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<br />... <br />o <br />3 <br />? ~ ~-' <br /> <br />.~~~! <br />.~~ f."~~U. ..... <br />j G~.. <br />'~ " <br />", ~ <br /> <br /> <br />~t' <br />~ <br />~- <br />~ <br />C'\ <br />r <br /> <br /> <br />>"":"";- <br />..J <br /> <br />o <br />! <br />'i <br />:a <br />.z <br />! <br /> <br />Excerpta From Int.mal Reyenue Code <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />If any per.on lIabll to pay any liJC ntgllct. or rllu.1I to <br />p.ey the um. aftlr demlnd. the amauntllncluding Iny InW. <br />aat. Iddltlanal amount. addlllan lallA. or IlSa..ible penalty. <br />lagelher with any ca.h \llal mly ICCrul In addition Iherato) <br />.hlll be a lien In flvar 01 tIlIllnltad Slala. upon all property <br />and right! 10 property, wliether riat or perlonll, belonging <br />to IUCI1 pellon. <br /> <br />Sec. 6322i Period Of lien. <br /> <br />Unlell anolher dlle Is IpecillCllly II xed by IIW. uJ.lien <br />Imposed by .actlt!/l ~ __all 11111 at the llml the III1IS1l1t111.. <br />II mada and Ihall conllnua until tIlIlIablllly far IIle .maUllt ad <br />.....sed (or a Judgmlnllgalnsl the luoayer Irlslng out of <br />IUCI1l1lbtllly) .. IIIlIII~:grbecomlS unenforceable by 'lIIOI\ <br />of lapn at lime. <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons. <br />fl) PurchlHr'., HoIdtnI 0' Stcurtty In- <br />""'II, Mechanic'. Llenors, And Judgment <br />Lltn Crtdllof'l. - Thlllen Impasld Dy 1ICllan 8321 shill <br />nol be vllld II Igalnst Iny purChUI'. holOer at a ",urlly <br />Inlerllt. mechlnlc.lllenar. a' ludgmenlllen creOlto, unlll nollce <br />tIltreal ..hiCh "'eels the rtQulre,nMts 01 SubslCllan If) hn <br />ClHn filed Dy the Setrltary <br /> <br />(f) P11Ct For Filing Nollc.; Form.- <br /> <br />(11 Place Fa, F'lIng The nallCe ..le"aO 10 '" suO. <br />",!lon (II loall bellleO . <br />lAI UnOer Slale laws <br />III Real Ploperly In 101 ca~1 ot 'ell property. '" anI <br />OUII.I...,IOln 1M Slall (Or Ihe counly 0' olhe, governmanlll <br />lu!ldlvlsfanl IS CU1dnltl0 by 'I~e laws of such 51111. ,n <br />..h'Ch lhe proP.rty Subject 10 !hI Iten 'S s,luJleO InD <br />1111 PIIsan11 Properly In Itle Lau of plllonal <br />prOIll,I, _Iher tengrble 0' 'n1lng,bla In Drill O"'CI <br />*IU'lIfI tt\fl Slalf! lor th,- county (II r,I"'f!1 gov"tnmenlal <br />'l11lv1"l)nl It! dft.'gnilllt~ ~y !tIt '",'Ilii nl ~uCh State <br />'n ..hlLn lhe property SUIl,'CI 10 Ih. Ilan '5 "lulled <br />or <br />(01 1/1'1'1 C:t,... O. Ol'!jlr.rl Lourl I" lht' oHI(f1 olltlfl Clf!'~ of <br />Iftl! Urllfro1 :.1aH~tJ .",,,,',(t ~ti.jlll'" It,.!' "r,If.I~, (1",lflC' In *tllch <br />Ii'll ploptr,,, ~l!~ll~(. Hj !'f'" .\ ','l.jjllfll~ .'\~I'lht. I!I" StBlr I,oll~ <br />rtO' [1'; l,3w C"j~f',"I"" (In,. 1)"ll' Nt',., !' rrlPflh lh, ''''Nil r"'"ol'l 01 <br />,ulJPI"QfIlVr: ,/'1 ')1 <br />IC! '''''HI RfI(.Oflj~r f). ~l'o,.r:!, I,. "I," i.J,..,. .1 'II .Oilli' (, ,\ 1'1 <br />'''8 I)fflC' 0' ,I't~ PftlC.Of(!" (Jf f\".