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<br /> - <br /> CD <br />(') <br />li' <br />;iI- ~ <br />0' !!. <br />.. <br />:I' <br />il :. r.. ,1 <br /> It <br />AI OC <br />~ i:t !? <br /> <br />(2J Situs Of Property Subject To lien - For purposes of <br />paragraphs (1) and (4), property shall be dBllmed to be sltuated- <br />(A) Real Property - In the case of rea'lIroperty, at its <br />phyalcallocatlon; or <br />(8) Personal Property. In tho call of personal property, <br />whether tangible or Intangible, at the residence of the <br />taxpayer at the time the notice of lien II filed. (3) Requlfld Rifling PIdod. - III .. CIII <br />For purpolIl of paregraph l'J (8), the residence of a corporation of any notice DIllen, lhI. "requ11Wd I8lIlIIlll pIIlod" _- <br />or partnership shall be deemed to be the place at which the (A) theone-year period endIIllI3lI dayuflIr1bl1lq:ilalion <br />principal executive office of the bUllnel1 Is located, anclthe of 6 years after the data DlIhI-.nent of 1111 tu. IIId <br />relldence of a taxpayer whOle residence II without the United (8) the one-yearperfod andIngwlthlhlapilallDnDl6ygs <br />Stlteslhall ~ desm811 to be In thl Dlltrl,ct of Columbia, altar the clo.. DllhIlIlICIllIllIIl1CIullWd IIlIlIIlII perlod fDr <br />Sec. 6322: Period~Of Lien. ;~ I f -(3) Form - [11-..,10(1111 ~ content oJ ,lhe ",~I,* ;, - ,Iuch nollOlOl'ftln. ~ - _ i . _'. <br />.. .. raferr,cl to In 1~lIIcllon, (I) Ihall be prllCrl~ ~y ,t!lI , . ' r , ,. <br />Unless anothel\'date.ll'speclflcally fixed by law, thenlrr (:. Seere\a(y, Such "otlci Shall iel.;,alld notwlthsianlllrig 'ariJ I,'" SeC 6325~ L, Release Of' lien Or <br />Imposed by se;tlon ~1 shall arise at tha, lime the asees~,IlI~l ~. :!!fhar.llrovlslon ot 1~w-regl)1llnll the form O{ ClInwnt " ,.; - , . 'O',s' charge Of Pro', perty <br />is made and shall conllnue until the liability for the amount so nDtlce DIllen. . <br />assessed (Dr a Judgment against the taxpayer arising Dut Df (a) R.... Of UIn. _ 5ubjacl lD sucIl <br />such liability) Is satlslled Dr becDmes unenfDrceable by reaSDn Note: See section 6323(b) for protection for regulallonl II thl Secre1lJy tlIIJ' pmcrlba, lIIIS1l:r11mysllal <br />01 lapse Df time. certain Interests even though notice of lien luullcerttflcateohel....DllIlYlilninlpDladwlllltllllldlll <br />any Internal revenue lU noll11lr1llln 31 dajlll!lr lIIe lily an <br />Imposed by section 6321 !s tiled with respect which. <br />to: (1) liability Satisfied or lMII'orceRle - The SecrIlaIJ <br />lInds that thlllablllty forllle amDlIlt___, tDgIlhIrwlthlll <br />1. Securities Interest In respect thlrlDl'. !lu been fully IIliIfiId or l1li <br />2. MDtDr vehicles become IllIally unanforceabli; Dr <br />3, Personal properly purchased at retail (2) Bond Accepted _ There is fumishld to lIIe SImlItyIllll <br />4. Personal property purchased In casual sale accepted by him a bond tIIIt Is conditioned upon tIlIlIIYftIIlIlol <br />5, PersDnel prDperly subjected tD poslessDry lien the amount .-ed, 10lIIlhIr wIIIl all intlllll In !IIPICl <br />6, Real property tax and spaclel assess mint liens thereof, witltln the time lIl8SCrDIelI by law (including lIlY <br />7, Resldenllal prDperty subject to a mechanic's axtension of such IIml). and lhIt Is in acconlan!:B with sucIl <br />lien fDr certain repairs and ImprDvements reQuirements relating to terms, condltlons.and I'orm Olllle lIDnll <br />8, AttDrney's liens be lflecl ~ lIlions. <br />9, Certain Insuranca cDntracts and surelles thereon, as may spec 'sucIl TIgl/ <br />10, PassbDDk IDans <br /> <br /> <br />Excerpts From Internal Revenue Code <br /> <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />If any persDn lIabl~ tD pay any tax neglects Dr refuses tD <br />-pay the same alter demand, the amDunt (including any Intar- <br />est, addltiDnal amDunt, addlllDn tD tax. or assessable penally. <br />tDgether with any cosls that !!lay al;Crue in addltiDn lhereto) <br />shall be a lien In favor Df the United Slates upon all prDperty <br />and rights tD prDperty, whether rial Dr persDnal, belDnglng <br />to such persDn, <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons, <br />(a) PUrchIHr'I, Holders Ot Security In- <br />t.flslI, Mechanic's L1enors, And Judgment <br />Lltn Creditors. - The lien impDsed by secllDn 6321 shall <br />nDI hi valid II against any purchaser, hDlder Df a security <br />Interest. mechanlc's lIenDr, or judgment lien credltDr unlll nDtlCe <br />thereof which meets the reQuiremellts Df subseclIDn (I) has <br />bien flied by the Secretary, <br /> <br />(f) Place For Filing Notice; Form.