<br />88- 103491
<br />
<br />7. To grant If'asc!'i, receive rents, and otherwise deal with tenants and leased
<br />prol'f'rty. To (".nlr;](-t with nn)' [If'TSnn for If'OlSinp, for sllch pf'riods, including periods
<br />Inng('r th;-tn my Ilff', <lnci without rep,<lro to the termination of this power of attorney,
<br />at such rents and subject to such uondiLions as my attorney shaH see fit, aU or any
<br />of my said r~aJ estdte, dnd to Jet any such person into possession thereof, and to
<br />execute all such leases and contracts as shall be necessary or prop~r in that b~ha1f,
<br />and to give notice to quit to any tenant or occupier thereof, and to receive and 're-
<br />cover from all tenants and occupiers thereof or of any part thereof all rents, arrears
<br />of rent, and sums of money which now are or shall hereafter become due and payable
<br />in respect th~reof, and also on non-payments thereo':: or of any part thereof to take
<br />all necessary or proper means and proceedings for terminating the tenancy or occupa-
<br />tion of such !('n<lnts or occupiprs, ami for ejecting the tenants or occupiers and re-
<br />covering the pos<;ession thereof.
<br />
<br />8. To sell or exchan,ge real or personal property. To sell, either at public
<br />or privat e sale. or exchange any part or parts of my real ostate or personal property
<br />for such consideration, payable immcdi ately or upon such terms as my attorney shall
<br />think fit, and to execute and deliver good and sufficient deeds, bills of sale, endorse-
<br />ments, assignments, or other instruments for the conveyance or transfer of the same,
<br />wi th such covenants of warranty or otherwise as my attorney shall see fit, and to give
<br />good and effectual receipts for all or any part of the purchase price or other considera-
<br />tion.
<br />
<br />9. To deposit moneys, withdraw, invest, and otherwise deal with taDJPble prop-
<br />erty. To deposit any moneys which may come to his hands as such attorney with any
<br />bank or banker in my name, and to withdraw any of such money or any other money to
<br />which I am entitled which now is or shall be so deposited, and either employ such
<br />moneys as he shall think fit in the payment of any debts, or interest, payable by me, .
<br />or taxes, assessments, insurance, and expenses due and payable or to become due
<br />and payable on account of my real and personal estate, or in or about any of the pur-
<br />poses herein mentioned. or otherwise for my u:;c and benefit, or to invest such money
<br />in .my name in any stocks r shares, bonds securities or other property, real or personal,
<br />as he mayJthink proper, and to receive and give receipts for any income or dividend
<br />arising from such investments, and tu vary or dispose of all and any such investments
<br />or other investments for my use and benefit as he may think fit.
<br />
<br />10. To vote at stockholders' meetin2s, execute proxies, and otherwise substitute
<br />for owner. To vote at the meetings of stockholders or other meetings of any corpora-
<br />tion or company, or otherwise to act as my attorney or proxy, with power of substitution,
<br />in respect of any stocks, shares, bonds, debentures, or other evidences of owernship,
<br />or securities, now or hereafter held by me and issued by or on account of said corpora-
<br />tion or company and lor that purposes to execute any proxies, limited or general, or'
<br />other instrumenls.
<br />
<br />1 J. To execute deeds, bills, note and similar instruments. For all or any of
<br />the purposes herein stated to enter into and sign, seal, execute, acknowledge t and
<br />deliver any contracts, deeds, or other instrument 5 whatsoever, and'to draw, accept.
<br />milke. endorse, discount, or othcrwi se deal with any bills of exchange, checks,
<br />promissory notes, or other commercial or mercantiJe instruments.
<br />
<br />12. To do :111 other thins.!!; necc!;sary in connection herewith. In general to do
<br />all oth~r nct~, d(1(1t1st matterR, and things whatRO{~VCr in or about my estate, property,
<br />