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<br />88- 103208
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<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 25.066
<br />
<br />KNOW ALL MI!N BY 'D:IESE PRESENTS: Thai Terrence L. Fritz and Patricia K. Fritz, each in his and
<br />her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />
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<br />MorlpJOr. wbe!ber oae or 1IIOI1l, in <DIIIideutioo of the IIIDI of
<br />Forty Eight Thousand and no/100 --------------------------------------------------DOLLARS
<br />
<br />Jouedlo Aid morlPBOr by The Equitable Building and Loan Aaociation of Grand Island. Nebraska. Morlp&l:e. upon 480 dwa of stock of
<br />
<br />IlUI ASSOCIATIOII!, Certificate No. L 25.066 ,do bereby granl, convey and mortpgc unto the aid ASSOCIATION the (oIIowin&
<br />described real CSlate. IIitWltcd in HIU County. Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot Twenty One (21), Block Three (3), Lake Davis Acres Subdivision. Hall County. Nebraska.
<br />
<br />,
<br />;,
<br />
<br />
<br />topthn with III 1M _men". Mredimnml, and appwteDlllCCl lhereunlo heIDDBi"l, inc1ndillll Inached "\>!Ir ~, III wiIMIow -.
<br />window Ihada, blirnk, ..orm windoln. Iwninp. '-lint!. ai, oonditionillll.and plumbint! Ind _Icr "'luipmmlud acoeaorics ~o.plllllpa.atowa.
<br />refripralon. and other IiXlufCll Ind equipmenl now or hereafter Inacllcd 10 or used in oonllCCljon wilh Aid rcaI estIle.
<br />And whcteu the aid mortpaor hu apeed Ind docs hereby agree thai Ihe morlPBOf shall and wiD pay aU tua and _ IC'Iied or
<br />-.t upon said premilel and upon this morlpar Ind the borid ",cu,ed thereby before lhe Dme IhaJI become deliDquent; to fumiah appoIIIlII
<br />insurmclC upon !be buildinp on said premilelllilWlled in the 'um nrs48 , 000.00 payable 10 Did ASSOCIATION and to deIiwr to aaid
<br />ASSOCIATION !be poIiciet for said inRuance; Ind nollo commil or permit any waste on or lboul said premiIea;
<br />In ClIO of deflUlt in lhe performance of any of lhe terms and conditions of thi. morlPF or !he bond ICCURd hereby, the IIIlIrtIIlFC hD.
<br />011 demuad. be ...tilJccl 10 immediate poanaion of lhe morlpaed pmniJes and the morlPlDr hereby uIIipIs, transfers and .... ..- to the
<br />JIIOftIIIIlC Illlhe mill. reven_ and inoome 10 be demed from the m.:;rtpacd p",miJes dwint! IIICh time as the .......... ~ hD ftIIIIia
<br />1IIIpIid: and the mortpaec WU ha.. lhe power 10 Ippoinl any IFnt or 1genll il may desire for the purJlOIC of rcpairiD& aaid premjaa and ~
<br />thD _ and C'OIIectint! the _II. ,...noes and income, and ilmay pay ~ of said income all expcma of repaIriDB Did premjaa and ~
<br />~ and ellJlCDeI incurred in renlint! and IlllDllinllhe same and of co1Jectinl renlals therefrom; !he baJance IeIIIIiDlDa. if ..,. to be
<br />IIIIIIiDd l-..d lhe diIc:harJe of IIid mort... indcblednea; Ihcae riBhl. of 1M DKWtpgcr may be eurclled al any time dllriDl the C1IiItcDce of audI
<br />dCfaull. itmIpecIM of any lemporary WaMr of the ame.
<br />n- "'-II. Itownn. are upon lhe Condition, 1ba1 if the said MortPlDr IhaJI repay aid loan on or before the IIIIturity of IIid .... by
<br />~t; pay .-lhIy 10 Did ASSOCIATION of the aun 'JI"'Cif1Cd in !he lIoDd"""red hereby as intClnt and priDcipaJonDid....,ClllorW_
<br />thD Tweadethday ofead! and nny monlh, until Aid loan is ,idly paid; pay aUtua and__1I Jeyjedapinst Did pemiaellladOlllbla........