~t r,' Ihfl n;ltrt~' (,' r:olumtlta " <br />H:A 'HJ~'\fl~ .......rll"(. 'I '" 1<" f, '\,, ;H"'~ . , ,I <br />._I~Jtl\b,. <br /> <br />to _A as Document ~ <br />~"leruv <br />88- 1 f~ 36 4 <br />Grantor - - <br />Grentee T - <br />Numertte'.,41 ~ - <br />STAlE OF NEdRASKA} sj~- <br />CGUHTY :)F HAU. )1 <br /> <br />jI <br />'88 JUHll M1 9 3 II <br />I <br />('~) ...f", j. . <br />~t~(..:-:."~~~:;:~.../ <br />If' ~("G: OF ["'Ft:O<; <br /> <br />'Tl <br />[ <br />!f <br />;r <br /> <br />I :. <br /> <br />z <br />o <br />.... <br />-" <br />n <br />CD <br />a <br />-t <br />I>> <br />>C <br />r- <br />ei" <br />::J <br /> <br />.- <br />CCI <br /> <br />!!L <br /> <br />1ft <br /> <br />j; <br /> <br />. L' <br /> <br />ii <br /> <br />f <br />2. <br /> <br />(2J Situs Of Proptl1y Sub/let To L1an - For pUIllD'" of <br />plrlgraph. (1) Ind {41. property "'III be daemlClto be sltultad. <br />(A) Rail Property . In !hi call 01 1111 property. It Its <br />plly.lclllocatlon: or <br />(8) Per.onal Property - In till can 01 personal property. <br />whathar Ilnglbll or Intlnglbll. 111M r..ldInca 01 lilt <br />. lUpI~lr Iltha llme!hl nollct 01 lien I: nllrd. <br />For OUIllD"1 01 peragraph (2) (B). lilt resldtnCI oIl corporation <br />or Partner.hlp "'III be dllmed to be the pllCl It whlelllllt <br />prlnclp.el exlcullve oflict 01 tht bullne.. 11 localld. IIICIIIlt <br />r..tdanel 01 I IIllPlYII wholl r..ldlllCltl wllt1ovlll1l UnIIId <br />SIIIIt .hall be dllmad to belli lh1l Olllflct 01 Columbla. <br />(31 Farm . Thl farm '. Ind., eontlnl of lht .1IOIIct <br />u IIf.rr!ld 10 In lulllfCljon . III _1~1I be prliCfllllll. by I lilt , <br />Stcr~,.,. SIKh noliCl shaD be'valld notwllhstandlnglllJ <br />I 0llllr111rovlllon 01 liw r.oardlng'. tIIa torm or.JcontInl if I ~ - <br />nollca.olllan, '. ' ',L. t. <br /> <br />'. Note: See sectllln '6323(b) i 10r protection for ' <br />certain Interestleven .though notice 01 lIeii <br />Imposed by section 6321 is lIIed with respect <br />10: <br /> <br />1 Securlllll <br />2 MOlD' vahlcl.. <br />3 Personll property purchalld II rmll <br />4. Plrson.1 prOperty purchUad In ClSUllllla <br />S Personal property lulJjlctllCllo poIHIIOry lien <br />n Rul property IIll and .peelll ......menlllen. <br />7 Aetldtnllll propert, .ubjec1lo a mechanIC'S <br />IIln lor clll.ln rapllrl.nd Impravementa <br />I Anorney"lIens <br />U Cll'lIln inlullne. canlllcl. <br />10 PI..boak lOins <br /> <br />Igl Aeflllng Of No'let. - For purpoIIS 01 Ihl. <br />Sj(.11Qn - <br /> <br />I t I Glnerll Rull. - Unllll nolicl of IIln II r.,llllClln <br />Ihe mannll prUCllllad In parlgr.po (21 dUllng 'hi raqulrllCl <br />rellllng IlIrlad.luch notice 01 lien IIIIH be lreslld ..'ilad on till <br />Dill an..olco 1\ IIlIlaO (In accalO.nCI with lubllellan tl)) .l1Ir <br />Ihl lXolr.llon of Iur.h ,,'lIIng panDO <br /> <br />121 PItcI For Fmng. - A nOlltt ot IIpn r."led <br />OUllno '''e IIQuu.d ,,"lonO IlIrlllf Iftall blltrfCllve 0111, . <br />IAI II. <br />II) sucO nalltt of IlIn IS 'elllIO ,n .