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<br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />88-103314 <br /> <br />:';i <br /> <br />I':: <br /> <br />IORROWERIREAD THlIIEFORE SIGNING: <br /> <br />, .' ,':Bori'owelS(TruIIOnl im!lersllnd thaltha documanllh., the .bout toeKecute II. Deed olTrult.nd not a and that the powerol eate provided <br />for In the:Deed olTruit p'Ovldl..ublllntillly dlllennt rlghll.nd obllg.tlonl to the Borrowlrllh.n . In the event 01 ~ del.ull or olobtig.tion under the <br />Deed 01 Trult'ln"'"dlng, butnolllm:,.d 10, thl Lender'l right 10 hIve Ihl Reel Property .old by the Trultee withoutany ludlcl.1 proceeding or loreclosure. Borrowln <br />represe_nt.ana ,.~,,,-,,,,,I !!l.1t thle .cknowledgemB"t.waae.~ut8d by them before the execution of the Deed 01 Trust. <br /> <br />L:. <br />I:, <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />l.t~ W~ <br />(HZ W. oltenber,.rroWI' 'Husban <br /> <br />c;it ~.o-'.. C~~bC7 <br />{Harlene C. Sto1tenbl.e~er Wife <br />PREFACE TO DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />,. ~ <br />~~ <br />11 <br />l~ <br />[f <br />~~! <br />r' <br />r <br />~ <br />~ <br />fJ <br />I~ <br />~ <br />r <br />! <br />t, <br /> <br />COIIPLETE 11111 portion ONLY 11111. rell properIJ delCrIbed consilII ollNDIVIDUALL Y OWNl!D AGRICULTURAl. !.AND. <br />lI.ppllcalll., com...... ONLY ONE eI\her A, I. or C: . <br /> <br />o A, DIICLAIIIl!R OF RIGHT TO DEIIGNATE HOIIl!STEAD: <br /> <br />Th. Borrower(I)lCknowllldgllhll th'y .re Ibout to eKlcutlthl'ollowlng Deed ot Trult upon Ih. rl.1 elllll de.crlbed thlreln, The Borrower(II..nd each otlhem II <br />more Ih.n Ona, do hereby dlscl.lm Ihelr right 10 dellgnlle I home.te.d thereto, No p.rt 01 the hom..te.d 01 eithlr 01 the Borrowlr(l) I. preoenUyorwill in the <br />lulure be lituated upon uld n.l eltlll, The Borrower(l) undenllnd thll II either e.I.blllhe.. homelte.d on .ny p.rt 01 uld re.l8Itall durlnglhetlmellle Deed oITruat <br />l.m.lnl unullllled .nd .1I.n upon uld rlll8l1.te, there .h.1I be no right 10 m.kl e d~lgn.tion 01 home.tead in the .v.nt ot. loreclolure or trull......... with reapect.o <br />uld D.... ot Trull <br /> <br />C B, WAIVER OF RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HOIIEITEAD: <br /> <br />Th. Sorro_ll. .cknowledge .boulto eKecule the lollowlng Deed 01 Tru.1 upon Ihe re.' e.tat. described thlrein, The Borrower(l).and each oil'*" if <br />more Ih.n on., do h.nby w.I..Ihelr right to dl.lgn... e home.tead purlu.nttherelo, The Borrower(l) underlland Ilultlhey h.vlthe righlto deslgnatillll 01 <br />hom.l..ed .ndthatbyeKecutinglhl. w.lvlr, Ihey .rew.lvlng right. otherwl.....II.ble lor Ihe purpo.eo' ""ordlng thlm Ihe opportunlly to rellln theirhomestud in \he <br /> 01. dal.ult upon Ihl Deed o. Trull, <br /> <br />C C, DnlCIIIAnON Of' HOIIEITEAD; <br /> <br />PurlU.nllo lhe Farm Hom",,".d Protection