<br />aDd the Boad -.cd Ihen:by, hefore delinquency; furnish Ipprowd i_ upon lhe buildinp lhereon in the IWD ofS 48.000.00 payabII
<br />to IIid ASSOCIATION; repay 10 Did ASSOCIATION upon demand aU rnoacy by il paid for sudt taxc1, a_tl and ~ with __ at
<br />the muimum IepI raIe ~ from date of paymenl all of which Morlpp hereby .,ec.lo pay:pennil no WQteon Did ~Pep andClOlllPlY
<br />with aU the ...--tl and condilions of lhe Bond for S 48.000.00 lhis day gi..., by the said Mortpp to aaid ASSOCIATION, ... CIOIItfIly
<br />with aU lhe requireDlC1l11 of the Constitulion and By.La... of aid ASS<X:IAll0N; tho:n thcoe pracnll IhaJI become null and ..,;,s. othenriae they
<br />no remain in full force and may he folCdoled lIthe oplion of lhe aid ASSOCIATION Ifler failure for three moatha 10 IIIIU any of Did
<br />pay_ 01 be three monlhs in lnean in mating Did monthly paymenl.. or 10 kecp and comply with lhe apeemetllland conditioaa of Did 8oad;
<br />ItId MortIaIor ~ 10 ha\oe I rC<lCiwr Ippoinled forthwith in wch foredoaun: ~inss.
<br />If IheJe II any dJanp in owumhip of the rQ) callte morlPl"'i hen:in. by .... or othcrwiae, then the enlire remainiD& iIIdcIII..... ....,.
<br />-.eel no. a'lhe option ofTbe EquiubIc lIuiIdintland Loan ADociation of Grand Idand.Ncbrab........... immediately cIac .....,...witbout
<br />f....... _ice, and lhe IlIIIOUIIt rcmainin& due undet said bond. and any other bond for any additiooaJ adftncea made tbereunda...... fna the
<br />daM 01' norc:iae of aaid option. bear iatcnat lithe muimUID IepI rate. and this IIIOftpF may then be foredoled to IIIiIfr thD...... daB CIII laid
<br />bond.1tId any odIa' boud for additioaaIlIhancca, IOFlher wilh aU IUJIIlI paid by Did The Equillb1e BuiIdinc ItId Lou Aamc:iatioa ofGtmd I"""
<br />NIbnIb fOl u-r-. tua and _. and Ibstraclint! cxlClllioo dwaea. with inlercal thereon. from date of payment It the muimum
<br />IapJ rale.
<br />As proftIcd in the Bond -.cd hcteby, while Ihis mor:IPF remain. in effe<:t the rnortpgec lt1Iy hen:af'tcr Ilhance ..sditionaJ _ to thD
<br />mKen of Did Bond. their uaiprs or ...-.on in inlerest, which IIIIID WU he within the """urily of lhis mor:IPF the lime ..the fuadlOJiBinaDy
<br />__ lhereby. lhe 10lal UJ*IDI of priDcipaJ debt nollo exa:ed II any lime the original amounl of this 1IIOflPF.
<br />IlaItd Ihia 9th day of June A. D., 19 88
<br />-C;"...- ~ "I.A. L, ~'
<br />T p: L.. Fri
<br />
<br />
<br />Patricia X. Fritz
<br />
<br />On lhis
<br />
<br />9th
<br />
<br />da)'of
<br />
<br />June
<br />
<br />1.jI8
<br />
<br />. Wore _~:
<br />
<br />-
<br />
<br />Terrence L. Fritz and Patricia K. Fritz,
<br />Tight and a. spouse of each other
<br />..to'" theidenllcal pc"'. wllDlllllmell are Imud lo!he.booe 0nl I mort....,r S
<br />~ the aaid latt.-allo he the iT ...Iunlal)' act Ind deed, .'
<br />, )
<br />WI1'NP.U lIlY haIld and Notarial SeaJ lhe date Ifore.lIt ~/ _ ".
<br />M,C___e.,.". 9-1-.1'1 ~ _ ?~.-' /) ,k.t- ~
<br />
<br />lJR iIL-:<<1 .(, /.:L 2.Y-~.> ~ ..
<br />
<br />!he uncImiped, I NolaIy Public in and for said COlIIIIy, ....-BY....
<br />each in his and her own
<br />
<br />who
<br />
<br />are
<br />
<br />and
<br />
<br />penoaaUy "- to
<br />they -uy
<br />
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<br />.... ..
<br />