~ oNIU ,n ..hlch Iha <br />pllor nOI'C! oll1.n WII 111M. InD <br />'''I '" tnl clse 01 '.11 property the tlcl 01 1.III'ng II <br />enle,ad Ind raco,deD on an ,"Ou 10 Ihe ellenl reQulIIO by <br />~llh'~r.t'on (fl I"j ana <br />'BI ,n an, cau on ...hotll III Diy' O.tNr, ll'lalIUM Olle <br />01 . 'ellllng 01 nollll at 1I1n unO., subparagraph IAI the <br /> <br />U <br />bO~-\ <br /> <br />z <br />!' <br /> <br />. j . <br /> <br />SecraWy IICIIYId writlIn inIarwIation (in 1M _ <br />prescribed In rsguIatians IIIuad IIy .. SIcIIIIIy) <br />concamlng I dIIngIln" lUpIJIr'.1IIilIIncI.1I..... <br />of IUCllIiIn 11II1II 11l1li.__ .........mlll <br />lht StIta In wIlIcII audI rIIidIIa 1I1ac111d. <br /> <br />(3) RequIIH RIMng PIrIad. - III .. c.- <br />ollny nollcl of 1iIn,1Ilt..."'rIquiIId.....IIIlW_- <br />IA) till -.,-1IIriDd.... .fays.......... <br />01 II YUfl .ltIr lIII4IIIa ot.. __ II.... .. <br />18) 1hI_yurl*illdlllding .............Dfl..... <br />."" ilia c1_ of till ~ f'IllUlNII rIIlIiIIg IIIllII! _ <br />SUCh nollcl Of fren. <br />\. ;" - 1_. I . . ~ . <br />~e.c. 6325.: Release Of. Lien Or <br />,. ,DisCliarge or: Property. <br />II) R-.. Of LIIft. - WtIct III .. <br />NgIIIItIollIu IM.....,.,~ IM.....,1IlIII <br />......~""......-.,.....~. <br />anY InlImIJ m.- tu'. 1iIaf....,...... __ OIl <br />IIllldI . <br />III liability SItlIfied Of ~ . llla SIawIITy <br />linclll\llt till IIalliIily Ivr tIlI____,......... all <br />IntIratt In fIIIIICt tIWIoI. !III ... tully IIIiIfIIlI Of .. <br />IlIc:OmIIIOIIIr IoI\lllflllCllllll; or <br />(2j lIond AcceIMG . n.. is 1ilrIIIIlIIll1O" SIcrIlIf)' Ml <br />ICCIPlId by lIim a 1Ionclllll1.. c:ClIIlIiIiOIII..... "1IIyMIIIt! <br />ilia alllOlllll UIIIIIlI. ....... .." all inWIII tII ...., <br />ll1IlIoI. WltIlIn ilia tilll ~ II\' lB (iIICIIfIlII l1li' <br />ullMlOn 01 1IlC1I limll. ana tIIII II in ICClIrtINlI wMlllll.'h <br />raqul~ 1N11"G 10 """'. COIlCHtIeftI.Ml "",,el"'llIiNI <br />InclIUltllll t!lIraCln. al !lily IIIl111Cifillll!r IlIdlIWlulltiOlll <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis. <br />closure of Relurns and Rltum In. <br />formation. <br />Ck) DIIdauI of CIrtIln .......... <br />R.... InIonnIUon For Ta ~M"l <br />Purpoees. - <br /> <br />ftl Dlsclo!.Uff c., amouT'l' 1':\' ~u!!;tlnfll'!'); Iltn .~, I 'f\01tt'f rJ. <br />!ten P'lU b!!f'. 'd!,O frl.;"UI"~'D H'('tr[ll"'l6.l."'JI" ,!'l, .movr:'l CI.~ <br />OUlllan,liIlfl O!lilQII,on MCIl1IC llW ..,c, lltn may ~ GIItIlllG"IIl <br />Iny person ..hQ '"'~'l,," UlrlltclOrv ..'n1lln ~1(ls1lC! !!II'''' <br />has a "Cht ,^ the Dlollll't \ulll~t1 '0 sut~ ltpn 01 1~1t1\ll' 10 <br />obla,n I "ght .n \uth ll'Olltrtl <br />