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<br />IlL __ Not --.-: ~1Ce By LAnder Not. ~. EJde_ oflhe lime lor peymenl or modification of amor1lzation 01 the sums secured by this Security Instrumenl <br />~ by ~ III My ............ In Interest of Borrower shall not opel'llle 10 reteue IIle liability of the origlnel Borrower or Ilom>wer's SUCC8SSOf1lln inte'est Lender shelllJ9l be requited <br />III _ ~ ,1IgliI1sl8!'Y s~ In intlll8S1 or reluae 10 ell1end time lor peyrnent or otherwise modify amortization of the sums Ii8cured by this Security InSI",,,,ent by reason <br />"'- - riIadI ~':':a~'f! llom>wer'Or'Bonower's SUCCltlSOl'S in mtereal. Any f<lfDearance by Lender in exercising any nghl or remedy shell nol be a _ of or preclude the <br />-aea'" anyri!ltiOl' . " ' J -. <br />11. " I . _ Aalgna Bound; JoInl_ s...aJ UlIblIlty; CcHlgnan. The covenants and agreements or this Secunty Instrument shell bind and benelltlhe ISUCC88IorII and <br />..... 01...... and Ilom>wer. subjeclllllhe provisions 01 plI/'IIgreph 17, Ilom>wer's covenants and agreements shaH be joint and _el, Any Borrower who co-aignslhis Security Instrument <br />buI_":' 8UCUhI1he Note: (a) is oo-lignIng this Security Instrument only 10 mongage, grant end COIMl)' lhatllom>wer's intarealln Ihe Property under lI1e _ of this Securily Instrument: <br />lilt. nol ~ ~ III pay Ihe IIUI1lS MCUI8Cl by lhla Securily Inslrumenl: and (el agrees Ihal Lender aiIct any _Ilom>wer mey agree 10 ..-. modIIy, _ or .- any <br />iIOCDIIIIllOCla wilh regard 10 !he lerms 01 this SIIcurfIy Instrument or the Note wrthoutlhatllom>wer's consent . <br />12. ......,Clw!Jae.lIlha lIlatl secured by lhla Sacutily lnatrumant 118Ubjecl1O a law which sets max""um loan ctwves. and lhaI tllW islinalty inlerpreled so lhellha ~ or other loan <br />.... "'*<<:lId or to be coIecIad in connaction wiIh lha loan aoaect lha pallTIibd timl1a, then: ('ll any such loan chalga shaU be reduced by lhe amount neces&lIIY 10 reduce IIle dlaIge <br />Ill.. pamliIIIlI-= and (\)1 any ...... alrady colIacled flom Ilom>wer Which ._ permitlad IImiII wiI be rwlundacllo Ilom>wer, I.ender mey ChOose 10 meJce lhla l8Iund by reducing , <br />.. princIpaI-* undIr lha Nola or by maIdng a dinIcl ~ III BcIrnlMr, II a refund reduces principal, lIIe __ wiI be ...- as a parllal prapaymem wilhoul8try prepaymanl chalga <br />........ ..... <br />a. ........... -..~........ 11-.. or ~ 01 ~ Iawa ha Ihe etIecl 01 randering any pnMaion ollhe Note or lhla Security.1lIIIIUnWII \11_............ <br />.........., 10 1II1tm1a,........... ..lla opIIan, may __ irnmecIlala JlIIYftl8nlIn lull 01.. IlIITI8 secured by Ihia Sacurity ........"... and may ilMIIce any I8III8diM panniIIed by paqgI8ph 19, <br />. ......... -.:iaaa Ihia oplIon. Lander ahalItaillIlIla aIapa apacified in lha aacond paraglIIph 01 ~ 17, <br />... .......,.", noIIca 10 ~ proviaad for In lIlia Sacurily tnalrument _ be gi-. by --.g. or by mailing rt by IinIl dais mail -1IPIIliC** law ___... "'_ <br />-- Tlw,....... be ciNclId 10... fIlOl*tV ~ or any other addI-.llom>wer-,- by noIIca III Lander.,.", noIIca 10 Lender..... be gi\I8Il by _ ..... mal 10 Lendar's <br />...... ~...... or any ol!'~ .... Lander -.- by noIIca 10 ~, ,.", noIIca proviaad for h, lIlia Sacutily Inslrumolnt.".. be _10 "- baan.gMln 10 ~ or <br />............. s; proviaad In lIlia~. <br />ta. ......... Ur, ~"""t- llllI Security intII\lmtnl _ be govamad by ,-.. law andlha 1M ollila juritcIIcIIon in wllich lIIe Properly is Iocmd. In lha ..... _.", provision <br />or __ oIlIlia Sacurity .............. or lha Note ~ with llIlPIical* law. such conlIict shall TIOI aIlecl other pvv-. 