<br />The foregoing Dlsclelmer and acknowledgmentwassubscrlbed and swom to and acknowledged before me on
<br />19_,by
<br />
<br />Notary Public
<br />My commission expires:
<br />
<br />88-103515
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />The undersigned, Rnllin 0 PA"l...,... And ,TnyrF! /A~h~r~6:~~rlifyH~n~b:C~~0:r~9geW~~rbefore signing and executing the
<br />below Deed of Trust. they did read end sign this Written Acknowledgment and, by virtue hereof, the undersigned understand, and understood
<br />belore signing said Deed 0' Trust, that said Deed of Trust Is a Trust Deed and not a mortgage and that the power of sale provided In said Deed
<br />01 Trust provides substantially different rights and obligations to the undersigned than a mortgage in the event of a default or breach of obliga-
<br />lion under the said Trust Deed, Including, but not limited to, the Beneficiary's right to have the Real Property sold by' the Trustee without any judicial
<br />proceeding or foreclosure, The undersigned represent and warrant that this Written Acknowledgment was executed by them before the execution
<br />of the Trust Deed. This Written Acknowledgment Is appended as a preface 10 and made a part 01 the below Deed at Trust
<br />
<br />v~ p~ ~ "j
<br />(!) / cr. V~
<br />, , u
<br /> i/
<br />Rollin O. Packer , TRUSTOR Jovce A. Packer , TRUSTOR
<br />
<br />,TRUSTOR
<br />
<br />, TRUSTOR
<br />
<br />
<br />;: L",JI. rile,' ;'I
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made tills" , " ,''1'''''1/
<br />
<br />_ Rollin O. Packet -affit,.,.iJcWce:.A.
<br />.M ._... ..___.._..._..._
<br />
<br />day of Aoril
<br />Packer. Husband and Wife
<br />
<br />, A.D. 1988
<br />
<br />. by and between
<br />
<br />aI the County 01
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />and State orJebraska
<br />01 Hall
<br />7R7 ~p.v,:ant'h Avpnl1P Npw YnTk~
<br />
<br />hereinafter called "Trustor" and_
<br />County. Nebra8ka. hereinafter called "Trustee". and
<br />New York Corporation. having its principal
<br />NF!w York 1 001 g
<br />
<br />TSlm~Q_ ~h:r:nnhQllrg
<br />
<br />a1fiee and post offica addresset
<br />hereinafter called "Beneficiary";
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH, that the Trustor, lor good and valuable consideration, including the debt and trust hereinafter mentioned and created. and the
<br />sum of one dollar to him paid by the said Trustee, the recelpl and sufficiency of which Is hereby acknowledged. does by these presents. irrevocably
<br />grant bargain and sell convey. assign and confirm unto the said Trustee, IN TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE. for the benefit end security of Bene-
<br />ficiary. under and subjilct to the terms and condition 01 the Deed of Truslthe following described real property situated in Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, to-wit
<br />
<br />The West Half of the Southwest Quarter (W~S~) and the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest
<br />Quarter (S~S~) of Section Twenty-eight (28), Township Ten (10) North. Range Eleven (11).
<br />West of the 6th P.M.. Hall County. Nebraska. EXCEPTING therefrom a tract more particularly
<br />described as follows: beginning at the Southeast corner of the ~. thence running West
<br />along the South line of the S~ a distance of 963.5 feet. thence deflecting right 141 degrees
<br />38 minutes and running Northeasterly a distance of 1,245.05 feet to a point on the East line
<br />of the S~; thence running South along the East line of the SW~ a distance of 773.1 feet to
<br />the point of beginning and containing 8.549 acres. more or less, of which .714 acres is
<br />occupied by public road right-of-way.
<br />
<br />containing 111 . 45 acrea, more or less.
<br />
<br />TOGETHER wllh and Including all and .ingular the lenemenl.. heredltamenl.. appurtenance. and privileges thereunto belonging or In anywise
<br />appertaining, whether now or hareelter ACquired, which .h.lllnclude, without limiting the generality 01 the foregoing. the following:
<br />
<br />All aI the renta, IIIU.. Ind proflla, Including all renla, royaltlea, bonusea, and benellls under any existing or fUlu,e oil. gas or mone,al or
<br />ofhtlr ,.....; III ....m.nt. and tlghl. aI WIV; all rlghl. 01 homestead and homestead exemption and any surviving spouse's marital or dis-
<br />tributive lhlre, .nd all olMr contingent righll In and 10 said premise.; all water, water rlghta, whether rlp.rlan, appropriate 0' other wise
<br />.nd whether Of nal .ppurtltn.nt. III ditch rlOhta, .nd Iny shares of stock evidencing any such water or ditch right; snd
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />Allllxl!"'" Impl'QII.",anta, buildlnva, Ind thl plumbing. h.ltlng, venlllatlng and lighting s\,slems and eQulpmenl Ihereln. all barn eQulpmenl,
<br />Ind all pUmp-. pymllfn9 .1111on.. I1K!lor.. engine.. maChinery, re..rvolrs, pipes, flumes. lences. and other m&chlnery or l!Quopmenl. ..Cllpt
<br />Ir.ctor.. UIed for th. producllon of WII.r on laid premises or for Ihe Irrigation or dralnlge Ihereol, all 01 which shall be construed nnd
<br />conlld.rad a. .ffl..d to Ind plrt of th. r..1 ..t.tll.
<br />
<br />All of Ihe foregOing ..tatll. properly Ind Intll'lIst herllby convoyed 10 Ihe aald Trullee " herelnllle' collectively reterred 10 as It'oe "Property"
<br />
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the .amll unto Ih. said Trulllle. t'olS successors IInd sselgns. 'orover, IN TRUST HOWEVER.' and WITH POWER OF
<br />SALl, her.by "pI.llly gr.nt.d unto th. IIld TrUlt... hit lucclllaora, Ind ...Igns lor the PU'POSII 01 securing
<br />