- <br /> <br />(1) Place FDr FIling. The nDUce reterred tD In sub. <br />sectiDn (a) shall be flied. <br />(A) Under Stale Laws <br />(I) Raal Property. In the case DI real prDperty, in one <br />DWce within the Stale (Dr Ihe cDunty, Dr Dther governmental <br />aullcllVlslon), ai lleslgnaled by the laws Dt such State, In <br />which Ihe property subjeci to the lien Is sltualed; and <br />(III PerSDnal PrDperty . In the case of personel <br />prDperly, whether tangible or ,"tangible, In Drle oNlce <br />wllhln the State (Dr the counly or other gDvernmental <br />subdlvlslDn). as deslgrmlod by rhe IDWS Df such State, <br />In ",hlch Ihe properly subJect to the lien IS sltuatod, <br />Dr <br />la) With Clerk Of Dlstrlcl Court - In Ihe office 01 the clerk of <br />lhe UMed Stales dlslllcl cDurl lor the ludlclal dlSlrlClln which <br />tne property subjoCllD 1101115 sllualed, whenevel ItIO Stnte has <br />not by law dLslgnatod one o1flce w'''r.h mools lf1e rOQlllrumo,,'s ul <br />subparagre~h 'AI 01 <br />IC) wlln ReCDIGm 01 OeMs 01 The OlstrlCI 01 Columbia. In <br />1M omen at 1M Recor~e' 01 OOMs of Ihe OIslrlcl of Colurnbia, " <br />trIll pfOtJ&rtv fJUb/fH I HI HIf' Iterl " ';lluatrd 'r' '1", '''r.l, 'I:I (II <br />Columbia <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />... <br />I <br />!if <br />.. <br /> <br />1,- ~ <br /> <br />z <br />o <br />... <br />-. <br />n <br />CD <br />o <br />.... <br />.... <br />.., <br />M <br />.... <br />-. <br />CD <br />::I <br /> <br />- .. 0.. I <br /> <br />,_i, c. <br /> <br />(g) R.tlllng Ot Notice. - FDr purpDses Dl this <br />soctlDn . <br /> <br />(1) Gene,al Rul.. - Unless nDtlce DIllen Is rellled In <br />the manner prescribed in peragraph (2) during the required <br />rellllng periDd; sucll notice Df Uen shall be truted al111tcl on "" <br />dale Dn'whlch It Is lIIed (In aCCDroance with subsection (f)) alter <br />the explratlDn Dr such rallllng period, <br /> <br />(2) Pllce For Filing. - A nDlIce 01 lion raWld <br />during the required rellllng perlDl! shell bf Ilflctlvaonly . <br />(A) It, <br />(I) such nollce of lien Is rellled In 'lie oftlce In which the <br />prlDI nDtlce Dillen was IlIod, and <br />(II) In lhe clSe Dt real prDperly, lne racial rollllng I,S <br />enlored and recDrdod In an Indek 10 the ektent required by <br />subsectlDn If I (4). and ' , <br />(8) In any case In which, 90 deysllr mora prior to the dlle <br />of e ratlllng of nDllce 01 lion undol oubparagraph fAI. lhe <br /> <br />Enfered as Docuiftent NIl. <br />88- 103685 <br /> <br />c) <br />fo& <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />Grantor <br />Gl antee <br />ST,\Nl,fIIlms",- A C <br />".f '- ~~ J ..~ " ::I <br />BOUNTY JF IHLL" ) SS! <br /> <br /> <br />'BB .JUl B nN 10 09 I, <br /> <br /> <br />2' <br />P <br /> <br />tf <br /> <br /> <br />,- ~, <br />(~ (' ..-/' L~I <br />'\. '. -~'-~;..':;' <br />~'..::::~..71....._~,_.:.JO"'~ ~ ~ <br />t:)' . ....,. <br />pC!' r,':;'f)F D F. Fn $' <br /> <br />~. l ~:. i ,:~'j~ <br /> <br />.,:-, <br /> <br />\1 <br /> <br />Secretary received written Information (In lIIe nw- <br />prelCr!bed In regulatlons Iuued by 1he, Seer8Iary) <br />concemlrr,; a change In the tupaylr'll'IIldence.lf allllllCll <br />01' such lien II aim filed in _n!ance with IIIbIIdIon (I) In <br />the State In wIIlcll JUCh mid_ is 1ocIlad, <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Cis. <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation. <br />- ,,' l <br />(k) ~ of CIt1IIn AtIumI_ <br />Rltum l"..tton For Tax Admllltltrlllo4\ <br />Purpoaea. - ' <br /> <br />(2) DlsclDsure Dt amDunt Df outstanding lien." I nOllOt 0' <br />lien has bien hied pursuan, to seellon 6323tri, Ine amDunt 0' In! <br />oUlltlndlng obllgallDn lICurecllIy such lien may be lfiIclollllto <br />any lIIrsDn who furniShes UlIsfltlilry wnlten nidela lhil~.. <br />hll a right In the prDperly SubJectlD suCh lien or Inte!l(!s lD <br />Dbtaln a rlghllh such prDperty, <br />