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<br />0'3 1 Hullman and Felton & Wolf, Wallon, He, 68461
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<br />Rdei<. .;.. A~L$/f'I- L.eveRiNg
<br />in con8ideration of ~ ~ f) ()
<br />received from mortgagee, ,does mortgage to
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<br />, herein called the mortgagor whether OD8or more,
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<br />ADd the mortgagor does hereby covenant with the mortgagee l1nd with mortppe'. hein uu1
<br />uaigJU that mortgagor is lawfull). seised of laid premilel, t,hat they are free from eneambraDCe, that
<br />mortpgorhu good right and lawful authority to convey the same, and that mol1pJOr WlU'I'Ult8 uu1
<br />will defend the title to aid premisl!ll against the lawful claims of all penon. who_ver.
<br />Thill mortgage is given to secure the payment of the promiuor)' note of thill da) made by
<br />mortgagorfor. S, f). 06 payable 5" E~/..L ftL fRlf)l eN 1.5' 0"; I) o.I.Jo, (JtJ
<br />
<br />pLu5 r:IJil1I=Jtt,EiT ON :r4Ne 15"~8P3'N"/~Iur;
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<br />/1/ote t<lei U 1I~ e> /0 'Z Jittp~I's.7 flJ.f4/Jle JtvJt>l
<br />
<br />Mortgagor .ball pay all taxe8 IIlId aueumen& le\'ied upon ..id nal property and all other us.
<br />levied 011 this Dlortgllge or the note which this morteage ill gh'en to aeeure before the ..me beeome delia.
<br />quent and Nhllll maintain fire. \\'ilJ(atorm and extended co"erBge iDllUrane. with a mortpp dau. -
<br />tbe buildiugli on Mid JlremiseN in the Bum of . IO(JJ~ If mortpgor fai1a 10 pa111Ueb tasee
<br />and _eu.... or procure luch insurance. mortcaCH may Jla)' IUch taxes and purehue neb ,i...........
<br />and the amount 110 s,inneed with inter..t at nine percl'nt Ilt'r annum aball be .eeured b, dais mClll'tpp.
<br />In calle of default in the payment of tt.e prineillal .um or any iaatallment thereof or of aDl illtere1&
<br />thereon when the ..m. shall beeome due or in eaw of the non-payment of any tlUtea or - 1 -..Pt8 OI'of
<br />the failure to maintain inllurance u herein provided, mortgagee may at the option of mOftlapt!. witJa.
<br />out notice, at any time during the continuance of IIUch default or breaeh, declare the wbole debt Ieeand
<br />by thi8 mortllAP to be immediately due and pa)'ablp and may foreelolC this mort.....
<br />]n the nellt of ,Ipfanlt in the performanee of &ny of the trrma and eonditicma of this mortpp 01'
<br />the 1I0t. secur.d b~' it. th.. mortga((t't' Mhall be entitled to immediate ~ion of the property abcnoe de-
<br />IICribed and alltbl! rentJo. ","I'nut' and income derived therefrom dnring lIIIch time u the mortcaP in-
<br />debtrdnl'. rem.inlt unpaid ahaIl be applied by the mortga~ to the payment of the Dote aDd aU otItw
<br />aumll Ilet'ured hl'reb~' aftt'r deduction of any neCl!ll8ar~' eMU of collection.
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<br />
<br />Dated ~TtlNe JJ
<br />
<br />. .t.~._._----
<br />
<br />
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKR, County of ~J.~_
<br />
<br />19 BS'
<br />
<br />~-.~~I
<br />
<br />~ foregoing Instrument w:.;knOWled9ed before me
<br />
<br />by ..~litb.....c..:~j4.,.teJ.~........ ....,. ... . .'.. '
<br />
<br />,
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<br />
<br />
<br />IJ:at:I
<br />
<br />Signalure of PeTllOn Tak.lng Rcknowledgment
<br />
<br />Title
<br />
<br />BTATB OF NDBASKA, County of ...,....................................................:
<br />Piled for NOOrd and eatered ia Nwaerieal Illde:& on
<br />
<br />~._m......................................~........... at .......,........ o'c]oeJr "'............. M.,
<br />aDd recorded ill Kort.... Jl.eeord ........................, Pace ........................
<br />
<br />Count7 C\ti'k or
<br />1Lt.IAtu 01 f>eedl
<br />
<br />8, .~...........,.......................................",..,
<br />Input, Couoty Clerk or
<br />o.put, a.1iIf8r or DHd.
<br />
<br />~i
<br />
<br />_~......_.,_."..........u.u......... .........-..... .......
<br />
<br />._.1.: :;:,..~::r.:;'(:;'" ,~~':'::r.~II:;'~:-::;' .
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