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<br />Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br /> <br />: r <br /> <br />I, ThaI Borrower will pay the indebtedness. as hereinbefore <br />provided. Privilege is reserved 10 pay the debt in whole or in part <br />on ~ny installment due date, <br /> <br /> <br />p <br /> <br />(i) Xlb) A sum equal to the ground rents. if any. next due. plus the <br />premiums Ihat will next become due and payable on policies of <br />fire and other hazard insurance covering the property, plus taxes <br />and assessmenls neXI due on the property (all as (',slimalt-d /l,\ r /11." <br />Lender' leu all sums already paId Iherefor di\lded by the number <br />of monlhs 10 elap!\C before one (II month prior 10 Ihe dale "hl'll <br />such ground renls. premiums. 1;J,\es and as~sments will become <br />delinquenl, such sums 10 be held by Lender In truSI 10 pay saId <br />ground rents. premiums. taxes and specIal assessments; and <br /> <br />(bl XJ;I All pa~'ments menlioned In the two preceding \ub,e.110ns III <br />Ihis paragaph and all payments to be madt' under the nOle <br />5a"Ured hereby shall be added together, and the aggregale amoulII <br />thercof shall be paid by the BOrfllWer eadl month in a SIn~1t' pay, <br />menl to be applied by tht' lender 10 the followm8 lIems In the <br />order ~ fonh: <br />X <br /> <br /> <br />III 411) Jround rm". laXt'll, as!laSmentl, fire and olher hlt/ard <br />inluranee premiums; <br />1m IX <br />(1111 inleresl on the nOle se.Uled hl."reh~, <br /> <br />UUI *",1 amortlutlon of the principal of s:ud 1I01e; and <br /> <br />1lI1) ~l late char~ <br /> <br />Any deficiency III Ihe lImounl llf such agglegall." 111llllthly I'a~ <br />menl shall, unless made tlood b~ the Ikmo"'er I"I'I0r to the due <br />dall:' of the nnl such pa)melll, ';OllsII1UIC an l."scnl 01 defaull <br />under thi. morlltllll:', nle lender may C\,lIrcl a "Iall' l'hllfl!C" 11,'1 <br />to exct'td four cenl. (;$C. lor each dollar IS II Oll."a\'ll pa\'nwlll <br /> <br />88- 10334.0 <br /> <br />more Ihan fifteen (15) days in arrears to cover Ihe extra expense <br />involved in handling delinquent paymenls, <br /> <br />3, That if the 10lal of the payments made by the Borrower <br />under~bf paragraph 2 preceding shall exceed the amount of <br />payments actually made by the Lender for ground rents, taXes and <br />assessments or insurance premiums. as the case may be, such ex- <br />cess, if the loan is current, at the option of tho: Borrower. shall be <br />credited by the Lender on subsequent payments to be made by the <br />Borrower, or refunded 10 the Borrower. If, however, the monthly <br />payments made by the Borrower under~bf paragraph 2 <br />preceding shall nOI be sufficient to pay grour:d rents, tal(es and <br />assessments or insurance premiums. as the case may be. when the <br />same shall become due and payable, then the Borrower shaD pay <br />to Ihe Lender any amount necessary to'make up the lkrlciency. on <br />or before the dale when payment of such ground rents, taXes. <br />assessments, or insurance premiums shall be due. If at any time <br />the Borrower