<br />
<br />88_ 103234
<br />
<br />
<br />25069
<br />
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BVnlESEPRESENTS:Thal Richard D. Alexander and Sherry L. Alexander, each in
<br />his and her own right, and as spouse of each other,
<br />
<br />Mortpgor, whother one or more, in consideration of the IUIII of
<br />Thirty Eight Thousand and no/IOO ---------------------------------------------------OOLLARS
<br />
<br />loaned to llid mortllllor by The Equitable Building and Loan Aanclallon of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgasee, upon 380 sham of $\OCIt of
<br />aid ASSOCIATION, Certifleate No, L 25069 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the foUowing
<br />described real ellate, situated in Hall Counly, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot Seven l7'. Amick Acres Second Subdivision, in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />'"
<br />
<br />tOFlher with all the tenements, he.edllamenu and appurlenances Ihereunto belonging, including attadled lloDr coverinp, aU window saeeDS.
<br />windDw dtades, blind., .tD.m window.. awnings, healillll, air conditioning, and pJumbillll and water equipment and aCl:lSlOries thereto,pumps,Slows,
<br />ref.ige.atan, and other futlu.es and equipment now or hereafter aUached to a. UIId in conneclion with laid real estate.
<br />And wher... the uid mortpgor h.. lIJ'eed and doe. hereby agree Ihat Ihe morlp&or ohaIl and will pay aU tUII and _IS Inied or
<br />aueaed upon uid pre miles and upon Ihis morlpll' and the bDnd secured thereby before the ame WII become delinquent; to fumilb aJlPfOftll
<br />insurance upon the building' on &aid plemises silualed In the .um of S 38,000,00 payable to laid ASSOCIATION IIId to ddmr to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policin for aid insurance; and not 10 commit or permil any waste on or aboul uid premilel:
<br />In cue Df default an Ihe perfDrmance of any of the terms and conditions of thill mortpge or the bond aecwed hereby, lbe IlIlII1ppe 1haII,
<br />on demand, be entilled 10 Immediate pouealon of Ihe mon....d premiles and the mortJllOr hereby aaipll, tranIl'en and illS owr to lbe
<br />monppe all the .ents, .ewn_ and Income to be derived from lhe mortpll'd premises dlUing IUclIIime as the I1llJltPIII indebtedneaa IhaII temalD
<br />unpaid; Ind the mortpgH shall havelhe power 10 appolnl an)' agent or 1genls it may desire for lhe putpOII of repairInB aid premiIeI and rentinl
<br />the ume Ind collecting the renu, revenuel Ind income, and il may payout of laid income aU expenses of repairInJ aid premiaellll4 ~
<br />commilllons and expenln incuned in rentinl and managing the ame and of collectilll rentall therefrom; the balanc:e rellllinlnl. If 111)', to be
<br />app(jed towud the dlschalge of &aid morlpge indebtedneu; these rights of the ma'\p&ee may be exerdlecllt any time durina lbe exilleDce of IUclI
<br />dCrault, irrespective of any temporary waiver of the ame.
<br />'J1Icae PletIlnls. however, lie upon Ihe Cantlllion, That if the aid MartpfDr ohaIl repay aid loan on ar bofore the malurity of said IIwa by
<br />payment ~ pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION of ,he sum specified in the 8<tnd ICcurtd hereby as Interell and prin(ipaI 011 aid loan. on or Wore
<br />lhe Twentielh day of each and every monlh, until said loan II fully paid; pay aU taxes and .....ument. Ievlechpilllt said premisellnd on this Mo......
<br />and the Bond llcumlthereby. befa.e delinquency; furnish .pproved insuranc:e upon thebulldinp thereon in the IUDI ofS 38.000.00 payable
<br />10 uid ASSOCIATION; repay to aid ASSOCIATION upon demlnd all money by it paid for such taXIS. _ntsand in_ with intemtal
<br />the maximum IepI rate thereon from date of payment .11 of which MorlPlDr hereby agreelta pay; permll no wute onuid premiIeI; keep and comply
<br />with a1lthr asreemcnu and conditians of the Bond fa. S 38,000.00 lhla day given by the aid MortpgDt' to uid ASSOCIAnON, and comply
<br />with all the requlremenls of the Constitution and By.Laws of said ASSOCIATION; then \heR preeuI IhaIl become nun and wid, otherwise they
<br />IhaIl remain in fuU forc:e and !IllY be forecloKd at the opllon of Ihe said ASSOCI AnON after failure for three months to make III)' of aid
<br />payments or be three months in Ineus In making said monthly payments, or 10 keep and comply ...ilb the lIJ'eemenu and contlltiolls of said Bond;
<br />and MortJlllOf asren 10 have a receiver Ippointed forthwilh in ouch [oreclolure proceedings.
<br />If there is any change in ownenhlp of the real estale mortgaged herein. by ..Ie or otherwlae, then the entire remaining indelnednea bereby
<br />,_d 1haII, at the option ofThe Equitable Building and Loan Aasoc:iationofGrand Island,Nebraska,beoomeintmedlately due andpqablewitbout
<br />fu!:\hef,1IOlice, and. till! amount remalninl due under aid bond. and any olhe. bond for any additional advances made thereunder. dIaII. fram the
<br />~of ex.ercile of Did option. lieu in.terest atlhe mallimum Iepl rale. and thill mortpge may then be forecloKd 10 utilfy the lIIIIOWlt dill on aid
<br />~;~ any other bond for adtlltional advanc:ea, together with all_ paid by aid The Equitable BuilclJng and Loan ~tion of Gran4 hland,
<br />Nebr... for'lnauranc:e. taxel and _ntl, and abllracting exlellllon charges, with interest thereon, from date of payment at lbe muimum
<br />" 1epI~. ..
<br />AI.PIOVlded in the Bond secured hereby, while IhilI mortpge remain. in effect the mortgasee may hereafter advance additionallWlllto the
<br />maken ,of aid Bond, their auips or IUCCllIOfI in interest, which SUnil ohaIl be within lhe security of thil mortpge the same u lbe funda ori&inaDy
<br />'., tKlIRd"theretly,the total amount of principal debt nol to elllftd al any time Ihe oriaina!lfIKIunt ofthil mort....,.
<br />
<br />'...;.;...~ '" ..Dated. ~."f6 ~ A.D." ..
<br />t.JJ~r . .~lr ~
<br />
<br />;\, Sberry L, Ale.ander
<br />STATI!OPNEBlWiKA.t ..
<br />
<br />On this
<br />
<br />17th
<br />
<br />day of
<br />
<br />June
<br />
<br />19 88 ,before me,
<br />
<br />the undeflisned, I Notary Public in IOd for ..Id Counry, penonaUy came
<br />Riebard D. Ale.ander and Sherry L. Alexander. each in his and her who are ~r~naUyknownla
<br />own riabt. and a. spouse of each other.
<br />lilt to be tlii '*ntlcal penon s whole name s are .mxed to the above instrumenl u mortpaar S Il,d they ......Uy
<br />actncMledp4 the.id i1IIIrumenllo be their voluntuy acl and deed, . //7
<br />W1TNF.SS my hand md Notarial Seal the d..le .foreald. // ,...-, . 7
<br />Illy Commillion explr..// -01 r -/11 /. / /,i ,...,-,' f'/ ", /,,/ .<n
<br />-;..L- ~:/,{''?'''l,,7/ l......._:~,L,"--dT. 'V-~
<br />___w................./ Nal.l)' u k:
<br />....... ICM*4
<br />............. Ill.
<br />
<br />
<br />to I,'" .,
<br />
<br />"
<br />