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<br />) <br /> <br />88- 103396 <br /> <br />made shaJl be added to the principal sum owing on the above <br />note, shaD be secured hereby, and shall bear interest at the rate <br />set forth in the said note, untll paid. <br /> <br />7. That the MortSBlOi' hereby assilns, transfers and sets over <br />to the MortPlee, to be applied toward the payment of the note <br />and all sums secured hereby in case of a default in the perfor- <br />mance of any uf the terms and conditions of this mortgage or the <br />said note, all the rents, revenues and income to be derived from <br />the mortSBled premises durins such time as the mortgage in- <br />debtedness shall remain unpaid. and the Mortgagee shall have <br />power to appoint any Blent or Blents it may desire for the pur- <br />pose of repairing said premises and of renting the same and col- <br />lec:tin& the rents. revenuCll and income, and it may payout of <br />said incomes aD expenses of repairing said premises and necessary <br />commiuions and expenses inclUTed in renting and managing the <br />same and of coUectins rentals therefrom; the balance remaining. <br />if any. to be applied toward the discharge of said mortgage <br />indebtedness. <br /> <br />8. That the MortNor will keep the improvements now ex- <br />istil1l or hereafter erected on the mortgaged property. insured as <br />may be required from time to time by the Mortgagee against loss <br />by fire and other hazards. casualties and contingencies in such <br />amounts and for such periods as may be required by the Mort- <br />J,IICIC and win pay promptly. when due. any premiums on such <br />insurance provision for payment of which has not been made <br />hereinbefore. All insurance shall be carried in companies ap- <br />proved by the Mortpaee and the policies and renewals thereof <br />shall be held by the Monppc and have attached thereto los!; <br />payable CIaUICI in favor of and in form acceptable to the Mor- <br />tppe, In event of Iou MonNor wiD live immediate notice by <br />mail to the Monppe. who may make proof of loss if not made <br />promptly by MoI1P1Of. and each insurance company concerned <br />is hereby authorizlld and directed to make payment for such loss <br />directly to the Mortppe inJtead of to the MonPlor and the <br />Monppe Jointly. and the insurance proceedl, or auy pan <br />tbereof, may be applied by the Mon..,ee at its option either to <br />the nduction of the iDdebtedneu hereby secured or to the <br />ra&oraIioD or repair of the propeny darn'V"". In event of <br />foredolure of lhiIlIIOftpte or other U'aDlfer of title to the mor- <br />tJlpd propmy in miquiUuaent of the indcbtedncu ICCUtCd <br />hereby, aU riPe. title and intcrac of the MoI1P101' in and to <br />uy iDl1U8llCC poIicia then in force shall pau to the purchucr or <br />Ifu&ee. <br /> <br />9. 1'haC ullJdditioDaJ and 001...... lICUrily 101 die payment <br />of the DOle dac:ribed. and .. __ 10 ....;d. uade&; tbiI <br />ftIOrtJIIC. the Mortpaor hetleb)' MaipI totbe:MOItppI aU <br />profitt. rewaueI. royaltiel. dlbt~liUd ~ ~ 10 die <br />MorIpfor uadcr any and all Oil aid pi Teua on said 'prenliItI. <br />with Ow rfabt 10 receive and receipt (or the &aIDe and apply tban <br />to IIid iJlddMtdDeII u well before u aftn default in tbe c:ondi. <br />tionl or tbilaaortPIC. and the Monppc may demand. sue for <br />and recover an)' such payment. when due and payable, but .hall <br />not be required 10 10 do. 11111 aMipmem i. to terminate and <br />btcome null and void upon rclalM of Ihls man...e, <br /> <br />.e ....... ....... the Mort&aIlOr(l) hive <br />In prnmce of: <br /> <br />hereunto lICt <br /> <br />10. That the Mortgagor wiU keep the buildinss upon said <br />premises in good repair. and neither commit nor pennit waste <br />upon said land, nor suffer the said premises to be used for any <br />unlawful purpose. <br /> <br />11. That if tbe premises, or any part thereof, be c:ondem~ <br />under the power of eminent domain. or acquired for a public <br />use. the damages awarded, the proceeds for the takiDa of. or the <br />consideration for such acquisition. to the extent of the full <br />amount of indebtedness upon this mortgage and the DOte wbicb it <br />is given to secure remainins unpaid, are hereby "uipwd by the <br />Mortsagor to the Mortgqee, and sbaU be paid forthwith 10 said <br />Mongagee to be applied by the Jauer OD aa:ouat of the DCXl <br />maturing installments of such indebtednCIs. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />12. The Mortgasor further qrees lhat should dIis IIIOI1PF <br />and the note secured hereby not be eliIibIe for iDJunaII:le IIIIda' <br />the National Housing Act within da,s <br /> <br />from the date hereof (written statement of any offlCa' of the <br /> <br />Department of Housins and UrbaD De\i~ or UIboriJled <br /> <br />agent of the Secretary of HoUJiJq: and Urban Da~ daUd <br /> <br />subsequent to the da,s' time fJDID die -.e <br />of this mortgase. declinins to inJure said DOte aDd tbis IDOI'IpIF. <br />beil1l deemed conclusive proof of IUCb iDdiIibilit)'). the Mor- <br />tgagee or holder of the note may. at: ill opcioD. dedM'c aU_ <br />secured hereby immediately due and payable. <br /> <br />13. That if the Mongaaor fails to male UJ' ,,)"IIICIIU of <br />money when the same become due. or fails 10 caafona 10 ad <br />comply with any of the CODditioDI or ..,eemcau CICNIIrr , ill <br />this monsqe, or the note whicb it secures. dim die emre prill- <br />cipal sum and lll:mIed interal sbaJl at: CJIICC becIac_ .... <br />payable. at the elec:t.iOD of the Monppe; ad dIis ~. ..,. <br />thereupon be foreclosed ;III..-liatdy for tile ..... 01.... <br />money. interest. monthly paymeDU. emu. poaad.... ~ <br />and tbe COlt of extmdiDa the abItnd of tide ,.,... die .... of <br />this loan to the lime of (0IlltDmd1ll1UCb filR-:J.-.. ... ... . <br />reasonable attorney's fee. aU of wbicb ...... be addl' .. die <br />decree of foreclosure; aDd the c:oatrac:l tiMDltieIJ .. dIiI ~ . <br />and the note secured berebJ. IbaII .. .. ftII*'II .. ~ <br />construed and adjudpd by die ..... or Ntf)..A.. ~ .... - <br />il mack, <br /> <br />The covenaall herein alGt__ IbaIl ...... aDd die ~ <br />and advantqa shall inure 10, &be fapeaM .....,......... ad. <br />ministrators, Suc:cellOrl, aDd ...... of me ...... ...... <br />Whmever used, lbe Iiqu1ar ...... sUI iIIdDde die ...... die <br />plural the liqular. aDd the .. of MY .... ... iIIc:IIIdt .at <br />aendm. <br /> <br />The foreaoina condjtions. aJI aDd......... b&WI perf...... <br />cordina lO lheir natural aDd JcaaI import, IlIiI ca.ll1t!IMCIC ... <br />be void and said premias re:Ieaed .. Ihr a..- or _ Mort. <br />aqor: otbf.rwUe to be and remain in fulrorce _dhc:t. <br /> <br />the i r hand(s) the day.and year rlfM ~ wrinm. <br /> <br />g~~~ ..... <br />..... <br />Is.It <br />ts.ll <br />~ <br /> <br />~~~CA."'\~ M, M~~~~ <br />Stephonip M, Morrison <br /> <br />Page 3 at . <br />