shall tender 10 the Lender. in accordance ~ith the <br />provisions of the nOle secured hereby, full payment of the entire <br />indebtedness represenled thereby, the Lender shaD. in computing <br />the amount of such indebledness. credit to tbe account of the Bor- <br />rower~"~-"'~~l~ <br />~_lI&JIRI1IXIII'1"-~~-U1il"~ <br />~~"rKlmaalft."y balance re- <br />maining in the funds accumulaled under tbe provisions oUi) of (I) <br />paragraph 2 hereof. If there shall be a default under an}' of the <br />provisiom of Ihis imlrument resulting in a public sale of the <br />premises covered hereb~'. or if the Lender acquires the property <br />Olherwise afler default. Ihe Lender shall appl}', at the time of the <br />commencement of such pnx:eedings. or at the time the properlY is <br />olherwise acquired. tlte balance Ihen remaining in the funds ac. <br />l'umulal~-d under .._ paragraph 2 preceding, as a credit again&! <br />lhe amount of principallhen remaining unpaid under said note. . <br />XDU(D~~'-wD'~ 11(10. <br />~w.otiA'lCIIDdJ.Il nllUIOWl <br /> <br />4. TIml Ihe Borrower will pa}' ground rents. 111\.es. assessment!.. <br />waler rales. and olher go\'emmenlal or municipal charges. fines. <br />lH Impositions. for which provi!>ion has nOI been made <br />hereinbefore. and In defauh Ihl.'l'cof the Lender ma~ pa~ 'be ~me; <br />and thaI Ihl:' Borrower "ill promptly the offioal ~"'Opl" <br />Iht'ldor 10 Iht' tender. <br /> <br />~ The Uorr\l"er \II III P.l~ all la\~ ,...hl(h mil} t>e It"\led Uf'('n <br />lhe lender', mlere.1 In ...ald real estate and ImrHl\emcm.... and <br />,,11I,'h may be le\ ic:d upon thiS Instrumenl or the debl ..a."Uled <br />herell\ (bUl only 10 Ihe nlem Ihal "uch .s nor rrohihna:l tl~ IaVo <br />and only 10 Ihc nlem Ihal "lIch will nOI make Ihls loan usunousl. <br />llul t'\dudlll~ an~ m,OI1lC' la\. Stale "I I'a:leral. .m~ .:>n <br />I clldcf. '.nd ".11 file Ihe .,fft.,al 1e..~IJlI sl1\lVom~ 1'-1\'mMll <br />\\Ilh lhe lelldC'T Upon \lolallOo of Ih" undenak'"i!. (111 If Ihe <br />IklrroS\ el I~ rlOlllhilcd b~ an~ la.... n\'" Of hen:'.lher ('\...111111 h...'II1l <br />paymg the wholl:' or an~' portlon of the .11oroald 1;11\.es. .o1 upl'n <br />the lendenng of an~' courl de.ree: PTllhitlitlOJl Ihl:' I'-'~ment b~ the <br />\1orlo\\'er of any' \u.:h IIl\es. or if 5u.:h \a.... or dl.".'Tl"t' rr1l,widc-. lhal <br />an~' amollnt sO J'aid ll~' Ihe Borrov.~r ..hall t>e <-ra:liIN ,'\n Ihe dehl. <br />t hl' I endel shall ha\!: lhl:' f1l1hl 1\' 1:"'(' mnel\ ..1a\'\' "nllell 11011ct" <br />I" Ihe l'''ner ollhe I'I'('nlls...... Icqumn~ Ih(' 1'3\111elll .., the debl <br />II \udl nOIl,'e be lli\l'lI, Iht' sallJ dt'''l shall l'C'I.'l'ml' .1m', Jl3\:Jt>k <br />and ".llt'l.'III'k <II Ihe ('\1'1I..1110n ." -.aId IlInel~ da~s <br /> <br />(), lhal slllluld rhl.' 1\011\''''el fall h' J'3\ 3n~ <um ." l.('('fI an\ <br />l'(H l.'nal1l pH" Ided h'l 111 ,hIS In'IIUII\t'r.l. lhen Ihe I enJl'l, .11 II' <br />"1'11(\11, lIla~ pa~ .'r 11('! l<'Im ,h.. ..ame, and all t'\l"ClldllUf"'" ..., <br /> <br />PIIOf' 7 Of .. <br /> <br />HUO-I:'I~D' <br /> <br />! . <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />u <br />