<br />88-
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<br />103647
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<br />
<br />XNOWALLMENBY1lIESEPRESENTS:That Leland J. McGraw III, and Barbara M. McGraw, each in his
<br />and her own right, and as spouse of each other,
<br />
<br />Lot Seven (7), in Block "B", Boehm's Subdivision of Lot Sixteen (16) of .the County Sub-
<br />division of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter (S%SE%) of Section Sixteen (16), in
<br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., and part of the North-
<br />west Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NW%NE%) of Section Twenty-One (21) in Township
<br />Eleven (11), North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M.
<br />
<br />
<br />MOdp&Or, whether one or more, in COIIIideIation oftbe IUID of
<br />Seven Thousand and no/lOa ----------------------------------------------------------DOLLARS
<br />
<br />loaned to said IIIOrtpgor by The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand bland, Nebruka, Mortgagee. upon 70 shares of IIudt of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certif'u:ate No. 81- 883 FHA. do hereby grant. con~ lUld mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the folknriDB
<br />described real estate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />tll\lllther with aU the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, including attached floor co~rings, all wiDdow ICreCIII,
<br />window shades, blinds. storm windows, awnings, heating, air conditioning, and plumbing and water equipment and accessories \bere1o.JIUIDPI,stoKa.
<br />refrigerators. and other fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate,
<br />
<br />And whereas \he said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all lUes and _Is Inied or
<br />useSled upon said premises and upon \his mortgage and the bond secured thereby before the same shall become delinquent; 10 fW'l1ilb ~
<br />insurance upon the buildings on said premises situated in the sum of$ 7,000.00 payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deIi1I:r to aid
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance; and not to commit or permit any waste on or about said premises;
<br />
<br />In case of default in the perfontlllJll:C of any of the teons and conditions of this mortgage or the bond IICcured hereby, tB IIlCII1IiIFO abaI1,
<br />on demand, be entitled to immediate (IOSIICSSion of the mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby auigJu, traJufcrs and acts cna- to tbe
<br />IIIOrtpgetl all the rents, re~nues and income to be derived from the mortgaged premises during such time as \he mortgage indebteduea abaI1:n:mm.
<br />unpmd; and the mortgagee shall haw the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the pmpose of repairiDg said pmDiIa aDd reotiD&
<br />the same and collecting the rents, rrmmues and income, and it may payout of said income aU expenses of repairing said premiaes aDd -.y
<br />commillions and expenses incurred in renting and managing the mme and of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance mnaiDin&. if D)', m he
<br />applied toward the discharge of said mortgage indebredness; th_ rights of the mortgagee may be exerc;iled at any time durin& tile aiItcacc of IUl:b
<br />dCfault, irrcspeGtive of any temporary wai~r of the same.
<br />
<br />These Presents. howe~r, are upon th~ Condition, That if the said Morlgagor shall repay said loan on or before the matmity of Did shares by
<br />payment; pay munthty to said ASSOCIATION of Ihe sum specified in the Bond secured hereby as interest and principal on said loan, on or before
<br />\he Twentieth day of each and every month, until said loan is fully paid; pay all taxes and assessments 1evied against said premises an4 on Ibis Morlpp
<br />
<br />and the Bond secured thereby, before delinquency; furnish approved insurance upon the buildings thereon in the sum of $ 7,000.00 payable
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand aU money by it paid for such taxes, assessments and insurance with interest at
<br />the maximum legal rate thereon from date of payment aU of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; permit no waste on said premises;keep andcomply
<br />
<br />with a111he agreements and conditions of the Bond for $ 7 000.00 this day given by the said Mortgagor to said ASSOClATION. and comply
<br />with all the requirements of the Constitutinn and By.J.aws 01 sai;l ASSOCIATION; then these presents shalt become null and void.olherwie they
<br />sbalI remain in full force and may be foreclosed at the option of the said ASSOCIATION after failure for three months to make any of said
<br />payments or be three months in arrears in making said monthly payments. or to keep and comply with the agreemenb and conditions of said Bond;
<br />and Mortpgor agrees to ha~ a receiver appointed forthwith in such foreclosure proceedings.
<br />
<br />If there is any change in ownership of the real estate mortgqed herein, by sale or olhcrwise, then the entire remaining ~ heIeby
<br />IeCUIed sbalI, at the optinn of The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand bland, Nebraska, become immediately due and r-Yable without
<br />further nolice, and the amount relllllining due under said bond, and any other bond for any additional advanees made ~,abaD, from the
<br />date of exercile of said option, hew interest at the maximum legal rate. and this mortgage may then be foredosed to atilfy the _t due on aid
<br />bOnd, and D)' other bond for additional advanees, together with aU suma paid by said The Equitable Bullding and Loan Aaaociation of Gnnd Island,
<br />NCbruka for insurance, taxes and ;we_nb, and abstracting extension Chargel, with interest thereon, from date of payment at the maximum
<br />1ep1 rate.
<br />
<br />AI provided in the Bond secured hereby, while this mortgige remains in effect the mortpgee may hereafter advance additional Sums to the
<br />maken ot aid Bond, their assipIl or successors in interest. which lums shall be within the security of tbis morlp&e the same as the fuDda originally
<br />IeCUIed thereby. the total amount of principal debt not 10 exceed at any time the original amount of this mortPI'!'
<br />
<br />Dated 28th day of June A. D., 19 88 ."
<br />
<br />
<br />On thil 28th
<br />
<br />day of
<br />
<br />June
<br />
<br />19 BB . befon me.
<br />
<br />Leland J. McGraw III, and Barbara M. McGraw,
<br />own right, and as spouse of each other,
<br />me to be the identJcat penon s whOle name s are afl1xed to tlte abo~ inltrument II mortpgor S and they -mJy
<br />
<br />ac:knowledpcllhelllidinltrumenttobc their volunlaryactlnddccd. ~ . ~..
<br />WITNESS my hand and Notarial Se~~ date aforesaid. .
<br />
<br />
<br />._.m .'~Ii~_1 . _722 ~
<br />
<br />the undenlped, a Notary Public in and for aid County, penona1tycame
<br />each in his and her who are penonallyknownto
<br />