Act (Secllon 78-1901 Itleq, RI.load St.lUlel 01 th. St... 01 Nlbraakll, thl Borrowerl_). do hlrebydBlignatethereal <br />property dncribed In the "Onlgnllion 01 Ham.I...d" attached hereto and Incorporated herein by thiS ret.rence. <br /> <br />Borrower <br /> <br />Borrower <br /> <br />DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST,lIm.delloltne ..15, oay 01 ,June, _, __ 19J1L, byandamon9thITru.tor, Harrv W. and Harlene <br />C. Stoltenberg..Jb!.sban!t~tfe__.__,_. who..mallongaddre..," 1504 N. Taylor. Grand Island. HE <br /> <br />Ihlr"n "Borrower-), thl Trult.., \lUl1Am__G,._Ill.a~kll.lU1la_.!LHember of the ME State Bar Msn. <br />whoM m.lllng _r"llI P. o. box 2280. Gra-':l~L I8land,,__~~, .. _ ___' lhlrein "Trustee-I. <br /> <br />.ncI"",e.nellclary, Five Points Bank ___...___u._____m_ <br /> <br />WhOM mailingldd.... II P.o. BDX -1501. Cirand, Island.,..NJL6B80~____ l_n"l.enden, <br /> <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. includinG the mdebtednes, Identified herem IInd trus' herem crelted. In. receipt 01 which is hereby acknowtedged. Borrowet' <br />hereby 'rrevoclbl)' grant.. tr.nll.'I. conveys.lnd alaigns to Trulltee,lN TRUST. WITH POWER OF SALE, lor the b8nefil and security or lender. under<lnd lub;ectlothe <br />.erm. and conditions hereinafter set forth. the r8al property. descflbed as 'ollow. <br /> <br />I <br />1 <br /> <br />Lot Six (6) in block Five (5)Cunningbam. Subdivision in City of Grand Island. <br />Hall County. Nebraska <br /> <br />i <br />',I <br />I <br /> <br />',I <br />I <br />'I <br />'I <br /> <br />" <br />,"'j <br /> <br />Together with III building.. Improwemlnll. fixturel. Ilr"'I. alleys, pllugeways. 8118ments. rights. privilegeland appurtenancellocated thereon or In anywlle <br />pertainlnljil t....Nto. and the r.ntl. I....... and pro,nl. reverslonland remaiqders thereat: including. but nolllmlted to. heating and cooling equipment and such personal <br />property thalli attached IoU.. Jmprovementl 10 .'10 conltllule. flllure: and together with the homestead or marital inlere,". if any, which Interesll." hereby rel.INd <br />and weived:etlot which.lncludll1llnrol_....nt..nd .ddltlonltharoto, il hlrlby d.clerld 10 bl. Plrt 01 thl ..lloSlale secured by Ihllien at th.. DIed 01 Trull.nd.1I olllle <br />Ioregolng bell1ll r.I.rrlld to lulIeln u the "property" <br /> <br />, .',ThiI o.d a. TrUll shin IIKut. elJ the pIIyment Of. the prlnClplllum and IOt.rell evidenced by Borrower'l nole Indlo, credll aireament dated <br /> <br />6/15/88 ,he.lngam.turltyd.t. ot 6/15/92 ,In the orlgln.1 prlnclp.llmountol S 50J.5. 