<br />~LL "
<br />~~~RELEASE -OF ~~BTGACE-Corporldio$8 -'" 103
<br />
<br />11_
<br />
<br />Tbe Hn/fman Genoral 8uppl,. HOllO.. Lincoln. Nebr.
<br />
<br />
<br />, INCONSIDERATION of 'he f'aytnent of the d,bt Mmed therein, the Norwest Bank Nebraska, Natio 1
<br />III Assot::ia~ion, formerly Norwest Bank Grand Island, hereby releases the mortgage made to
<br />II att.9nal Association Il'l
<br />, orwi!s(Bank Grand Island, Nat'1. Assoc. by Arnold C. Wenn and Linda C. Wenn. ,f
<br />" Husband and Wife 'Ii
<br />on t~d(JUowing described real estate, to-wit; ]1
<br />
<br />JI" II
<br />Lots Six (6) and Seven (7). Block Two (2), Pleasant Hill Addition, Grand Island, if
<br />Hall County, Nebraska. !l
<br />III ~
<br />I, Ii
<br />II :','1
<br />1,'.1 of Section , in Township , Range oj the P. M., Hall I
<br />County, State oj Nebraska which is recorded~ as of Real Estate Mortgages, page . I, I
<br />I' of the recQrds of said CO""'~I. Doc. No. 85-001290 ,I
<br />jl IN T,lje./M,Qll,Y WHEREOIj,l~' "U1 Norwest Bank Nebraska, Nationd Association'" """,d I :i
<br />r these ~!1~s" to .be eX'CJ~tcd by Its ~reS1'3ent and ds Corporate Seal to be affixed hereto thu twentieth ! II
<br />,t da...."!if,",,' June .'e , 19 88 I i,
<br />II iT:;' " ", l.
<br />W~:".. ' N.o.1Ji.e.st"..B.anlLN"e.br.aska~...Nilt10.ual_AasD..ciatiop !i
<br />
<br />I _~.i/.;,~~{::.~.....,......" ",...,::...",.".......,,""""",,"... By..~".R<.D~...Y.i.~e;-Pre.sidewt! i
<br />. H i 't" \, ~,'. :,. :: . i '
<br />
<br />I '> ;>;ji~~~ ~~~~~~~:::~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~::::~::~::"":".:"""":::1ttest ".........m..C.bAd.e.a...R"." ,Ql~alL.._". Cashier, Secretary I :i
<br />. ", } On this~.CklL...ooday 0/-.."" oo"",Iyp'~..."..".."" .........~.. Ip...alL I !,
<br />11 ., , .._,~ ";::~,.,:~:.,:"..:.m.::,~~:","..":':,,,""",,".""""..oo.",,"CounIy ss. beforeW ~!he undersigned, a Notar~,. Publi~ in iIrad for said i i
<br />
<br />.'/~'1t l.\~\\ ~: . l'
<br />! _.. Co"n'y, per~onWt;; came......._.""..'"J~h"~!:J~~"._~.!oo.QJ.~Q.~.. "..""..""..jm.L::.""U"""...""."""mm...,oo",,oo. """YJ!;~,;" P,.UideKt oj the !;
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<br />11 ~,__._..JiQ7:Ji~B.t.JlaDk"Neb.I:as"ka.>, ,"~tiQnaLAsJiQclatian..~....,.,"..."" .","m....""...,oo." '.. """um.., .," '"'moo... a Corl'or4tiofJ 11
<br />!! to me pCTStmally /moum to be the PreJi3cnt and iden,tical person whose lIame is affized to tlu' ablr.'l! ,.e/case awd 11
<br />:1 ackfJowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as .nu:n officer, and the 'llol",,'or)' act and deed; .
<br />il of said Co,.poralio". I u
<br />
<br />j! Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at"....""""Q~.~~"..Is.J..~~~.ooh...'"".,m,,""""',,.h". in said Co""t), the dil" alld yElIr j ;
<br />
<br />IDs. abow ::..~ . ....H. ..... '..~O.. 9~<2_/~.... Na.ary P."~ i
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<br />'fllll:KJ'. , '''= c -~=,"..:c:_ ','_
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