<br />88_103309
<br />
<br />NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1'. Acctleratlon; Remedl... Leader IbaII Ii" aotlce to Borrower prior to ac:celentloa 'oUowiaa Borrower'.
<br />breIeb of aDY eo.eDlDt or .......at In ddI SecurIty IaltnuneDt (but Dot prior to lCCe!eratloa UDder puqnp11113 iad 17
<br />lUll. .ppHcable Ja., pro..... odI.rwiIe). nenodce IbaII specify: (8) the default; (b) theacdon requfredto cure the
<br />default; (e:' . date, Dr. ... dIaD 30 days from die date dleaotice lip'.. to Borrower, bywhlch the default IIIUIt lie cUed;
<br />__; \4) ~~tfaUure to cure die cIeIaaItoa or, before tbedate Ipedfteclln theaotlce mayresulU~1CCeIendoIl oUhe IIUIII
<br />18O:.1"'d by ddI SecuritylDltrumellt ud "'e of die Property. The BOde. IbaII further Inform Borrower of tile riPt to
<br />reJJIItate after aeeelendoa ad;the riPt to brIIIa . court lCtloa to allertth. aoa..KiIteDI:e of . detault or aDf other
<br />detuleof Borrower to ICceleratloll uti uIe.lftbe .,.It II not cured OIl or before the date II)IICIfted i. the notice, Leader
<br />lit ita oftIon IUY requln iamediate...,..... ftdIohUlUllllllCiiredby tldlSecaritylllltnuaCllt witlaOut further
<br />demud ad..., 1D.oke the power of .... ud uy.odIer remedieI permitted by .ppHcable law. lader IbaII be eatitled to
<br />eollectalla....... iacurred IItparnalDa tberemedi. prcrridedla ddI puaInpIa 1'. tadDdlq, bataotlimited to,
<br />reIIOlI8IIIe attoraeyI' feel ud COItI ofd'" nfdeHe.
<br />If the power of aI.1i In,oked,Truitee IbaII rtlIlDI'Il a aotlce of defa1IIt la each COUIItJ lit wIdda ..y part of the
<br />Property ..Iocated ad ...... mall copIei.ofRCh I!Odce Ia the ....... prelCl'ibed by IPPUcable Jaw, to BorroWer ud to the
<br />other perIOIII pnecrlbed by."ucableJaw. After tile daae reqaIred by applicable law, TI'IIItee IbaII li"pabUc IIOtIcc of
<br />.... to tile penoaI ud III tile ......... pnICribed by .ppllcable law. Tl'Ultee, without demaad oa Borrower,'" JeI1tbe
<br />Property at poltUc aaedoa to the blibeIt bidder at tbe tIIIIe ud place ud UDder the termI delipated JD tile IIotlee of_ ill
<br />,.eG" IBOnl pueeII ud In all)' order TnIItee determI..... TI'UItee ma)' pcIItpoDe...e of all or aD)' JIlII'aloftbe Property by
<br />paltUc lIIUlOIIace...t at tile tfIIIe arid place 01 uy pretioUl!)' ICheduIed ule. Lender or Ita ...... may ~ die
<br />Property .t uy.....
<br />V,. receipt 01 payllllIIt of tile price bid, TnlItee ....11 deU,er to tile pure...... Trustee'. deed COMeyIIIa tbe
<br />Property. ne ndtallla tile 1'ruItee'. deed IbaII be priIIIa flCle eridena of tbe trDtII of tile mae--. .... therein.
<br />Truetee ...... apply tile proceedI of the uIe Ia tile foUowlna order: (.) to III npelllCll of die sale, ,~ .. Mt limbed
<br />to, T~" fe. . perlllitted by lpIIIicab1e law ad reIIOIIIble attorIIe)'l' feel; (b) to III - ........ by tIIia SecaritJ
<br />IutnuBeat; and (I:) u, n... to tile pmoa or perIODI JepII)' eaUtIed to it.
