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<br />Tratt of Land'in Lot 4. Island Section 11. and Northwest ~ of Southwest ~
<br />Is18nd Section 11. all in Township 10 North Range 10 West of tlie6th ,P.M.,
<br />Hall County. Nebraska..lIlDre particularly described as 'follows: COmmencing
<br />at the west ..carner of ,said Island Section 11; thence North QQ,degrees,',:\., '
<br />23 minutes, 00 seConds east along the west line of Northwest v.of'sald:I:Sland.
<br />Section 11, I distance of 920.14 feet to point of beginning; thfm~econt~,ni.ling
<br />North 00 degrees.23 minutes, 00 seconds. east along west line'ofNorthwest',V.
<br />of said IslapdSection 11 a distance of 200 feet; thence soutli 89 degr~es, 37
<br />minutes, 04 seconds. east a distance 875.75 feet; thence south 00 de'grees,2~
<br />minutes, 00 seconds west. a diStance of 1.191.33 feet to the center Une,of'a.",
<br />30 feet wide easement for roadway purposes; thence south 50 degrees, '1ininute',
<br />30 seconds west along center 1 ine of said 30 feet easement, a distance of 313.32
<br />feet; thence north 00 degrees,. 23 minutes, 00 seconds east a distance of '
<br />'1,194.22 feet; thence north 89 degrees, 37 minutes, 00 secpnds west a distance
<br />of 637 feet to point of beginning.
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