50 .ndany InII." <br />mocN'~.'toM; elltenliont anet ,...111 thereat or and anv and III lutu,e advances and readvances hereunder purluant to one or mo,e pt"omilsory noln or credil <br />ag~lherelncalled"Nota"): (b)th.pey......1 01 oth.r lumlldvlncld by Lendlr 10 prollctlhl lacurlly 01 Iho NOll: IClthl perlorm.ncl IlIcoven.nll.nd Ig,""",nt <br />of Bottowet lit forth hI"ln; and (d} III .ndebtednl" Ind obligation. or Borrower 10 Lender whether di,ect, Indirect, ablolute or contingent and whethe' arising by note. <br />aUIf'MIY:_dralt or otlllfWiM, <br /> <br />Bor_, to Il<OI~t'he _urlty 01 thll Deed of TrUll. co..nanlllnd IgrMI wllh Lendor II follow. <br /> <br />1, ~................,....... Borrower thin promptly pavwhen due the princlp8J 01 and Inlll,.,sl on, and any reel 0' chargel provided in, the Noleor in Ihl. <br />Dead 01 TMl, ' . <br /> <br />2. 11I..~'owef ..,twOJll,.,o,'the Propt:r1y. h.. the ,Ighllnd .uthorUy 10 convny the Pfopert~, end ..".ntlthatlhe lien c,elted h.,.b~ is II IIr.l and prior lien on <br />1M P~r, ..caplat may ot_IN be III tonh her.ln, Ind Ihl I....utlon .nd dlll.lry 01 .hil Dlld at Trull doel not.lolllI .ny conlracl or other obll9C1ion to whiCh <br />Bor_ ltolUlloject <br /> <br />3, '.-....:A...U11 J ... To,pay lIW...n d""'a" ta..., .peel.l,......m.nt. and all other Chlrge.IOllnllt". P'ope,t~ and, upon w,Ullm demlnd by Lllnder, to PlY to <br />LanOe> IIUCh 8ftlC!tlnt. may be lulllc:ltnltD anabl.lh. Lencler 10 pay IUCh ...... or oth.r charg.. II thlY become due <br /> <br />.', .......... To...." 1M p,.rty.lntU,ed agllMI d.mlge by fl,., h.ard,lncluded within Ihe 'e,m "e_lended co....r.g.". and suetl ottler haurdll.. LlnO., mly <br />requifI, in _ end with L....,.r. .nd wllh 1011,o thl Llnd.r In c.... 011011 under luch pollc,,", thl LInder Illuthorltl,tl to Idiu&!, <br />collel;..nd liDrliphlmlN. .IICl.I""tlll,aundll'.nd Ihlllh...lhe DptionO' .pplylng III or pili 01 IhllnlurlnCI proc..dllil to Iny indeblldnl.. neured h.roby.nd In luch <br />0fcIef a$L_r II'II~ de..'ml.... (III to the Bor,oworlD be Uled to/lhe ,.p.lI'or r.l1or.lion ollhl Properly or li.11 101 Iny olher pUlpola or objoctlltlll.ctory 10 LInde. <br /> the '..n of "tf'~ cf ltuat'OI the 'ullamount leCu,1Id hlfebV tMforlluch paymenl eve' 100h pl.C~ A.nV application of p'OCHds 10 Indebtttd""ftllhnll <br />f'tOt .Il-.nd 01 ""pone me- due... 01 any pay""",,l. und.r t.... Note, Of cu~ In.,. dIIl.ull UI.,eunar or hll,eunder <br /> <br />a. ____,...... ~ whit...... BOffo..,.r ~.Il k..p th. Propitttv In good condlllon JIlnd rllp.1I 'hill! ~)Iompll.,. nJp,lr, or f"plac.'. any <br />''"'"~''''' ~ Iftl" .d~_ Of"deI.'O)'tId; Ihall not commll 0' IItr,"'" Iny *..1. Of O....rl(H'IUon of tM Pro~rty. ,hall nol r.mO\'ft, df'moltllh 0' 'ubllll!lln1lnllv "l1rn <br />en., of ....trnpfOftl'lNlntl D'l"*"'~'j; ""''''nof,tOmmU. tU".' otPlt'mtt Iny let to bII dOM In ot upon ,ft. Propettr In v1()IAhDn ot lIny l;tw (),dlnnn<;f'. (), r'4tflullllll(ll' and <br />......._MldCHomcntydtlt~fOl.t8onO*ttf.lcOlt .ndtlllpefl,,'U I~"', tnc\lfflbflntft;.rw.t t:h.rglll.v"d. lmpo"d or "'..."u.d _gnu"" II'., f'f(11"f"'V or anV p""lhrueol <br /> <br />'." <br />':.'1 <br /> <br />"U <br />