0I1hls Securily 1_ a lha _ whiCh can be .gMIn eIIecl <br />.....lha conIIcIing pIlIViIiOn. To Ihia end Ihe pr-.a 0I1hls Securily lna1IumllnI and lIIe Note... _ 10 be _ <br />.. ---- eop,.llorrowar .... be iii*' one contonneclllOP1 oIl11e Note and oIlhl1 Securily _, <br />17. ..................., or .1IanaIIcIaI........~. II .. or any 1*1 0I1he '"'-'" or any ....... in . it Del or ~ (or it a banaIiciaI-..- in ~ is dl <br />or"""'" end ~ IIIllII . nalur"....,." wilhOul ~.prior _ --. Lander may. at Ita option. NqUft immadiale paymenlln lull "'.. """'....- by _ SecunIy <br />~ ~. IIlis option II1II TIOI be.xarciMd by LandlIr il ........11 ~ by '-"law as "'lha _ "'_ Sacurity InsIrurnllnt <br />· LandlIr.....lIlia option. Lander -1llW Ilom>wer _ 01 -.uon, The _ _ prlIVIda a period 01 TIOI tau lhen 30 <lays Irom lha _lha _.. __ or..- <br />--~-peJ"-~by_Securily -.....nt, IIB~""'lOpey___lOlhaftlllfalilTlol_1*L>d LandlIrmay_..___ <br />.".SecuItIy ~ ___ ""'* _ or __ onllom>wer. <br />.. _._............--1I1lorrowar __ _, Ilorrowar _ "-lha ngl'd1D"- .oto.o..._."'_ Securily _~"..Iima_tll <br />..... of: (sl5'" (or _ ~ panocr. ~ law may "*"'" for _I baIOIe.... "'.... Properly...- III any _ "'.... _ in _ &.uiIy naumanr: <br />...1IIt..,. "'. ~ el'IIning ... SIIcurlly intIrumanl "'- cor-.... _ Ilom>wer: (al P8I'lI LandlIr.. ""'" whiCh lhen _ be _ _lIlia SaculIy ~ _.. <br />.... "'IllI..-r.IlIn -..eo: lbl_ any cltIauII 01 any other _ or~: leI P8I'lI........ __ in -*"Dng Ihls &.uiIy............ irIduIIing. bill TIOIlil.a <br />.. --- -........: - {ell.... - aclXln. LandlIr may ~ _10 __ _1ha lian oIlIlia Sacurity ~ ~a... in" "'-'r_Ilorrowar'a <br />.......10 PIW 1ha ""'" -- br _ Sacurity __ _ conIinua ..-.gao, Upon ...._.__ by Ilorrowar. lhla SIIcurlly ........ and.. CIIIIIlI*n....-.-, _ <br />~ --....... _II no ~ _-..eo, '-. Ihls ngl'd III _ _ nol oIIllJIY ., lha _ "'lICC8Iaqbon ......1*IQIIIlIII13 or 17. <br />~ COVENANTS. Ilorrowar _ Lander ""'* CXMIWll_ egrea _1ClIOwI: <br />IlL' - ................ _.......... _.._ prlar" I 11 ............. ___...... ..anr_or..-.......__..--- <br />..-,...,.. . .........,...,.. 'I ..."................ pnMdee........... ne.... -....-r: 00........ CIIt................__ <br />........ · --. ............. -- ............... __.. __ '" .eIIIlIl.. cIaIeuII......~;.... CcIl-"""" _........ _ or.... <br />.. - ......111.............. II ......... _ ___ '" lIIIa IacuIftr ___ _ ........,.....,. ne..... _........... -.-. <br />................ ........................ -....... _.. - _. a cIaIeuII..., _.......-.-.. ......_...... <br />........ nil.... _ or...... _ ......111....... ....... ........ .......... ......-..____111........ _ --1Ir..........___ <br />.................... ..................... anr -................."'............ ........................ ..____......_ <br />.. __.......111........"".................... --.....,........ _._......... <br />............... ---. -- - --...... ......111_ COUIIIJ In .eIIIlIl.., ....... ""'*".. __ ......_.................... <br />-,.......,............-..-.......-...-..-.....,.......... ................,.......... ---..,...- <br />"........ ..._...111.. _...-.....,............ ...... __....... 011_"_. .........,.....,8I1IIIIIIIC ........