<br />
<br />88- 103600
<br />
<br />'lbIs Mortgage Is entered Into between
<br />
<br />Mary E. McGovern, a single person
<br />
<br />Five Points Bank
<br />
<br />(herein "Mortpgor") and
<br />(bereln "Mortgagee").
<br />
<br />Mortpgor Is Indebted to Mortgagee in the principal sum of $ 7, 350 . 00 , evidenced by MorlpJor's note
<br />
<br />dated .Tn".. ? Q r 1 Q AS (herein "Note") providing for payments of principal and IDte_t, with the ba1anee,of the
<br />
<br />indebtedness,lfnotsooner paid, due and payable on June 15, 1998
<br />
<br />To secure the paymenlof the Note, with interest as provided therein, the payment of all other _, with interest,
<br />advanced by Mortgagee to protec:t the security of this Mortgage, and the perfonnanee of the covenants and agreements nf
<br />the Mortpgor contained herein, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the foDowing described
<br />
<br />- ~ ";,
<br />
<br />property 10000ted In
<br />
<br />H.."
<br />
<br />County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot Six (6) and the East Nine (9) Feet of Lot Seven (7),
<br />Block One (1), in Stewart Place Subdivision, being a part of
<br />Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NW 1/4 NE 1/4) of
<br />Section Twenty Nine (29), Township Eleven (11) North, Range
<br />Nine (9) West of the 6th P,M" Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />
<br />Totether with all bulldlnllB, Improvements, fixwres, streets, alleys, pasucewaYI, easements, rights, priYileps and
<br />appurtenances 10000ted thereon or in anywise pertalninl thereto, and the rents, Issues and prom.., revenions and remalndeD
<br />thereof; including, bul not limited to, heaUng and cooling equipmenl and such penonal property Uult is attached to die
<br />improvemenls so E to constitute a fixlure; all of which, includinl replacements and addiUons tbereto, is hereby dedared
<br />to be a part of !.he real estate secured by lhe lien of this Mortglile and all of tbe forelolnl being refeltl!d to herein as die
<br />"Property",
<br />
<br />Mortpgor further convenants and qrees, wi!.h MortpBee, as follows:
<br />
<br />1. Payment. To pay tbe indebtedness and the interelit lhereon as provided in this Mort&qe and the Nole.
<br />
<br />2. 'nUe. Mor&eaIor Is the owner of the Property, has !.he ript and au!.hority to mor1pp the Property. and
<br />wanants that !.he lien created bereby is a fil'&t and prior lien on lhe Property, except as may o!.herwise be set forth herein.
<br />
<br />lKI1be Property is subjecl to a MortpBe wherein Home Federal Savings & Loan Association
<br />
<br />IIthe~,recordedatBook 140,Pqe 665 of!.heMorl(lllt.~~~!..,....~_~ Cotmty,
<br />NeInuIla, whIch Mortpp Is a lien prior to tbe lien crealed hereby. ~ ~=:'(,~tG cr,,:"~T'~~3~ t
<br />, ,'rl.;,;J,:JlAl)... f;4!oIl~'~f\. t
<br />o Other prior liens or encumbrances: r :;:)I..t "J ......0 ,III,:,"::,
<br />. _~" ~-"""__"__"IJ.~_-r.,..~...........
<br />
<br />3. 1'aa, 4-1s. To pay when dul' all lues. spedal as&ellments and all o!.her charles apinst the Property
<br />and, upon written demand by MortBlflee, to add to !.he paymenls required under the Note secured hereby. such amount u
<br />may be IUMelent to enable the Mortllflee to pay such lues, lSSl!SSIIIents or o!.her chUlJ!l as they become due.
<br />
<br />4. lllluranee. To keep !.he Improve menU now or hereafter 10000ted on the real estate described herein insured
<br />apinIt damqe by ftre and IUch o!.her huanb as MortBalee may reqllire, in amounls and wilh companiesKCeptable to the
<br />Mortppe, and with loss payable to !.he Mort.gqee. In case of loss under such policies !.he MortpBee is authorizeod to
<br />adjust. eoIIect and compromise, in Its discretion, all clalms!.hercunder at lis sole option, au!.horizedtoeitherapply lhe
<br />proeeecb to the DlStoration of the Property c:.r upon the indebtedness secured hereby. but paymenll herellDder shall COII-
<br />tinue untill.he IUDIIlllCUred hereby are paid In full.
<br />
<br />Iii, 0 EIa:ow For Tua and llllurance. NoLwl!.hltandlnl anythlnl contained in parqraphs 3 and <I hereor to tbe
<br />-tnrr, lIortptor shall pay to the Monppe at the time of paylq!.he monthly illltallments of principal and interesl,
<br />one-twelfl.h of !.he yeady tueI, lI&eIIIIIenls, hazard Insurance premiums, and llOund rents (If an)' I which may attain a
<br />priority OYer thll MortpBe, all as reaonably eltimated from lime to time by the Mortppe. 1be amounts 10 paid sball be
<br />b81d by the Mortpeee wlthoul Interest and applied to !.he payment of tbe lten In respecl to which IUch amounts were
<br />....aN. 1be IUIII& paid to Mortppe Hreunder are pledled as additional security for the Indebtednea secured by thb
<br />~lIoa1ia&orsball pay to Morippe the amounl of any defiCiency between !.he adualluea, _sunenll, IlUurance
<br />pnrmlUJIII, and P'OUnd ren.... and the depollts hereunder wI!.hln 10 daYI after demand II made upon MORplor fequesUnl
<br />, payment L\ereof.
<br />
<br />I, a.pair, Malnl8naslee and U., To promptly repair, restore or rebuild any bulldlnp or improvements now or
<br />IMnatLIr OD the Pmperty; 10 keep \he Property in IOOd condltioll and repair, withoul Wille, and free from mechanic'. or
<br />oilier 11en11IOt expnaly aubontlnatH to !.he lien hereor; not to make, lurfer or permil Iny nuisance 10 exlal, nor 10 dlmln.
<br />lib or impair the willi or I.he Property by lUIy act or omlulon 10 acl: and to comply wllh all requirements of law wllh
<br />ntfeCt 10 the I'ropIrty.
<br />