II~ ~ anr lien imJIDI!Id ,wIIh respect 1D <br />iny'lntemal menue tat1lClt lalIrtltlll:ll dayS aftIr IIla day on <br />which- <br />(t) Liability Satisfied or IInIr:fon:ubII - l1Ie Secmary <br />Ilnds that the llabllltyfor tItIamount.-std. tDgIIIlar wIIh II <br />Interest In raspact them'. hU beln fully IItltfl1d or l1li <br />become legally untnfon:ubla; Of <br />(2) Bond Acceplld . Tblra Is furnished to !hi Secntary and <br />accepted by him a bond that Is candlllonad uponllll PIJlIlIII1:of <br />!ha aMounl auassed, together with III IntIl1St In I1IIIIICt <br />thereol, within the tlrlll JIfISCril*I by In (Inc1UC1lna lIlY <br />extension 01 such time), and that is In accordance with suttl <br />requlraments relating to Iarms, condlttons. and 10rm Gtllle bCIlld <br />and suralles thereon, as may be spacllled by such ngulall-. <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation. <br />(kl DlIdoIure, of Certlln A....rns Ind <br />R,'um Informillon For Tu Admlnlltrlllon <br />, PUrpoIIl; ~ ' <br /> <br />l21 Disclosure 01 amount 01 outstanding hen .If I notice 01 <br />lien hIS been lIIed pursuant 10 section &323(1). the amount 01 tha <br />outstanding obligation secured by such Ilan may bedlStloald to <br />any person who furnlshe. Sltlslactory wrilten avidence IIlat!le <br />has I right In the property subltctlo such lien or lnltlllds to <br />obtain a right In such proper1y <br />