<br />ZOo Leader III Pel_I"". Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property. Lender (in
<br />penon. by asent or by judicially appointed receiver) shall be entitled to enter upon, take possession of and maaaae the
<br />Property and to coiled the rents of the Property includlnlthose put due. Any renll collected by Leader or the receiver
<br />shall be applied tint to payment of the cosll of manapment of the Property and coUection of rents, 1ncIudiq, but IlOl
<br />limited to, receiver's fees, premlUJltl on receiver's bondl and reuonable atlomC)'1' fees. and then to the IUIDI secured by
<br />thk Securit, IlIItrument.
<br />21. RecoaM)'IDCC. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. Leader shall request Trustee to
<br />reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Security IlIItrument and all notes evidenana debt secured by tbiI Security
<br />IlIItrumentto Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranly and without cJw&e to the penoa or perIOIII
<br />Ieplly entitled to it. Sucb penon or penoIII shall pay a;ny recordation COlli.
<br />12. ~ T....... Leader. at ill option. may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint aluc:ccllOl' trustee
<br />to any TrUltee appointed hereunder by an Instrument ncordcd In the county in wbicb this Security IDltrument is rec:orded.
<br />Without conveyance of' the Propert" the IUCCCIIOI' tl'Ultee ahalIsucceed to all the title. power and duties conf'cned upon
<br />Trustee herein and by applicable Jaw.
<br />13. ...... rw Node-. Borrower reqUlltl that copieI at the notices of default and uIe be sent to Bonower's
<br />adcInII wbids is the Property AddIeA.
<br />M. ..... to.... SenrttJ .... ~ , If one or IIIOR riden are uccuted by Borrower and ..::arded taptbcr with
<br />this Security Instnaacnt. the covClWltl aacI qreements of each such rider ahalI be incorporated into and shaIJ ..... ud
<br />I~t the coveaants. and qreemenll of tbis Security IlIICrumenl u if the rider(s) were . put of' tbiI Security
<br />IDIUUtIICIIt. [Check applicable bol(CI)]
<br />o Adjustable Rate Rider 0 QIndomlnium Rider 0 2-4 Family Rider
<br />
<br />o OradUlted Paymenl Rider
<br />
<br />o Planned Unit Developmenl Rider
<br />
<br />~ Other(s) [specify] Acknowledgement
<br />
<br />BY SIONING BELOW. Borrower acceplI and IIRCI to the terms and covenanll contained In lhis Security
<br />IlIICrumeat and In aDY rider(s) eucuted by Borrower and recorded wilh il.
<br />
<br />
<br />'j')~'~~~~~g~"'''''-'''''~
<br />,..~;~o:..\1...6b(J&tf.fidv.._.._.(Sa1)
<br />c~ci!5lgen tf ~
<br />
<br />........................................................................................
<br />
<br />STAT!! Of NEBRASkA.
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />CounlY 55:
<br />
<br />On lhi, 14 day of June ,19 88, before me, Ihe undersigned, a NOlary Public
<br />duly commillloned and qualified for said counly. perlOnally came James L. Brodhagen and
<br />Cathy J. Brodhagen, Husband and Wife _u_____u__uu__________ .10 me known to be the
<br />Identical peFlOn(s) whOle name(s) .re ~Ub5Cribed to the foregoing inslrument and acknowledled Ihe execution
<br />lhereof to be their voluntary acl and deed.
<br />Witneu my hand and notariaheal al Grand Island, Nebraska in said countv the
<br />dale aloresald. . .
<br />
<br />:a;mlulo. ....'"
<br />I -....---1
<br />. 1Ir=-=:"
<br />
<br />To TRUSTU:
<br />The undenllnrd Islhe holder of the note or nOles secured by Ihis [)(oed of Trusl, Said lIllle or nOles, Illl!elher
<br />with all olher indebtedneu secured by Ihls D<<d of TruSl. ha"e been paid in full You are hereby dlrt"cled tll cann" '1110.1
<br />note or note. Ind Ihl, Deed of Trust. which are dell"ered hereb)', and III reconlt"), ,,'11 haul wanAnt\, all tht" e'11I1C
<br />now held by you under Ihi. Derd of Trusl 10 lhe Pfnon or persons lelllllly entllled Iherelo,
<br />
<br />.........,.,.~..,.&."..~~....,.".,""
<br />Nolal) "ubll.
<br />
<br />i ,
<br />
<br />fJlle:
<br />