<br />. State of Nebraska
<br />
<br />Deed of Trust
<br />
<br />. 88-103473
<br />~
<br />I FHA Cne "121-1240718-203
<br />
<br />~.
<br />
<br />Tltls Deed or Trust, ("Security Instrument") is made on JlIIlI 22 nd
<br />19 aa . The trustor is STEVEJI P.. sawER, A SIIII.E PERSCIt
<br />(UBorrower"). The trustee is
<br />tEltTlb1. IIDRTllIlGE CORPORATlIIt
<br />uil'der the laws of THE STATE -OF NICHI6AIt , and whose address is
<br />, ' 36100' GRATIOT , NT. ClBEIIS, "I 4I04:i
<br />
<br />("Trustee"). The beneficiary is
<br />, which is organized and existing
<br />
<br />(ULender").
<br />
<br />
<br />. WltD~t": That the Borrower in consideration of the debt and trust hereinafter described and created,. and the sum ot One Dollar
<br />(~U' to i~im in hand paid by the TrUStee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. does by these preseiltsgrant,. bargain and sell.
<br />convey and confirm, unto the Trustee, forever, all of the following described real estate, situated lying and~eing in the County of
<br />HALL. .. i'", 0" , ' ,~,~ State of Ne~raska, to wit:
<br />
<br />';','
<br />
<br />~'c,,:' 'r:".' ;"(' .-'~"C'( . t"'. Ii"
<br />
<br />1'.-'
<br />
<br />';:if l ~.~
<br />
<br />which has the address of
<br />
<br />'lotoJil~ '.
<br />'~:,,:1~1,1-~ 'I
<br />
<br />6RA11>>. IliUIMD
<br />
<br />Ne~r~~a
<br />
<br />(II'",'
<br />
<br />(cilyl
<br />
<br />tUGl. i i \
<br />. ..(ZipCodc,
<br />
<br />("Property Address");
<br />
<br />'1'0 Hpi aad To Hold the premiseS above described. with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging and includina all heatina.
<br />plumbinB and liahling fixtures and equipment noW or hereafter attached to or used- iii:a;JUl~l:tion';with said reaI'estate unto the
<br />Trustce.Bnd 10 its sLlccessors andllssigns, forever . The Borrower represents'lo, 8ild"cOvenantswitb;'the'Trustee;' that the. Borrower
<br />hal' load'riahl to. sell'(and convey:liaidpremiieS;<thtt they are free from enculDbrance;"aijd' thanhe' BOrrower "WtU warrant aad. defend,
<br />the ..me .plnst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and the said Borrower hereby relinquishes all riabts of homestead, and
<br />all marital rilht's;'cither' in laWoritt'equity~' and all other contingent interests of the Borrower in and to the above-described premises,
<br />tJiljlntrition belngtoconveybercby'aliabsolute title, in fee,simple, including all rights of homestead, and other rights and interests
<br />as'aroreSaid. .. " ,
<br />
<br />\ fIIo......AIw.ys. and these presents are executed and delivered unto the Trustee, in trust, however for the following purposes:
<br />
<br />"~:'~;t~~'.,~iT~wet on t~e '<'Hnd ',. .... .". ",'d~y of JUIII ,19 aa . borrowed from the Lender
<br />the'slI.ffi oll_ti ~iRl.TItou"II4. 'FIV' IllandNd. .liltl:.lIOIlootll.-___-------------------------------------
<br />--~....:..;...~~---~~.--....-----.:.--,..;.;;,..;,.;;;:;..; DoIlar!dS 29,500.00 ), for which
<br />~um:th{BorrOwer'liase"eCuted ilnd del!veredto' iheLender' Borrower's p19missory note of even date, bearing
<br />interest at the rate of T.n and 0111 half per centum ( 10.:100 0/0) per annum on the..unpaid balance until paid.
<br />The Mriin..lW&1Affil~1 be payable at the office of
<br />
<br />in J6IOO IlATIOT f NT. a.E1EHS, NI 41043 . or at such Other place as the holder or the note
<br />may designate in writing, in monthly installments of Th,," Hundrtd Tlllnty-Sh and 9/1oot1tl----------------------
<br />------------- Dollars ($ 326.09 ). commencing on the first day of AuIUlt .
<br />19" ,and on the first day of each month Ihereafter until the principal Rndinterest are fully paid, except tbat the final payment of
<br />principal and interest, if not sooner paid. shall be due and' payable on the first day of JUly ,
<br />2003
<br />
<br />This form Is used in connection with mortgages Insured under the one. to four.famlty programs of the National Housing Act which pro-
<br />vide for periodic Mortgage Insurance Premium payments. . \. . . .,
<br />Form HUO.921U.oT nO.81 Eclit1pn)
<br />Page 1 01 5 24CFR 203.17(a)
<br />Reprinled 2-88
<br />