<br />88-
<br />
<br />10333:0
<br />
<br />15. Upon payment of all sums secured by Ihis instrument, Lender
<br />shall request TrUSleeto reconvey the Property and shall surrender
<br />this instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by Ibis
<br />inslrumentto TnJSiee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property withoul 18. If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded
<br />warranty and without charge to the person or persons legally entitled together with Ihis instrument, the covenants and agreements of eacb
<br />to it. Such person' or . persons shall pay any recordation costs. suc;~ri~r s~J,bei,~!1'9J:8~,~n,tq,!IJI~5"'O,-.nelld .~. :'" "i.,.,.,
<br />',' ''''''';';(''''''""''",',<,''",,,:. .;',.:,' "" ; "'. ,: ',,' Co', " .. ; "'''''''''. c' 5U. p.p,J.~e.ntthe",., ,~ve",~~"~""""'~",'".;.,.".c:em.,,,,.,.~.gl$,.o(tbisjIl5lnu1leDt~.jftbe
<br />' 16:UOdei';aUi$:o "iori 'ma ,trom time loJime,remo,ve,TiU$ ".' d ' fUl
<br />and apPbint1 J:$lj~tf~ioanytruStee appointCd' Jiertit~r ner(~) ''Y~re apart"","'}~~~k: ',' ,:r.;;"
<br />bY,pfJ"l"';,. ' J~~rdedin Ihe county in wl1ich this instrument is 19.fbeci,'\'e~~~"~~;.ejri'~lai~~:~lb~~;Itii~~
<br />~.'i"iU" ~;~~; ~l~M~~Y~a~~~~p.fm~dProd,.~f",~:,s~r,:,t~tee and,~'r~~~~13p~r,~::tO!:~e~~iY~J;aeirs.,~"
<br />- B ... ,.~ tt e, power .n utles CQnIW11U UPPII administratof5;;'s. ucceSso~.andass~Qftbe~ JJei1,'..": '. ','
<br />1;~~'~~~~~:~yApPl!f8~~~~W' ': ',' ",,' "i,": ' Wh~~ev~r Use4;i~es'~.Uf8r,;nunibefs1i8lljn.cJude'~~iIIi.
<br />V'l:;~;"~i\j;:' ,., '. ,!. ,; plural the singular,an~the ~ofany gender shall iDcJlideall, ,.
<br />"'ll:,", :.i"""" ',,.. ,'I, :'/'" gende1$.' , "', " " ' ,
<br />
<br />;")'i~~&,~~..~rrl;>>;,v~i~~lJts~dfl81ees to tbe~r,ms and covenants contained in tbis$ecurity Instrumcntaadia.aay.rida{sl
<br />ell~u~J)YJl9rrowerandr~i'ded w.lthlt. ' .',."
<br />
<br />17. Borrower requests thaI copies of Ihe notices of default and
<br />sale be sent 10 Borrower's address which is the Property Address.
<br />
<br />J3...d~ ~ [SaIJ
<br />Barton J. Wells ~
<br />
<br />~~ 0, ~~~~ (SeIdl
<br />nthia A. Wells Bon-.
<br />
<br />Page 4 of 5
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