<br />,)
<br />
<br />I
<br />,J
<br />
<br />State of Nebr..ka
<br />
<br />'Mortgage
<br />88- 103396
<br />
<br />FHA c... No.
<br />
<br />321 1249509 203(b)
<br />
<br />"~1: :,
<br />
<br />TIlls Mo......'. made and executed this 22nd day of June
<br />19 88, by and between Scot Morrison and Stephanie M. Morrison, each in his and her own righc,
<br />and as spouse of each other,
<br />of the County of Hall , and State of N~braska, party of the IIrIt part. bereinaftcr' called
<br />the Mortpaor, and Equitable Building and Loan Association, Grand Island
<br />
<br />II corporation orpnized and exiatina under the lawI of Nebraska
<br />party of the second part. hereinafter called the Mortwee.
<br />
<br />WIbIuutll: That the said Morqqor, for and in c:olllideration of the lum of Thirty Six Thousand Six Hundred Fifcy
<br />and no / 100 --------------------------------------------->>Ollan ($ 36 ~ 650.00 ). paid by die Mort.
<br />..... the receipt of wbich is hereby acknowledaed. hu Orantecl and Sold and by these praentI does Grant. Barpin. Sell. CoaweJ
<br />ad CoDfirm unto the Mortppc. itllUCCCUOn and auips, forever, the followiq-desc:ribed real estate, situated in die CoaatJ of
<br />Hall . and State of Nebruka. to wit:
<br />
<br />"
<br />
<br />Lot Seven (7), in Block Three (3), in Ashton Place, an Addition to the City of Grand
<br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />
<br />01 tbe SIxtb PriDcipIJ McridIIII, CIOIltabIinI in aD
<br />
<br />KnI~_to~ I r -..-.ey:
<br />
<br />T. ..... .. Te ..... tbe pnaaiIa above clelcribed. with III Ibe IppWteDaDCeIlberewdo ~.. ... 1M"'" II III -___.
<br />,-..... _ UabCiaI n.tur. ud equipmeat now or hereafter auacbed lO or UIId ill OOGDIcdOll willa IIid ... ... .. ... Mort.
<br />...... -CO i1IlU(~.... ...... lonvcr. The Mortppr ........10, lAd OCMQ8IdI'witIa. ibe Mol',!" IU. ...... Mon.
<br />..." .... JOOd rflbllO l1li_ CODvey Slid ~~ that &bey are free from ~ ... .. l1li ..... Iff" ---...
<br />.,.... Ibe ........ &be lawful dIiau or III penODI wbomIoeYtr; ad &be JIId Mon.peor bInbJ rrH t' L ....... '"
<br />..r...., _1Il1111rk11 rfIbI,I. eitber ill law or in equity. IDd III otbIr coatJqeal bAlIii.... or 1M ~ . .. iII_. ...........
<br />dllc:rlbed ~. die inteadoa "'10 coavey hereby aalblolule litle, ill foe simple. IndDdi.. aD riIIIIa of ..!I" II"', .....
<br />riIIIU MIl IaMnItI . arortllid,
<br />....... AInII, .... t..... pre"" are aecuted IIId delivered upon &be foUowiDa ClOIIdilioal. 10 wit:
<br />1'IN MonIIIO' ....10 ply the MortJqIe, or order, the prindpeI_ of Thirty Six Thousand Six Hundred Fift~'
<br />and no/IOO ------------------------------------------~" 36,650.00 ).
<br />wriIb .... IrGIII deN II tht ,... 01 Ten PIf cad... ( 10.0 ..) ptf -- 011 ..
<br />...... bUDce lIIIIiI..... ne IIid prtadpel and intereIC IhaU be pI)'abIe at lbe omce 01 The Equitable Building and
<br />Loan Association,
<br />bI Grand Is 18 nd, He b r 8S ka . 01' at IUdI other plece .. the hoIdIr or 'die .ok
<br />.., d.I.....' in writlna. In monthly inItalbnmu or Three Hundred Twenty One and 63/100 -----------------
<br />---------------.-DoIJan ($ 321.63 ), c:onuneacIq 011 the ftnt" of July .
<br />.9 88 , lad on the n...t clay of ,eech moaIh thereafter untllthe prlncipel andlntmM are rully paid, eIlcept thai the f'iDI1 PlfIMDl or
<br />...... IIId ......, " DOt 100II. peld, IbaU be due and plyable on the first day or June
<br />>>18 ; all w.lCOI'cHq to the temu ola certain promJuory note 01 even clate herewilh ellec\lted by the Mid Mon.....,
<br />
<br />TIM form II UIId In 00MI0t1on with mortllClH Inlured under' thl one. to four,famlly prooraml of the NatloMl :HulI", Act WhIctllptOo
<br />wtcII 1M penodfc MotIlllllMU'II\Ce PnNnkIm peymenll.
<br />Pfeivlou. Edition. Are Obtol... HU04It... ~~
<br />p. , ot 4 24 CFA 203, nib)
<br />