<br />88- 103373
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<br />That Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation, a Corporation. Trustee, In the
<br />exercise or the power of sale conferred upon it. does hereby exercise and dellver
<br />this indenture.
<br />WHEREAS, for valuable consideration on March 5th, 1984. Karen K. Mart.
<br />as Trustor, executed and delivered her Deed of Trust to LawYers Title Insurance
<br />Corporation, as Trustee, and to Superior Mortgage, Inc., as Beneficiary, conveying
<br />the real estate hereinafter described in trust, with power of sale, ln accordance with
<br />the terms and provisions set forth therein; that said Deed of Trust was thereafter
<br />fUed on March 7th, 1984, In the offlce of the Register of Deeds of Hall County.
<br />Nebraska, and recorded as Document No. 84-001176. and the beneficial rights thereto
<br />subsequently assigned on March 5th, 1984, to Nebraska Investment Finance Authority.
<br />and recorded on March 14th, 1984, in the office of the Register of Deeds ot Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, and recorded as Document No. 84-002580.
<br />WHEREAS, the Trustor, having defaulted in the obllgations secured thereby
<br />and the Beneficiary, having delivered to the Trustee a written declaration of default
<br />and having deposited with the Trustee all promIssory notes, together with Notice of
<br />Default, and
<br />WHEREAS, In compliance with Nebraska statutes, and particularly 176-1006.
<br />R.R.S. 1943, the Trustee, acting by and through Its attorney, filed a Notice of De-
<br />fault and Election to Sell in the office of the Register of Deeds or Ball County.
<br />Nebraska, as noted as Document #88-101562 of Misc. Records. which Notice and nUng
<br />rully complied with the requirements of said statutes, and
<br />WHEREAS, the Trustee, acting by and through its attorney. thereafter
<br />malled a copy of said Notice of Detault and Election to Sell, with recording date
<br />shown thereon, to those persons and in the manner specified by Nebraska statutes,
<br />and particularly 176-1008, which ma1l1ng fully complied with the requirements or said
<br />statutes, and
<br />WHEREAS, the Trustee, acting by and through Its attorney. thereafter
<br />publlshed a copy of the Notice ot Trustee's Sale, which Notice and publication were
<br />In all respects In compllance with Nebraska statutes, and particularly with 176-1007
<br />and 176-1008, and
<br />WHEREAS, the Trustee, acting by and through Its attorney. thereafter
<br />mailed a copy of said Notice ot Sale to those persons and In the manner speclned by
<br />Nebraska statutes, and particularly 176-1008, which ma1l1ng was In aU respects in
<br />compliance with said statutes, and
<br />WHEREAS, in compllance with Nebraska statutes, and particularly 176-1008.
<br />on June 22nd, 1988, at 2:00 A.M., being at the time and place designated In the
<br />Notice of Sale, the Trustee, acting by and through Its attorney, sold said property at
<br />publlc auction for valuable consideration to Nebraska Investment Finance Authority, a
<br />Nebraska Corporation, which sale tully compiled with the requirements or said stat-
<br />utes.
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue and in execution of the power of sale granted
<br />to said Trustee, and ror valuable consideration, Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation,
<br />1'rustee. does hereby grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto Nebraska Inv..t-
<br />ment Finance Authority, a Nebraska Corporation, the tollowlng described real estate
<br />situated in Hall County, Nebraska, to wit:
<br />
<br />The North Ninety-One and Eight Tenths (N91.8) Feet
<br />ot Lot One (1), in Block Eight (8), in Wall1ch's Addi-
<br />
<br />PRge "1
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