<br />
<br />)1~~~~~~4~ ~ ),~,
<br />. ............... ~~~~i(p~'~~, (be;:::O:=;;:.:.
<br />
<br />. Mortgagor ~~~~U;d ,U;:~~~~ 'i~ t1i~' ~rJriCipal s~m of $ &cz;eJ - , evidenC!!d lJy ~~s'rJO~.
<br />'. dated Id ~..tj;": if.~..' . Q1~~!n~~~ti!~);~~~gfOr,paymentil of principal and in~t, Wiuld1,e~Ceofthe
<br />."i~~~b~~,ih~t;SO~~;~'~;~i~d~;~~;~8y~!'1>>~~~..-ti7- .f)~ ..... ..
<br />, ; :. ',TO ~r!i,tti,!'y.~~P.t~oJ ~e;~p~,'wiq.:~~~~ proVided therein, the .P8ymentof all other sums, with interest,
<br />i1~V!ll!Ceclliy~_':: ~~,~e~ty.!C!r;t~~ortgage!andthe pedormance of the covenants and agreements of
<br />.I;bil ~rtgagor cl;lntld erem . :iMOit:IlII6r.'~daes hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the following described
<br />~~,. I ,'. -'::_'_'_.~.-:':_" <, '-:,' ;-.1 -:;:-', _ '. .,i,~-" ':;'!i'~:;:~I..:.IT:-:' )f"..t\l-::~:U/~I..':"_"
<br />'}irOpeity,\ocated'inJ ".- ..;. . ...::, ""..,...... , '-"'-county>, 'Nebraska:
<br />
<br />88-103483
<br />,,--:-
<br />Cf-/~~,
<br />-
<br />
<br />loi'~{'rJ~ b~~'(9)~~
<br />::d~~ ~ ~ ~ 1 J::JAaJ ~/;JJ!
<br />~, 7J~
<br />
<br />Together with all buildings, improvements, fixtures, streets. alleys, PllSSlllleways. easements. rights. prhileges and
<br />appurtenances located thereon or in anywise pertaining thereto. and the rents. issues and profits. revemons and temaiDden
<br />thereof; including, but not limited to, heating and -cooling equipment and such personal property that is attached to the
<br />improvements so Bll to constitute a fixture; all of which. including replacements and additions thereto. is hereby declared
<br />to be a part of tile real estate lll!Cured by the lien of this Mortgage and all of the foregoing being referred to herein.. tile
<br />"Property".
<br />
<br />Mcdgagor furtheri:Ollvenanta and acrees. with Mortgagee. Bll follows:
<br />
<br />1. P~enL To pay the indebtednesll and the interest. thereon as provided in this Mortgqe and the Note.
<br />
<br />'2. Title. Mortgagor is the owner of the Property. has the right and authority to mortgage the Property, and
<br />wamnts that the lien created hereby is a flmt and prior lien on the Property, except lIS may otherwise be set !prth herein.
<br />
<br />o The Property is sur::.. to a MOrtgage.. wherein r;J~:t:it.~ /?"uf~ l'~
<br />. t1C-, P r1'" IGJ 6:J.J1.{ ... I /.' i
<br />Is the Mortgagee, recorded at .,.. of the Mortgage Records of "'"-Ln 'C. (}oUJlty,
<br />Nebraska. which Mortgage is a lien prior to the lien created hereby.
<br />
<br />o Other prior liens or encumbrances:
<br />
<br />3. Tues, ~ts. To pay when due all taxes, special assessments and all other cbaraesagmJUt the Property
<br />and; ~ Written demand by Mortpaee, to add to the payments required under the Note secured hereby, such amount.
<br />.ma1 J:ie saffldeDt to enable the Mortppe to pay such ~,assessments or other eharges 18 they beeomedue.
<br />
<br />.. l........ee. ']'0 keep the improvemel1ts now or hereafter located on the real estate described herein insured
<br />JIPinst damqe by .fire and such other'hazards a& Moi1iIlleB mayrequlre, in amounts and with companies acceptable to ttJe
<br />M....'W, IDd with 1000plyable to the Mortpgee. In cue 01 loss under such policies the Mortgagee II; authori:ted to
<br />, 1Ii_ ooDetit aDdCOlDpJOmiIe. In its Illsc!retlOUI all claimI t.benllmderlt its sole option, lutboriaedtoeither.PPl7 tbe
<br />proeeeds ~:the~Otl of t!le ,~rty or Upcmthe Indebtedness secured hereby. but paymeDts bemmderBbll1 eoo.
<br />dnue. _I tbe......JeCIU!ldbealby.lJ!.paIdin full.
<br />. .. .
<br />, -. . " _ ".-.. '. . ' , .:~ " :, ,,~.' '. ..:;;~ I :" ~':;:'" :. _I" . ' , .
<br />. 5. 0 EaeIvW For"'" ~d~. NotwlthstandiD. Inythlng contained In paralfBphs 9 and 4 hereof to the
<br />contruy, MortCaaolsllall pay tO~tbe,)(ortpgee at the time of payln. the monthly In&Lallments or princlpaland Interest,
<br />OM-hrtlIftb of the, yeadytuetl..~", tlazardlnauranCtl premiums, and ground rents (II any)whlch may Ittain I
<br />pdOlity DYer. tbbM~;W. .'tusOIiabIr atlmated from time to time by the Mortppe. TheamounllllO paid ahatl be
<br />bildb)' ~ .~ 1ri~t '~t l\iid' appIl~ to the Plyment of the itenu In reaped to which such .moun" were
<br />.~. 'lbe.mmapild.tol~ herei&nder are piedJed 1& additional security for the lndebted~ weellled by this
<br />MOiicaIt:.'I4ortPIOr dlldl plY to ~ die ~t of any deftcleney belwl!l!n the actuailUes, _mellls. 'Insurancle
<br />J*IIlitlDll.md .llOllDd h!otl and the dl!}loaltlhenunder within 10 daya after. ~mand is IIUlde upon MortNor reqlleItina
<br />paYment tbereoL .
<br />
<br />. .. ....., IiIaIIdetIaIIoellld U., 1'0 promptly repair, mtore or rebuild any bulldlnp or Improvemenl& now or
<br />be1!After 011 the Property; to kNpthe Property In pod condition and repair, without wute. and fl'll\! from mechanic', or
<br />oUter lltos not ell:pI'8IIly llI!MlrdlDated to the lien beNol; not to make, ,urler or permit any nuisance> to elllsl, nor to cUmin-
<br />Ilib or Impair the ,alI:Ie ot thePlapfrty by any act or omllllon to let; and 10 C'ompl)' ",'Itb all rrqull't!mP.llu of 'I'lli ",-lth
<br />retped to thl! Property.
<br />