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<br />r n'~ ; <br /> <br />88- 103322 <br /> <br />NEBMSKA DEED OF TRUST <br />(With Power of Sale) <br /> <br />Amount ofFirllt ~Iment' .750.00 <br />To~lof~tli.63900~QO <br />NumberoCMonthl!, lDBtalments 84 <br /> <br />Amount of Other Inatalments' 750~ 00 <br />First IllItalment Due Date Ju 1 y24 19B8. <br />Finallnatalment Due Date June 24' 'J 19-i5 <br /> <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST. made this .-1Q.. day of June , 19.88-. <br />~n . John E. Rohrer I a single person <br />wbolemaiUng .addreuis Rt. 2 Box 76 Grand Island. Nebraska 68803 <br />u~n. John Cunningham. attorney <br />who. mailing add1'88l ill 222 N. Cedar Grand Island. Nebraska 68801 <br />81 Tiuatee. and Norwe&t Financial Nebraska, Ine., whoSe maili'!lf addre81 is 2337 North Webb Road <br />P.O. Box 1373 Grand Island. Nebraska 68802 ,88~"l'Y, <br />WITNESSETH. Trustors hereby irrevocably. grant, bargain, sell, ond convey to Trustee in trust, with power of sale. the following de- <br />eeribed property in Ha 11 County, Nebnska: <br /> <br />*SEE ATTACHMENT <br /> <br />Together with tenementa, hereditamenta, and appurtenanc:es thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining and the NItta, i-... .nd <br />profits thereof. <br /> <br />Thll conveyance il intended for the purpoee of lMlCUring the payment to BenefICiary of Trustore" ~ note of __ ..... ia die <br />amount stated above all "Total of Paymenlll", Said "Total of Pa,menu" is repayable in the number or IDOIlthly in~Jmentll"'" Mow. <br />The amount of the inatahnent paymenta due on IBid loan ill stated above. The lirst and linal instalment due datea OIl laid 1au are ..... <br />abov.. Payment may be made in advance in any amount at any tim.. Default ill making any payment .tWI, at the Benaficiary'a aption <br />and without notice or demand, render the entire unpaid balance of laid loan at once due and payable, '- any requind rebate 01 cII8rp.. <br /> <br />To protect the IeCUl'ity of thy DMd of T"Iat, Trustor covenanta and 1l1J'l!lMl: <br /> <br />,1. To keep the prOperty in JOOd condition and repair; to pennlt no wute thereof: to mmplete any bui~. ItnKtura CII' i...OMIMt.t <br />beilll built or about to be built thereon; to I'll8tore promptly any building. Itruc:ture or improvement thereon which may be .1-..... CII' <br />deItroyed; and to mmply ..nth all Ja_. onlinanc:etl, rtJIUlatioDII, covenanta, conditions and retIlrictionll alfeetilll'the prvperty. <br /> <br />2. To pay Wore delinquent all lawful tallel and .....menta upon the property; to keep the property...... and deer 01..1 other cMrpe, <br />lieDII or encumb~ impairiD( the ..urity or thll Deed o( Tnalt. ~ <br /> <br />3. To keep all buildiDfll now or herealter erected on tile property cletleribed herein mntin!lOUlly inauredqailllll _ by fire Cll'other <br />huanb in an amount not Ie.. than the total debt leCured by thil o-J o( TruIt. All politic. .haU be held by the BeMfieiary, and be <br />In .uch compan_ .. the Beneficiary may approve and have loa payable first to the Benef1c:iary .. ita intelwt may ...... and tben <br />to the Trustor. ,",e amount collected under Iny Inluronce poliey may N appli.d upon any indetud_ hereby aaarecl in .uch CII'der all <br />the DenerJCiary ahatl d.tennine, Such application by the Beneficiary .han not CAU. dillCOntinlUUlCe of any ~np 10 &IredaR lhK <br />DMd 01 TruIt or c:ure or waive an)' default or notice of default or invalidate any act daM pul'lUlUl~ 10 aach naticIe.l.. 1M.... ....... cl_lw. <br />all ripta o( the TruItor in iMurance poIldel then In Corw .hall ..... !O the purc:huer at the Corecloaure ale, <br /> <br />4, To obtain the wrillen conaent of BeneRciary ..nn-e .1Ima. con..,in. or otllerwlM tran....rrilll the pnIIleIt, or any part thereof ud <br />any .lKh ..Ie. COIIv.yallCf! Gr tran"'", without the 1MneRc:iarr'. .~ ~nt .hall conltitute a derault under the tennI henGf'. <br /> <br />6, To cleCend any action ar procftdinl pUl!'portl1l,l to .rr.etthe -.nanty heNof' or the righta or po_n of' B.Mficiary or TruItw. <br /> <br />6. Should TrwItor (ail to J:'lAY whfon due any "'IH, a__.mentl. lnluranc:e premium., lieDII, en..-umbral\C8 or other ella,... .,aiMt tM <br />property hereinabove dHc:ribMl. DeI1.t1ciary may pay lht., and the amount M) paid, with interMt. at the rate ~ rorth in the now <br />aeeured henb,-, ahall be added to and bKome a part or the debt IeCUred in this Deed ofTrult u penniU4!cI by law, <br /> <br />IT IS MUTUAI.LV AGREEtJ THAT: <br /> <br />I, In the Avent any portion of th. property i, taken or damapet in an eminent domain proceedi",. the .nUre amount of tM award <br />or _It portion th~reol' .. may be nfd...ry to fully uUlfy the obligation 8Kured hereby, ,hall be paid to Beneficiary to be appli4!cl to <br /> obU.ation. <br /> <br />2, By a<<eptinc paYlfNlnl or any .Ulr. lIt'Cured hereby after illl dUI! date. Denelici..,. doetl not waive ita rilhl to require prompt payment <br />when due of all other IUm. 10 NC:ured or ~J dKlare dl!raull ror rsllure to 10 pay, <br /> <br />3, The TnMtM shall reconvey an or any part (If the property covered by thi. Deed of Tnalt to lhl! penon entitled therelll. on writtftl <br />nqueIt of the TrwItor ancl the Renefic:ia.,., or upon uUsf.clion of thl! obllAation !Il!Cured and written reqUNt for r.conwyanC!t! mad~ by <br />the 8enet1t1ar,. or the penon l!nlllled thl!rein, <br /> <br />,- <br /> <br />"', 0lI4 (HE) <br />