<br />88-10350e
<br />
<br />
<br />l1L 880
<br />
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BV TIJESE PRESENTS: That Timothy R. Plummer and Beverly Plummer, each in his and
<br />her own right, and as spouse of each other,
<br />
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in consideration of the lIDO of
<br />Six Thousand Four Hundred an~ no/lOO ---------------------------------------------I>oLLARS
<br />
<br />IoIIIIed to said mortgagor by The Equitahle Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 64 shares of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. HI 880 . do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the followiog
<br />described real estate, situated in Hall County. Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot One (I), Block "C", in Parkview Subdivision, located in the Northwest Quarter (NW%)
<br />of Section Twenty Eight (28), and the Northeast Quarter (NE~) of Section Twenty Nine
<br />(29), Township Eleven (II) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />
<br />tOFther wilh aU lhe tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunlo helonging, including attached floor cowrings, aU window ICRCDS,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air conditioning, and plumbing and waler equipment and accessories thereto. pumps.stcnes..
<br />refrigeralors. and other flxlures and equipmenl now or hereafter altached to or used in connection with said real estate.
<br />
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that lite mortgagor shalJ and will pay aD taxes and UIellSIDCDts Inicd or
<br />_Sled upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby before the same shall become delinquent; to furnish IpJIIOftd
<br />insurance upon the buildings on said premises situated in the sum of S 6,400.00 payable to said ASSOCIATION and to delha to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance; and nol to commit or permit any waste on or about said premises;
<br />
<br />In cue of default in the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this mortgage or the bond secured hereby. the mortp&ee sbaJl.
<br />on del1Wld, be entitled 10 immediate possession of the mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets ow:r to the
<br />morlpFe aU the rents, rewnues and income to be derived from Ihe mortgaged premises during such time as the mortpF indebtedness shall remain
<br />unpaid; and lite mort~ shaD haw lhe power 10 appoint any agenl or agenls il may desire for lite purpose of repairin& aid premises and n:ntio&
<br />the same and collecting the rents. rewDlJC3 and income, and il may payout of said income aU expenses of repairins said premises and IICClCIaIy
<br />COJIUlIiIIions and expemes ineWTed in renling and managing Ihe same and of collecting rentals therefrom; the balanCl! remaining. if my. to be
<br />~ toward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedoc<s; theoe rights of the mortgagee may he exercised at any time durinB the existence ofsucb
<br />default. inespec:liw: of any temporary wai""r of the SlIme
<br />
<br />TheJe I'Iescnts, bowever, are upon the Condition. Thai If Ihe said Mortgagor shalJ repay said loan on or befo~ the maturity of laid sbara by
<br />payment; pay monthly to said ASSOCIA nON of Ihe slim specified in the Bond secured hereby as interest and principal on said loan. 00 or bd'ore
<br />the Twcnlieth day of each and every month. until said loan i. fully paid; pay all taxes and assessments levied against aid premises and on this Monp,e
<br />
<br />and the Bond secured thereby, before delinquency; furnish approved insurance upon Ihe buildings thereon in lite sum of S 6,400.00 payable
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all money by it paid for such taxes, usessments and insuraooe with interest at
<br />the maximum legal rale thereon from date of payment .11 of which Mortgagor hereby agrees 10 pay; permit no waste on said prerniles;keep and comply
<br />
<br />with aU the ageementund conditions of the Bond for S 6,400.00 this day gi""n by the said Mortpgor 10 said ASSOCIATION. and roatp!y
<br />with aU the requirements of Ihe Constilution and By-laws of said ASSOCIATION; lIten Ihese presents sItaJJ become null md wid. otherwise they
<br />shaIJ remain in fuD force and may be foreclosed at the option of the said ASSOCIA nON after failure for lhree months to make any of said
<br />..ymenls or be three months in arrears in making said monlhly payments, or to keep and comply willt lite agreements and conditions of said Bond;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a receiver appoinled forthwitll in such foreclosure proceedings.
<br />
<br />If there is any change in ownership of the real estate mortgaged herein, by sale or otherwise, then Ihe entire remaining indebtednea hereby
<br />\lCC\llCd shall, at the option of The Equitahle Building and Loan Association of Grand Island. Nebraska, become immediately due and payable without
<br />further notice, and the amount rmtaining due under said bond, and any olher bond fo, any additional advances made thereundcr,lhaII. from the
<br />date of exercise of said oplion. bear interest at the maximum legal rate, and this mortgage may lIten be foreclosed to IatiJl'y the amount due on said
<br />bond.and any olher bond for additional adYllDces. together wilh aU AlDIS paid by said The Equitable Building and Loan ADOciation of Grand 11IancJ,
<br />Nebn*a for insurance, laxes and asseuments, and abSlracting extension charges. with interest Ihereon, from date of payment at the maximum
<br />IepI rate.
<br />
<br />As provided in the Bond secured hereby, while this mortgage remains in effect the mortgagee may hereafler advance additiooal sums to the
<br />makers of said Bond, their assigns or successors in inlerest. which sums shall be within Ihe ",curily of this mortgage the same as the funds orilinaUY
<br />lICCWed thereby, the rotal amOllnl of principal debl nol 10 exceed alany lime the original amount of Ihis mortgage.
<br />
<br />~letd thil 7th day of June A. n., III 88.
<br />
<br />
<br />IS.
<br />COUNTY Of' IIAU.
<br />
<br />Olllhi.
<br />
<br />7th
<br />
<br />day of
<br />
<br />June
<br />
<br />19 88 ,before me,
<br />
<br />Timothy R. Plullltler and Beverly Plummer,
<br />
<br />right, and as spouse of each other,
<br />me 10 he lhe k1enllcaJ penon s wh01C nameS are .mxed I
<br />
<br />IcItnnwlecJeed lhe said instrumelll 10 he the i r ."Iunto,y 8el allll
<br />WITNESS my hand and Nntallal St.ltl~ dllle alnn....ld
<br />
<br />My ('"",milllo" l'xpiret C? _ I [ r-
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<br />'he ullderSlgned. I Notl'y I'ublic in and ror said County, per.'nallycame
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<br />each n his and her own
<br />whu tI r e
<br />
<br />c .huvt' instrument III mortgagorS
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<br />l'erllOnally kllOW1lto
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