_.............. <br />................... -................ ....... _ or _...-.... .., __..... .......ct._ __.............. II. or......... <br />............., ___ - I .......... .......,.......... ............. ~ or...........,....................,..... <br />--......, ...--11.......... __ _ __.......- __.................".... ne........ "___'. ............... <br />...............,.. ---...... --......,..~... ...............-:..... ................ ........--..... <br />.. ...........~ ................---......; lItl." - --.,.........,---= ...tcI..,_........._~ <br />............ .. <br />. ~.. r . Upon..........- ...... II or __.._. or.. "'-'Y. Lander (on_lIr.,.or br......... __ __ ......_. <br />-...... ~or - -...... "'-ty _10 _1ha _ 01 lie "'-ty onc:IlIclInO'" ..._, Anr- ---1Ir WllIaror...... <br />10"""" or.. _ 0I_.....~' 01.. "'-ty _~ 01_ oncludIng. bill nollilllllllllO............ _on--. ....__............_ <br />...10.. _....., IIr iii......, ............ <br />at. - . Upon........"'.. _ _ by lIlia...... naumanr. LandlIr _...... ~ 10__"'-" __..._ "'SecIIoIIr__ <br />...... awIlIInI:iIIgclllll-..dIlr_...... ~ IO~. T_.....--., lie "'-ty _ ___ _........ .dwgelO"'_or _1agaIIr_to <br />1l.8udt.....,___any__ <br />II. ......--.Lander....GIIIIOT1. """"""'_10__ T_and__ -__lOanyT____IIr..__"'_ <br />__irI__llaouriIy____ __-....0I...."'-ty, ..--__lCI....._._____T__ <br />RI."...... .. <br />II. __......... ~ ~_ _ 01.... _ or_ and _ be ....Illllorrowar'. _ _"1ha "-1r __ ~___ <br />CllIIIiaeor"_"'__ _ be _10_....,.,_ _ -1*lY _. IN _"'....,,____ <br />- ............, ---.. _or - ___ ___ by eon.- _ -lOlI8IW _.... SaculIy naumanr. 1Ie__ ........"'_...." <br />lIlIIIr......~_~....... --... ______1hr__ ...-01_ Saady _.. ...._al_..,"'.... ~-,lo... <br />........1llIaI.11 <br />o ~ "- AIcIar <br />o ~...... Aoaer <br />o c:J-.rl81 "'*""'1 <br /> <br />:J~RIOIII' <br />:J _ una ~ AIcIar <br /> <br />o 2"'~AIcIar <br /> <br />BY !llONINO IIE1.OW, Ilom>wer __..., _10 Ihe _ and..,........- '".... Sec:unIr""""""" _ '" _ ..) -1Ir Ilom>wer _ __ ft <br />~ ~ I j <br />/ \ I.,.{l.; :....! ---':;" ,.../}L --L.,J L- j. ".:-- '-- <br />. <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />" I <br />t ~~, .1>...._ ,-<1 ..\ .. <br /> <br />J ., <br />~'(Z1 " <br /> <br />Gelil <br />-- <br /> <br />.t.... <br /> <br />.5M1l <br />--, <br /> <br />(Ipeoe IiIlow 11lIa Una ... AA_..~._.I] <br /> <br />... 01-'- <br />Hall <br />CourI\l '" I <br />On_ 13 _'" <br />........, .....,RObert <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />June , 18-_Sa. _ me, _ ~ PullIoC on.... Stale of <br />I and 9. Di ane Sanner. Husband and '4ife <br /> <br />'lebruki <br /> <br />Ill............, __10 be "'I*IOTI{.I_ '"..., wllo _ IN ~ -. ..., __., <br />--.....end _ <br /> <br />1II'ean-. ~ <br />\ - :;1'\, '\ :l. <br /> <br />.2", -'.... <br /> <br />-..-- <br /> <br />,L ,'\\ -::':~~,~"t'l <br />NOT4AY PUlI1.IC <br /> <br />.. aI....... <br /> <br />CourI\l 01 <br />001_ _01 <br />Il8'1GNIr -.d <br /> <br />.tNr'''1 N')UIV,S....01 N"" <br />I!ANN! M SCHlOfI <br />My CD"',", faD, IAn, 29,1992 <br /> <br />--':-,.' <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />, 11_ belono ...., a NOlI". PullI\c In Itle 51.,. of <br /> <br />Ill___-IO beN_.,_ In end """..- IIle1cngoong 'n...u....." """ ftC.~_ <br />~..._- <br />1II'c-.n~ <br /> <br />-- ".~ the NmII .. <br /> <br />NO TAR'> PUBLIC <br /> <br />88- <br /> <br />103316 <br />