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<br />{} <br /> <br />:} <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />..,... <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />1 " <br /> <br />!) <br /> <br />--...... <br /> <br />" <br />" <br /> <br />, <br />~1 <br />1 <br />I . <br /> <br />1 <br />j <br />I <br />,\ <br /> <br />Q <br />. <br /> <br />:- <br /> <br />. <br />. <br />~ <br />~ <br />~ <br /> <br />! I <br />;i I <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />-a <br />,I <br />'I <br /> <br />A tract of l4nd situated in section tWlft".lty '20), Township Ten <br />(10) North, Jhnge (9) we.t: of the (.th iI.H. being a triangular <br />shaped parcel of land abutting the ol~ County Toad on the vest and <br />bein~ i~ediately East of the new U.S. Highway .281 and being <br />immeQlately Northeast of the interchJnge from the Interstate hiqhvay <br />130 (~~' 1.80) and the said U.s, hi~hway 1281, as illustrated on <br />the a~~ached plat beinq a trianqul~r tract colored yellow and <br />marked with an X in the northwesterly pa~t of the attached pl~t <br />and ~ing ~~re particularly descr~bcd as follows: Referring to <br />the Northwest corner of said secf..i.on twenty (20), Township Ten <br />on th~ west line of said section twenty \20) a distance of 2,064.5 <br />feet: t.hensp. Easterly 105 deqre'!,li 07 min...tes right a dist.ance of <br />111.3 feet: thense Southerly ltS degrees 07 minutes right a <br />distance of 435.2 teet; thense continuinq southerly 4 d~qrees <br />31 minutes left a distance of 55.8 f~et t~ the point ~f beginning <br />thense continuing southerly on the last d~Bcribed ~~ur.e produced <br />a distance of 178.4 feet: thenft~ 5l degr~s 01 <br />minutes left a distan~e of 442.7 feet~ thon9~ easterly 21 degrees <br />13 minutc~ left a di~tancc of 190.0 feetr thense Northwesterly <br />136 degrees 37 minutes left. at distance of 876.1 feotr then.e <br />Southwesterly 90 degrees 00 minutes left . di.tan~ of 109.3 fe.t <br />to the point of be9inning, eontain1ng 3.75 acre.. more or les.. <br /> <br />...... .... _~ _"'_L,-..._,~t....;:t:.:.~_,_,____,_~";~i."..._....-- <br /> <br />That port or Se:tiof' 14, T '0 N, R 10 W of the 6th P. M., Hall County, Nf'bnnlta. <br />df!lcrib~ 01 fellow,: BcgiMin9 at CI point which is 1163.25 f.., South and 98.63 <br />fre' VIM' hem the ~ortheC'l' corner of said Section 24, (T.,. EOI' line of See. 2.4 <br />D1o~",rncV Norfh.~o...';' in direction' 'O;Y pohr bci"9 0" th. West R.O.W. line of <br />, S'otll 11;9"woy '281; ti.enee S 72- 71' ~8" W, 418.73 feet; th.nce S O. 21,' 028 E, <br />1229,03 feet to 0 p:lint on the Nor~hwflter,ly R.O.W. Ii,.. of Interstat. 1&0; <br />th.tlc"" N 48- 52' 03" E on 10iJ In'erstote R, O. W, line, 296.96 f.-t: ,hence <br />N 39- 5'" 17" Eo" ,o;d 1"Il'"to~t' !t,O.W. Ii"e. 221.4& f..'; thene. N 50 16' 36- ( <br />on ,o:d l"tt"\'O'(' C"O ,W, I ;"~ 301, SO f~et to " poi"' on the W.,t R .0, W. line of <br />,aid Stott' Hi9''''OY :181; Ihenc;t' NO. 26' 02" W on ,ht' We'l' R.O,W. li"e of State <br />Highway "81,689.12 felt' to the poi", of beginning. (Containinfl 10.0/ ocre,'. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />__ J1 <br /> <br />~'^ <br />i." ) <br />"0 ,..", <br />" ,\ - <br />'.") \. <br />"') <br />., <br /> <br />... <br />co <br />c:;Q <br /> <br />co <br />CO <br />:~:.: ~ I <br />-, ,-;-; <br />~: -, ~ C,) C') <br />,-, -;i~ ~ ~ <br />-"'.'1 _;r a .a <br /> <br />~:~ ~~~~ :'E ~ ~ <br />,-', W <br />U) <br />:'<0,; Ul <br />'-"..:: ~ ~ <br />~~ ~ \ -"', <br /> <br />O(jJ <br />0-1 <br />r= ::;:.. <br /> <br />C- <br />c:: <br />r- <br /> <br />::' <br /> <br />-0 <br />~ <br />-J;::' <br /> <br />'J <br />II \... <br />':;I 'I <br />,J, ~~..... <br />'\ <br />\. <br /> <br />"" <br /> <br />-111"--- <br />II'~ <br />ih: <br />I'S <br />I " <br /> <br />I~ <br />I,~ <br />" Iv <br />L- <br /> <br />It .. <br /> <br />"' <br />:l <br />ii <br />... <br />&. <br /> <br />tlI <br />'" <br /> <br />o <br />o <br />n <br />C <br />3 <br />Q <br />~ <br /> <br />z <br />p <br /> <br />C <br />'~'\ <br />,\C <br /> <br /> <br />r-- <br /> <br />u <br />